I’m going to state the obvious.
DeSantis needs the rigged machines for a primary run against Trump.
That’s why he NEVER talks about them.
Florida provides a “mirage” concerning clean elections. DeSantis has instituted many “reforms” which were essentially nothing more than following the laws that were already on the books, but none of the reforms address “the engine” that makes it all go.
The rigged cheat machines.
The RNC, Paul Ryan, Glenn Youngkin, the Romney/Bush/Cheney factions and the media, including the Daily Wire (Shapiro and Owens), are all getting behind DeSantis.
Patriots, open your eyes.
DeSantis is Ted Cruz 2.0. In 2016, Cruz was the ultimate third railer in Republican politics, and was the establishment’s last ditch attempt to attract conservatives away from Trump.
But his Bush and Goldman Sachs ties were there for anyone with eyes to see.
Both Cruz and DeSantis are masters of conservative incrementalism that “looks good” but in reality, is tantamount to treading water.
And we are so desperate for good news that “treading water” looks glorious compared to the drowning we see in states that aren’t Florida or Texas.
Trump is not in the business of treading water.
He’s in the business of making America great everywhere. https://truthsocial.com/users/professordavidclements/statuses/109320962050356577
The entire reason Maricopa is holding back the monster vote for Kari Lake is so that the media can conduct multiple days of political propaganda warfare between Trump and Desantis to make Desantis look strong and Trump look weak.
If Lake had been announced winner on election night, as she should have been, it would have sucked all of the air out of the propaganda balloon and their fake news on the red wave dissipating would have run dry.
It's all political theater.
Excellent assessment!
If they are trotting it out this hard, it means they lost
I don't know what my Normie friend is watching or Reading...But he is Now Trump Baaaad...Ronnie D Goood....
Which is why I posted this, facts like this help provide clarity.
YES TY!!! Unfortunately ALL the OLD Normies around me WILL not LEAVE FAUX...then they Justify their not leaving due to one or two hosts that they like...although the Network overall is Bad. I dropped them right after they called Arizona in 2020..have not tuned in since. The Old Normies still depend on their TeLL A VISION to inform them.
I don't watch TV. I wish everyone would just unplug.
Agreed x2 ! Even when I do...to sit through the Commercials is VERY Painful!
Fox News. I heard it today from my mom.
DAMN FAUX...!!!!
Ronnie D is either the " Honey Pot" on the other end of Trumps Quick Sand pit...exposing everyone on the RINO side...OR he is as bad as it looks. You never really hear from him saying much about or praising Trump or Making Sure everyone knows he is not running!?!?
Yep, so much he could be doing/saying but isn't. It's important, very, very important.
Trump will let the unipartiists, Pompeo {pres cand.) and Desantis (Pomp's eventual vp), steal the GOP primary? Or has enough been done to out their true goal, to oust Trump. That ticket is being outed as the play of Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy... a "red steal" because they can't arrest Trump. There must be a catalyst event, and in my opinion, it's too early. At the very least, we're set up for primary exposè. 45 didn't carry those documents around the world [Mar a Lago raid] for nothing. He's going to show us what he showed them. Assest acquisition. MBS, Putin, Xi, etc etc etc even Little Rocket Man. Those documents were allegedly with him every step of the way on the world tour.
This is the most important part of the operation in my opinion. We must expose evidence on all insiders who have capitulated with the cabal. Yes, the ones we trust the most.
Honestly these posts are hilarious.
Desantis has done more than Cruz has ever done.
I don't trust anyone blindly. As I've said for probably a year, if Desantis runs against Trump, then we know who he's really running for .
If he doesn't, the rest becomes a hugely moot point. So stop falling into the completely fabricated rift.
Trust your eyes. When you see what he does react accordingly
Anything other than that we're wasting time
Poor response to FACTS man. Don't allow their narrative to be established for the low informed to grab onto.
My response is entirely based on fact of future decisions. You can't be so narrowly informed.
And "The low informed"are going to continue to grab onto legacy media "facts and figures"
Cut them loose
"Fact of future decisions" ??? Crystal ball?
Look:. If Desantis runs against Trump
Our decision is: you like him better than Trump or he's dirty. That's fact
If he doesn't run against Trump and he continues to govern the way he has, it's a complete waste of time and resources to chase the what ifs
Think of all the commie governors running cities and states into the ground and we choose to go after the one governor who actually does something....
Because the media is pushing it....
Trump: "I know more about him than anyone, except maybe his wife." Mentioned her for a reason! Watch the wives!
I didn't see it on her resume but I'll check it out
You don't have a crystal ball, so "fact of FUTURE decisions" is a guess, not a fact.
If Desantis runs against Trump, you will have a decision to make.
That's fact
Don't try to change the subject.
Your statement, "fact of future decisions" is not FACT.
It is an OPINION about the future.
Or, maybe you were not clear in what you were trying to say.
Regardless, the OP's post is an interesting possibility.
Oh, I won't change the subject. I'll turn it to you
Was the ops post pushed as opinion or fact?
Reread it.
Then report back
As will I
My entire point is if Desantis runs, we know the playbook.
That is the Truth!
The only person in politics I trust is PDJT and he's the only one I'll ever trust. I don't worship people like some do. It's ok to be happy when someone like Desantis does the right thing, seemingly. When it seems they are being pushed over and over, it makes me suspicious. I usually walk the opposite direction.
Me too. Popularity, especially when it comes instantly, makes me highly suspicious.
Good post.
Not for nuthin' but I'm a born & raised Floridia cracker (tho lived half my life in Colorado). Here's my take... hope I'm wrong, time'll tell?
Desanctimonious has done nothing exceptional other than upholding our constitutional, God given Bill of Rights. Period. What a hero. Guess it sounds great if you're, unfortunately, in a blue state, but really- what has he done? He's still tip toeing around Roe v Wade, never brings up voter fraud and separates himself from Trump. We know [who] funds him. Who funds him? Think! He's a RINO (aka fraud/Republican In Name Only = RINO). He's owned, which in modern politics means comp'd. He's a politician who went to both Yale and Harvard as a frat boy. Facts. Then off to the Navy for further "training."
Those who think this Trump/Ron feud is all but part of the movie are being sadly misled in my humble opinion. Proof in the puddin' and Ronny's dish ain't chocolate... he's spooning the same ol' crap. Looks good, smells like shit so I refuse to indulge.