That is how it should be. No candidate should concede until all ballots are counted. Why deprive those citizens of uncounted ballots of the integrity of counting their vote? Every citizen's eligible ballot vote should be counted--properly. Then declare the result. To try to call races ahead of that erodes integrity, and thus trust.
Calling the races early is just another example of one of Satan's tools---"hurry, hurry, faster, faster". Satan doesn't want for us to be slower and considerate, accurate and complete. It might cause a growth of patience, which is a quality given and treasured by God. Satan doesn't like that Truth is everlasting and immutable. Often lies and deception accompany speed.
As for me, I can and will wait for the true winners.
Its like when they torture someone to get a confession. Both parties know its not true, but the self betrayal is a special kind of food for these demons.
Good on you Blake. Hopefully Lake will demand a full audit (and done thoroughly) as soon as she becomes Governor and if they stole it from you you'll get the justice so many other candidates never did.
We voted because we love something. We love others. We love our country. The Dems are the most selfish and self-centered people of all time. Think. They want to group everyone together but then vote for the most selfish, individual bullshit policies. Start calling them what they are, SELFISH.
Let's say he was controlled by the bad guys, their modus operandi, is to at this point is to concede, when the sheep are distracted. It's how they roll and Blake isn't a bad guy it seems!
I would love for every vote to be counted live, on camera with anyone who wants to watch, watch.
That's the ticket!
That is how it should be. No candidate should concede until all ballots are counted. Why deprive those citizens of uncounted ballots of the integrity of counting their vote? Every citizen's eligible ballot vote should be counted--properly. Then declare the result. To try to call races ahead of that erodes integrity, and thus trust.
Calling the races early is just another example of one of Satan's tools---"hurry, hurry, faster, faster". Satan doesn't want for us to be slower and considerate, accurate and complete. It might cause a growth of patience, which is a quality given and treasured by God. Satan doesn't like that Truth is everlasting and immutable. Often lies and deception accompany speed.
As for me, I can and will wait for the true winners.
Its like when they torture someone to get a confession. Both parties know its not true, but the self betrayal is a special kind of food for these demons.
This is the way.
Good on him.
Shoot! Ratchet it up a notch and ensure all ballots are certified, authentic...
Right on Blake!
Good on you Blake. Hopefully Lake will demand a full audit (and done thoroughly) as soon as she becomes Governor and if they stole it from you you'll get the justice so many other candidates never did.
We voted because we love something. We love others. We love our country. The Dems are the most selfish and self-centered people of all time. Think. They want to group everyone together but then vote for the most selfish, individual bullshit policies. Start calling them what they are, SELFISH.
And audited (don't concede until audited!!)
Yes. I came here to say this.
He shouldn’t concede period! Audit Audit Audit
Need to scratch this election in AZ and do it over. All paper with identification.
Let's say he was controlled by the bad guys, their modus operandi, is to at this point is to concede, when the sheep are distracted. It's how they roll and Blake isn't a bad guy it seems!