If you consider yourself 'Awakened', you should be familiar with this pending SCOTUS case.
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Don't hold too long, not at precipice yet. People have to see things get bad.
I don't know.
The Precipice thing has been severely latched on to because, I think, folks have needed to somehow quantify or justify the Plan not unfolding as they expected. There is a real desire to have some sort of timeline, to have some sense of if, when, and for that reason, "The Precipice" has become a hook to lay the reasoning on.
"We're not at the precipice yet."
Q referred to the precipice in 4 drops:
But we should note:
Already, in post 2254 Q stated "We are at the precipice". So what does this mean?
Also, opinion: I think we are most certainly already at the precipice. I don't think the precipice is an incident, or event, but is a state of being. And in many ways, we're already there.
Q referred to the precipice with a nod to the film The Day the Earth Stood Still. In some ways, humanity has been at the precipice for decades now.
It's just an opinion, but I wouldn't place a lot of emphasis on being either at or not at "the precipice", because how are we to really know? There are a lot of people at the precipice as we speak. What defines "the precipice"? Q does not offer a definition. All Q is pointing out is that the people need some stimulus to discover their inner strength, will, to change.
I think that's an ongoing process. We're at the precipice, but there might be a LOT of tottering to happen while everyone wakes up.
Anyway, random thoughts.
I agree, I think you can only know the precipice after it's reached.... looking back at historical events. And even then everyone after us will claim 'this' or 'that' was IT. And they'll all be somewhat correct as the precipice for everyone living it will be different events.
Well stated anon. Each individual will have their own precipice, no doubt.
Strictly speaking of societies and populations, it wouldn't take much to spur America. Shit, a repeat of the 70s gas crisis would do it. Or, it doesnt even have to be gas.... Cant buy cigarettes, booze, gas, groceries, etc? That'll cause the normie working class silent majority to go postal!
After all, the only reason they haven't went all torches and pitchforks is they've had the underlying support of routine/survival to fall back on...
"Wait... So gas is $10 a gallon, it's rationed, there's no vices for me to purchase to relieve stress... And even if I could at least work and provide an income for my family I can't because I spent all day attempting to buy gas, smokes, etc so I could keep on keeping on in the labor/tax slave system? Well... Time for torches!"
Turn off the part of the machine that keeps the working class repeating their routine and then you'll see the public at the precipice faster than Creep Joe's leg hair turning blonde at a Summer pool party.
We keep talking about economic and authoritarian precipes but what about the physical precipes that our bodies can endure with all the weapons being used against us.... poisoning our food and water, chemtrails, fluoride, 5G, vaxes.......
I agree, the precipice has been reached by many, some are saying we need complete economic destruction like Venezuela. I don't believe that at all. The chess pieces had to be moved into place. Twitter was a main piece allowing the left narrative to be countered, now there will be a steady drip drip drip of red pills. A major drop will trigger a shutdown of all media, but the steady drip makes it extremely difficult for them to counter.
I think there has already been the drip, drip, drip.
I suspect that what we are on the precipice of is a fire hydrant of volume. It will build and build, but I think the drip phase is probably over.
Take a listen to the first 40 minutes (especially between the 20min/45min mark) of Defected #4 (Just Human and Burning Bright) - they discuss this topic, about twitter specifically. I like the way they think.
I don't think there will be economic destruction like Venezuela either. But I know the economy and market will crash big time, there is irrefutable evidence that we are headed for a major crash.
Based on the EO stating that the DS assets are to be confiscated, how do you think that plays out? Q talks about a restructuring, I'm thinking of it sort of like a monopoly game, where near the end someone has all the assets, but someone steps in and says hey you cheated, you need to give the money back.
It is different for everyone. I am at the precipice financially especially with my business. Personally, health and spiritually I continuing to grow and trust God's plan no mater what happens on the financial end, especially since it is just a form of slavery anyway. I would prefer whatever happens to happen sooner rather than later.
very thoughtful comment, Frac
:) what does that mean?
Plan unfolding as expected. People have taken opinions Nd guesses and tried to enshrine rhem in the plan. The plan is the plan and Q was clear, we don't know it.
Just not as WE (general) expected.
In other words, agreed.
This is a way for ther deepstate to lull people into inaction. "You think it's bad? Not yet, wait for the precipice. We said there would be a precipice."
Next thing you know you've got top bunk at camp FEMA.
I think I've heard that a million times. The problem is, if the plan is to lull us into inaction, why did Q cause so many people to wake up to the corruption? A public awake is their greatest fear.
It's a good question. I woke up without Q and maybe it was just happening anyways. Maybe Q was some autistic genius who knew a lot but ultimately no arrests ever happened. I think trump found out later on about Q and he likes being popular so he started participating and syncing his posts with Q dates. I sure hope I'm wrong but so far the result of Q seems to keep people relatively calm and not taking action whereas maybe without his posts people would have Hobbs head on a pike by now. Wake people up because it was happening anyways in exchange for inaction. Maybe that's what the geniuses at the think tank came up with. I mean no one has been arrested and no election has been overturned and a lot of the military got gutted during Obama's time.
I suspect it was a CIA crafted psy ops. They have tons of experience with all kinds of psy ops which have been implemented here and overseas.
Keep people calm and placated by creating this idea and movement where there are super secret and powerful white hats within all of the government and they are secretly working on taking down the bad guys.....but you don't see it or hear about it.....and everything bad that happens is actually good because "you're watching a movie" and "trust the plan, it had to be this way."
You can keep people believing for decades using this formula. Especially with all of the nuances such "oh, you don't see anything yet because all the normies have to be woken up first."
And here we are with 3 stolen elections, a sick and dying economy where thousands are losing their livelihoods each day, we are getting poorer, the globalists are growing more powerful and richer, people are dying, political prisoners have been rotting away for years in jail, zero arrests of any notable corrupt leadership have been made, etc.