posted ago by MyAquaEyes ago by MyAquaEyes +76 / -1

Be kind to an old lady, okay? =;-> So, Space Force is "very important." Trump said that very, very shortly we are going to be very happy. My thoughts; We have to vote in such a Red Tsunami, it forces them to cheat like never before. Pillow Man is going to live stream the voting results. Space Force is going to monitor it and collect the steal. This made me think of Trump and the Trump family watching the first steal go down in 2020!!

(At first, I thought Space Force might thwart the steal, but that could too easily be wrongly used by the left as election interference.) The military (including Space Force) is going to say, "Well, hold on, there's all this cheating now. This election is compromised. Maybe there was cheating in 2020 (they know there was)." True the Vote and/or others will say, "Great! We've been collecting this information. Here you go!" Two things then happen. A military-conducted and guarded election for the 2020 presidency and the compromised 2022 mid-terms.

I'm just thinking out loud and bouncing this off of you all.