Grade 6 there was a widely disliked boy in class that was just a bully to a bunch of people. One day after weeks of complaints to the teacher and nothing happening to him a handful of kids went to the Principal during lunch hour and complained to her. The class came back after lunch and the teacher spent the next 20 minutes proceeding to chastise the whole class for going behind her back and for "ganging" up on the bully.
The moral of the story is choose your venue and method of fighting carefully. When the power structure protects the bullies you might get better results beating the proverbial shit out of the bully after school instead.
Our side doesn't appear to have any balls to do anything serious. In 2020, Trump was POTUS, with full command of the most powerful nation on earth... and let Rome burn.
You can't force board members to certify an election that isn't certifiable due to obvious voting fraud. That itself would be illegal.
Not intended as a dig direct at you, OP, just our side in general & people who say stuff like this:
Seriously; Please stop with comments like these.
Our side just carps & whines and moans endlessly about "right / wrong; morality; legality," etc....
Meanwhile, our enemy just does whatever TF they want, and we let them get away with it by not imposing ANY consequences whatsoever on them.
Do you think for even a fraction of a second that our enemy gives any shits at ALL about the law?
No; all they care about is power; getting it at any cost, holding onto it at any cost.
We will keep losing until we learn to FIGHT.
The only thing they care about is winning - at ANY cost.
Yes got to start fighting just like they do.
Grade 6 there was a widely disliked boy in class that was just a bully to a bunch of people. One day after weeks of complaints to the teacher and nothing happening to him a handful of kids went to the Principal during lunch hour and complained to her. The class came back after lunch and the teacher spent the next 20 minutes proceeding to chastise the whole class for going behind her back and for "ganging" up on the bully.
The moral of the story is choose your venue and method of fighting carefully. When the power structure protects the bullies you might get better results beating the proverbial shit out of the bully after school instead.
Our side doesn't appear to have any balls to do anything serious. In 2020, Trump was POTUS, with full command of the most powerful nation on earth... and let Rome burn.
excellent point.
However, as we see the left has no hesitation when it comes to suing the conservative patriots, and a lot of the times they win these suits.
Crooked Judges!
Yep, obstruction, the word they love to use against Trump or voter suppression.