While I understand what you meant, I can see how people could read the album sales as followers and concert attendees as votes, as it lines up in terms of "online vs real life". Reading it that way makes it look like you're calling Lake suspicious for underperforming Hobbs based on their follower ratios.
I would question 1M album sales for her regardless. As for the show - nah. I figure there are 10 people out there confused enough to think it would be some sort of a Catholic concert.
That reminds me - The new Weird Al movie Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is pretty good. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) is Weird Al, and Evan Rachel Wood plays Madonna. The movie is hilarious and absurd. Madonna actually ends up as a drug lord after she kills Pablo Escobar. Note - she dates Al in the movie so he will write a parody of her songs because she isn't selling enough albums... Good Times.
I've lived in AZ for over 50 years. I've been all over the state. Katie Hobbs is very far left. There is no way that all of a sudden, a solid red state flips to extreme blue.
I lived in Maricopa County, AZ for six years. My friends (there) always said that the Secretary of State always had the inside track to become Governor. Now I know why. Before moving there, I always wondered how Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano became Governor of AZ, now I know - election fraud has been going on in AZ for a long time.
Doesn't really matter, unless something is done about stolen elections, Hobbs won, doesn't matter if it was stolen or not, the outcome is the same as if she won legitimately.
If you don't hold them accountable for the theft, they will continue to steal.
I’m doing my part by voting but that’s my fear. That my vote won’t matter because they will steal it again. My only consolation is that I’ve been watching Hulu and every single commercial break has an ad for Warnock. It’s not pleasant to watch but makes me think that they at least feel the need to advertise. I’m not holding my breath though.
Why doesn’t the Lake camp just not concede and then start bringing out evidence and telling people the truth? Start arresting people and make the others turn evidence on the others. It’s like no one wants to do anything to make a stand, I don’t get it. All this outrange, yet nothing is happening, it makes us look like we’re a bunch of idiots screaming into the wind.
At this point, I don’t even know what our side is doing. I see all these videos of people talking and accusing the other side of fraud, but no one is being arrested, no one is coming out as a whistle blower, just nothing. I don’t get it.
But... the democrats have the younger generations of voters and single women wanting to murder babies crowd. Surely they have not heard of Twitter yet.
Tammany Hall was a political force in New York City from its 1789 inception as a benevolent association to mayoral campaigns in the 1950s. Frequently its leadership was identical to the Executive Committee of the local Democratic party, and it was a major or controlling faction in the party in 1821-1872 and 1905-1932. Key Tammany bosses through the years included William M. Tweed, Richard F. Croker, and Charles F. Murray.
Although its name was synonymous with corruption to many, Tammany Hall’s popularity and endurance resulted from its willingness to help the city’s poor and immigrant populations. Irish immigrants forced Tammany Hall to admit them as members in 1817, and the Irish thereafter never lost their tie with it. Because in the 1820s Tammany successfully fought to extend the franchise to all propertyless white males, it was popular with the working class. A close association with the Democratic party was also forged in the Jacksonian era.
Tammany’s decentralized organization enabled ward leaders to act as advocates for individuals when they had difficulties with the law. A criminal judge, for example, appointed or kept in office by Tammany Hall would have to listen carefully to a local ward leader asking for a suspended sentence in a particular case. Later, the hundreds receiving Tammany Hall assistance with problems or baskets of food on holidays would show their gratitude at the polls.
If lefties can't even bring out support for each other on "their" platforms, why should believe they outperformed in an actual election?
These social media sites are supposed to be their controlled safe havens, but even there they can't get any support, while the suppressed MAGA conservatives outperform them in spite of the suppression they face.
Its crazy how there's such a empty chamber of support by these people and yet the normies haven't woken up to complete steals of their rights, freedoms, and their republic. On the flip side it shows how many red pilled pissed off people are on our side ready to cause havoc in the streets when the banner is risen.
If Madonna sold a million albums then 10 people turned up to her show, would you not question the album sales figures.
This should not be downvoted.
While I understand what you meant, I can see how people could read the album sales as followers and concert attendees as votes, as it lines up in terms of "online vs real life". Reading it that way makes it look like you're calling Lake suspicious for underperforming Hobbs based on their follower ratios.
I would question 1M album sales for her regardless. As for the show - nah. I figure there are 10 people out there confused enough to think it would be some sort of a Catholic concert.
That reminds me - The new Weird Al movie Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is pretty good. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) is Weird Al, and Evan Rachel Wood plays Madonna. The movie is hilarious and absurd. Madonna actually ends up as a drug lord after she kills Pablo Escobar. Note - she dates Al in the movie so he will write a parody of her songs because she isn't selling enough albums... Good Times.
I've lived in AZ for over 50 years. I've been all over the state. Katie Hobbs is very far left. There is no way that all of a sudden, a solid red state flips to extreme blue.
They stole it, we know it.
in your face fraud all over..........but there is no evidence...according to the swamp rats
11,000 Facebook follower and following ZERO... Nothing from dems is real except criminality.
I don't follow anyone on fb lol
You shouldn't have a Facebook
Time for Arizona to take it to the streets!
I lived in Maricopa County, AZ for six years. My friends (there) always said that the Secretary of State always had the inside track to become Governor. Now I know why. Before moving there, I always wondered how Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano became Governor of AZ, now I know - election fraud has been going on in AZ for a long time.
Doesn't really matter, unless something is done about stolen elections, Hobbs won, doesn't matter if it was stolen or not, the outcome is the same as if she won legitimately.
If you don't hold them accountable for the theft, they will continue to steal.
Same thing will happen to Walker in Georgia.
I’m doing my part by voting but that’s my fear. That my vote won’t matter because they will steal it again. My only consolation is that I’ve been watching Hulu and every single commercial break has an ad for Warnock. It’s not pleasant to watch but makes me think that they at least feel the need to advertise. I’m not holding my breath though.
If Kari Lake loses, this country is done.
When are people going to understand that they cannot trust electronic data. If a human made a machine then there are flaws that can be manipulated.
The trouble is with Hobbs and the rest of her Dem commies is that stealing an election is just as good to them as winning an election.
Why doesn’t the Lake camp just not concede and then start bringing out evidence and telling people the truth? Start arresting people and make the others turn evidence on the others. It’s like no one wants to do anything to make a stand, I don’t get it. All this outrange, yet nothing is happening, it makes us look like we’re a bunch of idiots screaming into the wind.
Have they ever accounted for the missing 291,000 votes?
At this point, I don’t even know what our side is doing. I see all these videos of people talking and accusing the other side of fraud, but no one is being arrested, no one is coming out as a whistle blower, just nothing. I don’t get it.
These exact type of numbers was when I knew Trump would beat Hillary Clinton.
She claimed she would win because she had the young people, the internet generation.
I don't remember their numbers but Trump was like literally 10x bigger on Facebook.
Trump: so, you too?
the comies have no other tricks they just bet everone will be too selfish to give a damn.
Weird. Just like Biden.
Hid inside, didn't debate, considerably less followers online (yes this is an indicator, it indicates public and social exposure) .... yet he won lol.
Same as Trump vs Biden youtube subscriber count (This was on October 10, 2020)
To be fair, most dead people aren't on social media.
Let's go! Do it!
But... the democrats have the younger generations of voters and single women wanting to murder babies crowd. Surely they have not heard of Twitter yet.
Point taken, but these days from follower counts can be easily manipulated and aren’t a good judge of anything
What's the quote? Something like it doesn't matter how many votes you get, it matters who's in charge of counting the votees
Boss Tweed AKA William M. Tweed said it first.
"As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about It?"
Other quotes from Boss Tweed -
"I don't care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating."
"The way to have power is to take it."
"I don't care a straw for your newspaper articles, my constituents don't know how to read, but they can't help seeing them damned pictures."
Tammany Hall was a political force in New York City from its 1789 inception as a benevolent association to mayoral campaigns in the 1950s. Frequently its leadership was identical to the Executive Committee of the local Democratic party, and it was a major or controlling faction in the party in 1821-1872 and 1905-1932. Key Tammany bosses through the years included William M. Tweed, Richard F. Croker, and Charles F. Murray.
Although its name was synonymous with corruption to many, Tammany Hall’s popularity and endurance resulted from its willingness to help the city’s poor and immigrant populations. Irish immigrants forced Tammany Hall to admit them as members in 1817, and the Irish thereafter never lost their tie with it. Because in the 1820s Tammany successfully fought to extend the franchise to all propertyless white males, it was popular with the working class. A close association with the Democratic party was also forged in the Jacksonian era.
Tammany’s decentralized organization enabled ward leaders to act as advocates for individuals when they had difficulties with the law. A criminal judge, for example, appointed or kept in office by Tammany Hall would have to listen carefully to a local ward leader asking for a suspended sentence in a particular case. Later, the hundreds receiving Tammany Hall assistance with problems or baskets of food on holidays would show their gratitude at the polls.
Yep... an old Stalin quote, repeated by that criminal piece of shit acting as President (Yes, he did repeat it)...
social worker....
yeah no one voted for it
But math is racist!
If lefties can't even bring out support for each other on "their" platforms, why should believe they outperformed in an actual election?
These social media sites are supposed to be their controlled safe havens, but even there they can't get any support, while the suppressed MAGA conservatives outperform them in spite of the suppression they face.
Its crazy how there's such a empty chamber of support by these people and yet the normies haven't woken up to complete steals of their rights, freedoms, and their republic. On the flip side it shows how many red pilled pissed off people are on our side ready to cause havoc in the streets when the banner is risen.