When I paid attention to sportsball I despised Colin Cowherd. This hot take doesn't change my opinion of him, but the more people who begin admitting the truth, even small truths, the more others start to feel safe admitting the same. Maybe not full on standing up to tyranny, but at least raising a hand and saying, "Wait a minute..."
I agree. I do not like with a passion, Colin. I leave the room or put on headphones when my hubby turns his crap on (which is very rate now). There is a sports guy (don't remember his name) he drops red pills left and right, is who my hubby watches now. When I say something, I am a conspiracy theorist, but when that sports guy says the exact same thing, he is spouting the truth! I am grateful my hubby is seeing/hearing things and his eyes are opening very wide. He did thank me for staying strong about no clot shots for our family.
My hubby's never been big into sports, but it usually takes a Dr. Drew or some other talking head he respects speaking on a topic to realize when I'm right about something. Very maddening. And good for him for paying attention when it mattered most.
Wonder if the sports guy your hubby listens to is Jason Whitlock. He's pretty based.
Dr. Drew has been relatively based on his podcasts lately, or at least honest about the medical field when others were too afraid to talk about ivermectin and hcq
That is what I've been hoping for. Hubby's generally a skeptic about most things, but he bought into a lot of the covid stuff and would argue with me about it. For some reason he believes Dr. Drew more than most. He has come around since the early covid days, but maybe steering him back to the Dr Drew podcasts might help bolster his resolve.
He does listen to Whitlock, but it is Clay Travis, MN_patriot named earlier! For the life of me, I just couldn't remember his name. My hubby is a sports fanatic.
I gained a bit of respect for him a few years back, because he actually said on his broadcast that his entire job is to be a troll, and he is very good at it.
I took off for the day after, I know that regardless of results I won't feel like working the next day and will likely be up all night again like last time.
You never know. Sometimes they put out fake polls showing the conservatives in the lead so that conservatives think they don't need to go out and vote because "it's a sure win." Nothing is sure or certain, but I think the deepstate will pull another steal anyway.
When Cowherd stays in his lane, I generally think he makes some good and thought provoking sports takes (usually, but not always). Can't stand his arrogant avalanche of criticism of Rogers and Irvine on the clot shot and similar "takes" out of his lane.
Having said that, this post from him really surprises me. Every bit helps and I think he can reach a group of people that we would have difficulty convincing.
No one of us even has the option to give amensty, as we will doom future generations, even more so than the damage that has already been caused to children. Hard and painful lessons have to be taught here with consequences that last until the end of time itself.
He “ leans left” because he doesn’t want to be called a racist considering he covers sports full of minorities. Another noodle spined wimp
yh i cant stand that poncy weasel shit. Just say you lean right you fucking soyboy
Plus which he's only mentioning the tip of the child-harm iceberg.
When I paid attention to sportsball I despised Colin Cowherd. This hot take doesn't change my opinion of him, but the more people who begin admitting the truth, even small truths, the more others start to feel safe admitting the same. Maybe not full on standing up to tyranny, but at least raising a hand and saying, "Wait a minute..."
I agree. I do not like with a passion, Colin. I leave the room or put on headphones when my hubby turns his crap on (which is very rate now). There is a sports guy (don't remember his name) he drops red pills left and right, is who my hubby watches now. When I say something, I am a conspiracy theorist, but when that sports guy says the exact same thing, he is spouting the truth! I am grateful my hubby is seeing/hearing things and his eyes are opening very wide. He did thank me for staying strong about no clot shots for our family.
Clay Travis probably
YES! That is the guy's name.
My hubby's never been big into sports, but it usually takes a Dr. Drew or some other talking head he respects speaking on a topic to realize when I'm right about something. Very maddening. And good for him for paying attention when it mattered most.
Wonder if the sports guy your hubby listens to is Jason Whitlock. He's pretty based.
Dr. Drew has been relatively based on his podcasts lately, or at least honest about the medical field when others were too afraid to talk about ivermectin and hcq
That is what I've been hoping for. Hubby's generally a skeptic about most things, but he bought into a lot of the covid stuff and would argue with me about it. For some reason he believes Dr. Drew more than most. He has come around since the early covid days, but maybe steering him back to the Dr Drew podcasts might help bolster his resolve.
He does listen to Whitlock, but it is Clay Travis, MN_patriot named earlier! For the life of me, I just couldn't remember his name. My hubby is a sports fanatic.
They're both affiliated with Outkick Sports so the guy you're thinking of may also be affiliated with Outkick.
so he respects a random sports person e's never met over his own life partner? You need to say that to his face and tell him to wake up already.
I hear ya. He hates it when I am right. I do not rub it in.
I gained a bit of respect for him a few years back, because he actually said on his broadcast that his entire job is to be a troll, and he is very good at it.
...We're talking about the sports guy, right?
Color me surprised.
I've never liked him. He always came off to me as a prick.
But I guess that with the size and scale of our enemy, we'll take the ally.
His shtick on television is to be a giant douche. Wouldn't surprise me if this was his way of kicking the hornets' nest for clicks
Stephen A. Smith acts completely differently off-camera, so I believe it.
Colin is in Illinois which will be stolen anyway.
I took off for Tuesday, first time I am going to vote on the day.
I took off for the day after, I know that regardless of results I won't feel like working the next day and will likely be up all night again like last time.
Don't get lazy on Tuesday though, go out and vote even if you think we'll sweep the election.
I don't think there's a single damn person here who is sitting it out.
You never know. Sometimes they put out fake polls showing the conservatives in the lead so that conservatives think they don't need to go out and vote because "it's a sure win." Nothing is sure or certain, but I think the deepstate will pull another steal anyway.
Red wave starts before dawn Tuesday with a big red total lunar eclipse.
"Lean left." These MSM actors don't even know what the left or right are. They just know that the worst thing they can be called is a Republican.
When Cowherd stays in his lane, I generally think he makes some good and thought provoking sports takes (usually, but not always). Can't stand his arrogant avalanche of criticism of Rogers and Irvine on the clot shot and similar "takes" out of his lane.
Having said that, this post from him really surprises me. Every bit helps and I think he can reach a group of people that we would have difficulty convincing.
They will not learn a lesson. In fact, they will continue to double and triple down.
No one of us even has the option to give amensty, as we will doom future generations, even more so than the damage that has already been caused to children. Hard and painful lessons have to be taught here with consequences that last until the end of time itself.
There will be a reckoning.
He is weak and stupid. Cannot stand the guy.