This is sort of my take on it. Back in 2017 when Q first started posting, my initial thoughts were that it would take at least 2 terms to get it cleaned out. I mean, the web was world wide. Every western nation was part of it. And in my mind, even these last 2 years, several of their major plans failed. Covid was never supposed to end. We were all supposed to remain in lockdown. Every single one of us was supposed to have a vaccine. We weren't supposed to be able to travel anymore. And guns were supposed to be banned. Roe v Wade was overturned and went back to the states. That coach in Washington, the SCOTUS rules that he was allowed to pray on the field.
I keep telling people minimum a decade. Even after Trumps second term there might be some left to deal with. And it makes sense. Constant vigilance is the eternal cost of freedom.
I don't think anyone thought it would be removed so easily, but we do assume that operations have been going on for decades behind the scenes to slowly close the trap on the commies and pedos.
Maybe the White Hats were dialing things in. It's like a gunshot.
First shot, you know there was a shot, but you don't know from where. You listen.
Second shot, now you know roughly where it is coming from.
Third shot, you know exactly where it is coming from.
First election (2020) was secretly stolen. Then it was stolen again (2024), but the White Hats had a much closer eye on things and know exactly what happened. Now, while the DS thinks they can do this from now on, the White Hats know exactly what they're doing and can spring an elaborate trap to ensure the full sweep in 2024.
When the dust settles, we may not have much left, but we will have our freedom, with President Trump leading us in to a new and glorious age.
Do it. Getting off forums and social media can help clear your head. There's some bad stuff out there, but there is also a lot of good things happening around us. Don't miss out on those.
Now that I think about it, President Trump did say that 2016 was rigged and that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary. I wish they had begun addressing it then, when the Republicans had control of everything.
They're also telling you to work the polls harder.
I look forward to the day I have MAGA by my side working the polls and we can perform a hand count check of the machine results, and refuse to deliver a non-matching machine count.
Like telling us to vote harder in 2024 with the apparatus still in place. When 2020 was a landslide, when 2022 was a landslide. Stolen
Come on guys, we don't have enough evidence. Not even when the National Guard watched the Election.
Come on guys, we need like 6 more fucking elections man.
Sorry 17, 17 more fucking Elections man.
Meanings. Pedos still run free and steal money from you every check.
largest organized crime ring in human history. Were you somehow under the impression that it would all be removed with a simple button press?
This is sort of my take on it. Back in 2017 when Q first started posting, my initial thoughts were that it would take at least 2 terms to get it cleaned out. I mean, the web was world wide. Every western nation was part of it. And in my mind, even these last 2 years, several of their major plans failed. Covid was never supposed to end. We were all supposed to remain in lockdown. Every single one of us was supposed to have a vaccine. We weren't supposed to be able to travel anymore. And guns were supposed to be banned. Roe v Wade was overturned and went back to the states. That coach in Washington, the SCOTUS rules that he was allowed to pray on the field.
I keep telling people minimum a decade. Even after Trumps second term there might be some left to deal with. And it makes sense. Constant vigilance is the eternal cost of freedom.
I don't think anyone thought it would be removed so easily, but we do assume that operations have been going on for decades behind the scenes to slowly close the trap on the commies and pedos.
Maybe the White Hats were dialing things in. It's like a gunshot.
First shot, you know there was a shot, but you don't know from where. You listen.
Second shot, now you know roughly where it is coming from.
Third shot, you know exactly where it is coming from.
First election (2020) was secretly stolen. Then it was stolen again (2024), but the White Hats had a much closer eye on things and know exactly what happened. Now, while the DS thinks they can do this from now on, the White Hats know exactly what they're doing and can spring an elaborate trap to ensure the full sweep in 2024.
When the dust settles, we may not have much left, but we will have our freedom, with President Trump leading us in to a new and glorious age.
I dont know, I'll give it time.
But I may need a break either way haha.
Do it. Getting off forums and social media can help clear your head. There's some bad stuff out there, but there is also a lot of good things happening around us. Don't miss out on those.
Don't forget the 2018 elections...
Now that I think about it, President Trump did say that 2016 was rigged and that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary. I wish they had begun addressing it then, when the Republicans had control of everything.
They're also telling you to work the polls harder.
I look forward to the day I have MAGA by my side working the polls and we can perform a hand count check of the machine results, and refuse to deliver a non-matching machine count.