HOAX OR HORROR? Two More Streamers Suffer "Sudden Illness" and Collapse on Livestream - Are People Seeing Something Evil Chasing...
*GRAPHIC WARNING* In a now-viral video, a Korean streamer suddenly collapsed during a live stream with his friends. The incident was captured during a live stream on afreecatv, short for “Any FREE broadCAsting,” a Korean video streaming service that uses p...
Theory about why all these deaths are preceded by looking around as if they see something horrible: Perhaps the vaxx'es all affect one particular part of the brain, the part that receives visual input as well as a part that controls autonomic reflexes. First their injured brain "tells them" that some dark, evil thing is in their periphery vision, just as the autonomic system begins to shut down breathing, heart beat, and other functions. The fact that they mostly seem to be having spasms suggests that their brain functions are TRYING to function properly, but cannot...and then death follows.
Just my theory. Autopsies should definitely look at the brain in these people.
There is definitely a pattern: the victims all look up and behind, then spin round in the same direction.
i saw one where dude saw something in his periphreal vision, started spinning and swatting at something in front of him like he was being attacked by a bunch of birds or bats and then collapsed. strange.
Circling seizures.
It's a type of seizure.
They were known but not that common until now.
Abstract Twelve cases with circling seizures are presented with their clinical, electroencephalographic and radiological findings. Four patients had symptomatic partial epilepsy, five had cryptogenic partial epilepsy, and the remaining three had idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Three of the patients with symptomatic partial epilepsy had frontal lesion, and one had parito-occipital lesion. Turning direction had no lateralizing value in patients with partial epilepsy. Based on our study we conclude that circling seizures may occur in different epileptic syndromes and epilepsies. In cases with symptomatic partial epilepsy, lesions are mostly located in frontal lobes but also in parietooccipital areas.
Thanks for finding this. Perhaps this symptom, now that it's known, could be yet one more side effect (out of hundreds that have already been identified) of the CV-19 so-called "vaccines." What have [THEY] unleashed on the human race?
yeah, the brain being so sensitive, I'd bet this is a clot that occurs in one hemisphere, offsetting the blood balance to the ear, and leading to the natural head tilt and feelings of imbalance. I'd bet it almost feels like something is forcing the person more and more to rotate, which could be why they point? but the optic nerve suggestion makes sense too, a kind of cascade effect of the clot
It's simple. It's the mark of the beast and they are seeing Satan.
I think it's that or demons.
It could be the vaxx has clotted visual parts of their brain..or even the optic nerve itself...but I'm more inclined to think it's in the brain itself.
It probably affects the "blind spot" of your eyeball where your optic nerve is and that causes people to maybe see something in their peripheral... I donno, maybe a dark area..dark blobs..or maybe even a bright light in that area.
It would look like something was behind you just out of your visual reach..so you keep turning to 'catch up' to it. Then the clot causes a stroke-like seizure.
If any of these people survived, it would be helpful to ask them what they actually saw before convulsing.
I've seen a number of these. The comments on this video is that S Koreans love horror, implying its a hoax. However, in two other videos the afflicted people fell under oncoming trains so definitely not a hoax, unless the videos were doctored.
Gee, I wonder what it could be.
Reminded me of Napoleon Hill's Outwitting The Devil. There's a passage where "The Devil" talks about claiming 98% of souls because they die with fear or doubt in their hearts and minds, and that only those who have made peace may pass beyond his reach (to God) or something.
These people are having sudden & massive hemorrhagic or embolic strokes & resultant brain stem herniation. The turning & looking blurs into "hearing a pop" (artery blowing out) & seizure onset due to sudden massive neurological disruption. I have had a survivor tell me that it was like someone had hit them with a narrow faced hammer
Looks like epilepsy. There are different types:
This one looks more similar with a hand gesture:
Not everything is caused by the vaccines. Use discernment.
Are these genetic? If so, mRNA could trigger what was incipient??