Yep. As an average person gains power (Musk, Trump, and others) the evil elites cozy up to them and pretend to admire them. They want them to join into their club, where the global elites can then take over their life. But as soon as one of these up and comers doesn't comform to their agenda, they turn on them, and attack. It's an interesting machine now that everyone can see all of the moving parts.
She is a crazy liberal that attacks fundamental Christian principles. She wouldn't like it if she knew what Jesus said.
Matthew 7:21,23 KJV
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
The fake hate is every bit as genuine as the fake love. So many celebrities do what they do so that other people will think well of them. They're followers, not leaders. Inject a new idea into the social fabric and they'll jump on board to stay popular and relevant.
This is why you don't form opinions about things that matter based on celebrities, salesmen, or politicians.
Agree with all of this. There's a reason why white hats flipped him - he's Trumplike in that he was building up himself as a pop culture icon.. As the link says....a real-life Tony Stark. He's also got the wealth to facilitate white hat operations like taking over a hostile DS/CIA "social media" company.
All of the transhumanism garbage he was pushing before is one of his many sins - my guess is after all this is over, he quietly passes away (executed for his crimes by the white hats) but his "legacy" remains intact publicly facing. And, maybe he was originally a better person before Paypal and black hats converted (as does most everyone who becomes mega wealthy). Musk triple agent?
I'll also go on the record and say that Twitter is being "reformed" only to crumb in the end. Once Twitter's crimes are exposed fully (thanks to Elon), it will go down like the Titanic, which was always the plan. Leftists will flee off to Mastadon or other lefty-havens, but I bet Truth Social comes into play even more, once Twatter is sunk (likely others like FB yet to come)....see Q post:
my guess is after all this is over, he quietly passes away (executed for his crimes by the white hats)
...yeah you're not gonna be getting many Clown Flips with a deal like that.
Do you think spending all of "his" money buying up Twitter was in his plans pre 2018? Undoubtedly he was given a choice under legal threat by Patriots. He is helping usher in Great Awakening.
All of the transhumanism garbage he was pushing before is one of his many sins -
Not even in the top 50. The fact that anons latch on to that as priority one is proof positive we live in a different world than Q. Blissfully ignorant of Clown World hell on Earth.
Do you think spending all of "his" money buying up Twitter was in his plans pre 2018?
Doubtful in my opinion. I think Twatter would have just continued to be used as a DS comms hub and propaganda machine if we were on the "bad" timeline. Regardless of how Twatter was being financed by the DS, I think Musk's black hat role was probably along the lines of helping perfect the Neurolink (??) technology and transhuman/WEF agenda. Given his connections with SpaceX and Starlink, very possible he was helping with Project Blue Beam? Seems like a logical guess, anyway. Very possible we'll see BB deployed by black hats in a last ditch effort as the walls continue to close in.
Undoubtedly he was given a choice under legal threat by Patriots. He is helping usher in Great Awakening.
Yes, exactly. "Work for us and repent your sins and save your soul. Or don't.....and stand before your Creator for judgement, to be thrown into the lake of fire." I think Musk would have just gotten the body double treatment like Biden, had he refused, because white hats needed someone like Trump, but not Trump for optics reasons. Obviously, Patriots know Musk's previous historical intentions whereas we're missing information. Given how satanic Musk's mom, my guess is black turned "white"? I still think he'll stand trial for the crimes he did already commit, but done behind the scenes.
Not even in the top 50. The fact that anons latch on to that as priority one is proof positive we live in a different world than Q. Blissfully ignorant of Clown World hell on Earth.
Wait, what did I miss here? I'm all too acutely aware of Clown World and how nearly everything we touch on a daily basis has been perverted in the eyes of God. Or in the process of actively being subverted. Either way, was Musk involved in more heinous work? Maybe some pedo stuff, given the awkward photo(bomb) with Maxwell? Admittedly, I was never much of a follower of his until I got on this board and the transhumanism stuff was the most discussed.
edit: actually, I just recalled what his baby momma Grimes looks like and yeah.....what a doozy there. Def satanic she is. Wonder if his first born was sacrificed?
Now according to what I see online they weren’t doing actual banking until later in the year, but it being founded is a clear indication money for ops would be movable in new ways soon
Consider in context of clownworld, people brainwashing MK/MS subjects, and rather than the normal ways they get funded, suddenly there’s a new direct way to get money into their pocket.
03/15/1999 Xcom First Major Online Bank. Allows the transfer money more discreetly- Becomes Paypal.
03/31/1999 Matrix Released (Mass Murders glorified by trench coat wearing hackers, many parallels to Tron)
Why has she begun to hate Elon???.....It's because she was told to hate him! She ain't got a vapid thought running through her empty head, but she can parrot what her handlers tell her to say. Kinda like AOC and Kamala, huh?
Guys , You must realize that lithium is one of the most poisonous substance on earth. It kills everything, why do you think the cabal supported it? Also solar panels are highly toxic waste, why do you think they supported it? We have had tech that is ,much better, and clean .Its hard to make money on free, after all infrastructure has been paid for. You must justify the additional 300% markup.
Tell me again why this site is obsessed with what celebrities are doing and saying? If every person that's ever been successful in a satanic town run by satanic Pedos has only been allowed to be successful after being leveraged, then what is the deal with nonstop celebrity news, movie references, movie going motifs of popcorn etc. on this site?
Reminds me of how they treated Trump before he ran compared to after they realized he was going to win bigly!
Yep. As an average person gains power (Musk, Trump, and others) the evil elites cozy up to them and pretend to admire them. They want them to join into their club, where the global elites can then take over their life. But as soon as one of these up and comers doesn't comform to their agenda, they turn on them, and attack. It's an interesting machine now that everyone can see all of the moving parts.
Exactly the same.
The switch has been flipped.
Manchurian candidates in lockstep.
She hates the real Jesus too.
What makes you say that? Just curious if I missed a crazy quote from her or something? Sauce?
She is a crazy liberal that attacks fundamental Christian principles. She wouldn't like it if she knew what Jesus said.
Matthew 7:21,23 KJV Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
"influencers" the definition is in the word itself.
Shut up! I support the current thing.
I see a cat fight coming between her and AOC.
There can only be one.
There also certainly could be none, tho. 🤷♂️
The fake hate is every bit as genuine as the fake love. So many celebrities do what they do so that other people will think well of them. They're followers, not leaders. Inject a new idea into the social fabric and they'll jump on board to stay popular and relevant.
This is why you don't form opinions about things that matter based on celebrities, salesmen, or politicians.
Looks like the love affair is over. Elon is lucky to avoid getting involved with a crazy chick, lol.
Probably the first one he’s ever avoided, but hey, it’s a start. 👍
March 2018 is the Flip date for Elon.
MSM loved him prior to this date. He was involved in a lot of sins. Clowns made him the richest man for a reason.
Any hate on him post March 2018 is suspect. Reconcile the Reddit hivemind switching in lockstep.
Agree with all of this. There's a reason why white hats flipped him - he's Trumplike in that he was building up himself as a pop culture icon.. As the link says....a real-life Tony Stark. He's also got the wealth to facilitate white hat operations like taking over a hostile DS/CIA "social media" company.
All of the transhumanism garbage he was pushing before is one of his many sins - my guess is after all this is over, he quietly passes away (executed for his crimes by the white hats) but his "legacy" remains intact publicly facing. And, maybe he was originally a better person before Paypal and black hats converted (as does most everyone who becomes mega wealthy). Musk triple agent?
I'll also go on the record and say that Twitter is being "reformed" only to crumb in the end. Once Twitter's crimes are exposed fully (thanks to Elon), it will go down like the Titanic, which was always the plan. Leftists will flee off to Mastadon or other lefty-havens, but I bet Truth Social comes into play even more, once Twatter is sunk (likely others like FB yet to come)....see Q post:
u/#q3169 u/#q896
...yeah you're not gonna be getting many Clown Flips with a deal like that.
Do you think spending all of "his" money buying up Twitter was in his plans pre 2018? Undoubtedly he was given a choice under legal threat by Patriots. He is helping usher in Great Awakening.
Not even in the top 50. The fact that anons latch on to that as priority one is proof positive we live in a different world than Q. Blissfully ignorant of Clown World hell on Earth.
Doubtful in my opinion. I think Twatter would have just continued to be used as a DS comms hub and propaganda machine if we were on the "bad" timeline. Regardless of how Twatter was being financed by the DS, I think Musk's black hat role was probably along the lines of helping perfect the Neurolink (??) technology and transhuman/WEF agenda. Given his connections with SpaceX and Starlink, very possible he was helping with Project Blue Beam? Seems like a logical guess, anyway. Very possible we'll see BB deployed by black hats in a last ditch effort as the walls continue to close in.
Yes, exactly. "Work for us and repent your sins and save your soul. Or don't.....and stand before your Creator for judgement, to be thrown into the lake of fire." I think Musk would have just gotten the body double treatment like Biden, had he refused, because white hats needed someone like Trump, but not Trump for optics reasons. Obviously, Patriots know Musk's previous historical intentions whereas we're missing information. Given how satanic Musk's mom, my guess is black turned "white"? I still think he'll stand trial for the crimes he did already commit, but done behind the scenes.
Wait, what did I miss here? I'm all too acutely aware of Clown World and how nearly everything we touch on a daily basis has been perverted in the eyes of God. Or in the process of actively being subverted. Either way, was Musk involved in more heinous work? Maybe some pedo stuff, given the awkward photo(bomb) with Maxwell? Admittedly, I was never much of a follower of his until I got on this board and the transhumanism stuff was the most discussed.
edit: actually, I just recalled what his baby momma Grimes looks like and yeah.....what a doozy there. Def satanic she is. Wonder if his first born was sacrificed?
"Consider what was going on in banking at the time.
Now according to what I see online they weren’t doing actual banking until later in the year, but it being founded is a clear indication money for ops would be movable in new ways soon
Note mention of Elon Musk at Wharton School. Trump, Warren Buffet, and Mars CEO went there.
Consider in context of clownworld, people brainwashing MK/MS subjects, and rather than the normal ways they get funded, suddenly there’s a new direct way to get money into their pocket.
Why has she begun to hate Elon???.....It's because she was told to hate him! She ain't got a vapid thought running through her empty head, but she can parrot what her handlers tell her to say. Kinda like AOC and Kamala, huh?
Tesla is OUR car now! Haha!
Who is Alyssa Milano and why should I care?
Child actress who starred with John Stamos and Judith Light in some dumb sitcom comedy. Now she thinks she’s special.
Ah. Thought she was like a pornstar or something. 😂
Worse, also co-starred in "Charmed", a TV series about 3-4 sisters who were witches.
Yes, I remember although I always refuse to watch stuff like that.
Agree. Not a good thing.
Why the change of opinion? He stopped being a democrat.
And why did he stop being a Democrat?
Guys , You must realize that lithium is one of the most poisonous substance on earth. It kills everything, why do you think the cabal supported it? Also solar panels are highly toxic waste, why do you think they supported it? We have had tech that is ,much better, and clean .Its hard to make money on free, after all infrastructure has been paid for. You must justify the additional 300% markup.
She's should be institutionalized.
Tell me again why this site is obsessed with what celebrities are doing and saying? If every person that's ever been successful in a satanic town run by satanic Pedos has only been allowed to be successful after being leveraged, then what is the deal with nonstop celebrity news, movie references, movie going motifs of popcorn etc. on this site?
Who’s the Bitch
It’s a terrible show.