I'd like to know more about this. This is the topic that brought a lot of heat onto Kary Mullis. The long story short is he needed to find a peer reviewed source for the claim that HIV caused AIDS and no one, not even the top experts in the field could provide one at the time. He was ostracized and derided for having the audacity to even ask. At the time he wasn't on some sort of mission to disprove it, he just need to provide the source footnotes for claims made in some academic paper on the topic. That's what ended up getting him labeled an 'AIDS denialist'.
He was very outspoken against Fauci, tried to debate him several times Fauci always refused. He always said his PCR method should not be used to diagnose any disease. He died not very long before the whole covid-geddon nonsense.
If I'm not mistaken, I think there were several top HIV researchers on that flight.
I've heard this several times as wel
Its very true.
I'd like to know more about this. This is the topic that brought a lot of heat onto Kary Mullis. The long story short is he needed to find a peer reviewed source for the claim that HIV caused AIDS and no one, not even the top experts in the field could provide one at the time. He was ostracized and derided for having the audacity to even ask. At the time he wasn't on some sort of mission to disprove it, he just need to provide the source footnotes for claims made in some academic paper on the topic. That's what ended up getting him labeled an 'AIDS denialist'.
He was very outspoken against Fauci, tried to debate him several times Fauci always refused. He always said his PCR method should not be used to diagnose any disease. He died not very long before the whole covid-geddon nonsense.
Kary Mullis was brilliant..I enjoyed listening to him...so intelligent and so smart!
And he said use AZT which was killing them
I said when hiv came out it was man made
He id die on that flight. That is all I could find out about it...
Over Ukraine? Yea, the cabal's headquarters. Sounds like another conspiracy that turns out true.
Too many 17s?
Flight 17
July 17
July = 7th month
2014 = 2000 + 7 + 7
Well, Hitler did love Mengele after all.
Search “mh17 4chan” images.
There was a tonne of research done into this, there’ll be some green texts somewhere but you’ll have to dig.
Do we have hard sauce on that?