I believe that the "Carbon" Tax will go the same way. It will be a global tax so will need to be administered by a global organisation e.g. the UN. That central organisation will need to be paid for administering the tax but most of the money will go to poorer countries ostensibly to help them but in reality to buy their votes. That way it can all be "democratic".
Over time, less cash will be sent to poorer countries and more and more will be "overhead". That is how the UN is to become self-sustaining and how the New World Order government will initially be funded.
That is a sober warning for the future. The OP analysis is dead-on and it was well-known that an income-taxed population could collateralize a coming WWI, which is why top rate rose from 1% to 90% in that same decade.
And, u/Inquimous, payroll tax is and has been ruled as a class of income tax, so it needs to be considered all one. And indeed, other excises and tariffs have not lost their indirect force upon the populace one whit.
I'm not confident of the accuracy of the inflation adjustment of this axis, but the base data is good.
Imagine the wealth sitting at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. What a great way to sell products to desperate War torn Nations. Make them, ship them and then allow them to be sunk. Get paid and make them again.
And what did we start doing in the early 1900s that cost so much money? Perpetual war everywhere around the globe, typically undeclared, illegally and unwanted by the people sent to fight and die in the name of "democracy."
I believe that the "Carbon" Tax will go the same way. It will be a global tax so will need to be administered by a global organisation e.g. the UN. That central organisation will need to be paid for administering the tax but most of the money will go to poorer countries ostensibly to help them but in reality to buy their votes. That way it can all be "democratic".
Over time, less cash will be sent to poorer countries and more and more will be "overhead". That is how the UN is to become self-sustaining and how the New World Order government will initially be funded.
Just an idea ...
That is a sober warning for the future. The OP analysis is dead-on and it was well-known that an income-taxed population could collateralize a coming WWI, which is why top rate rose from 1% to 90% in that same decade.
And, u/Inquimous, payroll tax is and has been ruled as a class of income tax, so it needs to be considered all one. And indeed, other excises and tariffs have not lost their indirect force upon the populace one whit.
I'm not confident of the accuracy of the inflation adjustment of this axis, but the base data is good.
Thats not just your idea, that is the plan by the NWO, as it is how the NWO rises as the "UN"
The rich always gets tax breaks like solar panel break, EV break.
And we are still paying all these tariffs, and payroll tax too? That's the real story, the expense.
Why do people use this font on their phones?
Why is it even coded as an option????
Some people like to look at shit ok
Imagine the wealth sitting at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. What a great way to sell products to desperate War torn Nations. Make them, ship them and then allow them to be sunk. Get paid and make them again.
And what did we start doing in the early 1900s that cost so much money? Perpetual war everywhere around the globe, typically undeclared, illegally and unwanted by the people sent to fight and die in the name of "democracy."
War is a Racket.
It's not that the weaIthy make their weaIth because they don'tpay their taxes. It's that they make their weaIth FROM taxes.
Gotta fund that breakaway society.
The groomer font is a nice touch...