FYI: Former Sec. of Defense Chris Miller just created a new twitter account as of Nov. and was linked to by Ezra Cohen on 12/4 with this tweet:"Replying to @IrregWarfare Step #1: Abide by Section 922. Establish statutorily required civilian control of SOCOM, , as implemented by @CMillerTIgerHwk ?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

My spidey senses are tingling a little, just because these seem to be the key players. Irregular Warfare? Special Operation Forces? I'm thinking there may be something here to dig into or there may be something soon.
Ezra Cohen's reply was in response to: Irregular Warfare Initiative
"Dec 4 Ep30 of @IrregWarfare Pod, "Back to the Future: Resetting SOF for Great Power Competition" is now on YouTube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GBWD0RO4Luk
remains highly relevant almost 1.5 years later "
Understand SOF is not SF. SOF is Special Operations Forces aka JSOC - CAG (Delta), 160th Nightstalkers, The Activity, DEVGRU and some other elements which comprise tip of the spear. In my estimation, these are the men (and some women) in the shadows fighting the kinetic aspect of 5GW. The realignment probably put them under direct control of the President in Exile under devolution, the PEADs, and COGON protocol.
This is spicy!
Hilarious! This post has 65 upvotes at the moment and it shows that Chris Miller has 502 followers at the time this was posted. I just went to Twitter to follow Chris Miller and it shows he now has 588 followers. I'm guessing a big chunk of the upvoters here did the same thing I did. I love you people! :)
I am willing to bet he is referencing FY 2021, as enacted during SecDef Millers tenure.
FY 2021
H.R.6395 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Sec. 922. Clarification of Space Force and Chief of Space Operations authorities.
Pg 420 here -> https://www.congress.gov/116/plaws/publ283/PLAW-116publ283.pdf
I think I tracked it down, but unfortunately it is on a lawyer/political/lib (NYU based) website..
"Section 922 of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act directed, among other things, that SO/LIC report directly to the Secretary on administrative, readiness and organization, resources and equipment, and civilian personnel matters and that the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) work through SO/LIC on these issues."
Following TIgerHwk, will report any habbenings
I just rejoined twitter and followed Ezra and Miller for same reason.
Any guarantee that that's him? Kinda odd that the "I" in "Tiger" is capitalized.
I follow Mary Grace on Truth and she had comments that linked me to this. Here is the Truth post where Mary Grace says, "ECW linked to it in a tweet two days ago. Legit af"
And Yes. I find the capital I strange and what is Tiger Hawk? I find no direct info other than he is a Green Beret and they have Tiger strikes on uniforms/aircraft. But no info on "tiger hawk".
FY 2022
S.1605 — 117th Congress (2021-2022)
No Section 922
FY 2021
H.R.6395 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Sec. 922. Clarification of Space Force and Chief of Space Operations authorities.
FY 2020
S.1790 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Sec. 922. Limitation on consolidation of Defense Media Activity.
FY 2019
H.R.5515 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Sec. 922. Analysis of Department of Defense business management and operations datasets to promote savings and efficiencies.
FY 2018
H.R.2810 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Sec. 922. Manner of carrying out reductions in major Department of Defense headquarters activities pursuant to headquarters reduction plan
FY 2017
S.2943 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)
Sec. 922. Organization of the Department of Defense for management of special operations forces and special operations.
FY 2016
H.R.1735 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)
No Section 922
Where did Ezra link that?
Sorry. Trying to throw this together quick. It was on his(Ezra's) twitter feed. ..
I'm a little confused:
Ezra said "Step #1: Abide by Section 922. Establish statutorily required civilian control of SOCOM, as implemented by @CMillerTIgerHwk
SOCOM = Special Operations Command
But none of the Sec. 922s referenced by @TrappedInBlueState (here) really say that?
Is there a special Section 922 we are not privy to?
I’m at a loss also. I keep thinking there’s something here, but I can’t figure it out.
FY 2021 - Sec. 922. Clarification of Space Force and Chief of Space Operations authorities.
Space Force > all?
Or FY 2017 - Sec. 922. Organization of the Department of Defense for management of special operations forces and special operations.
Or both?
Yeah It has me wondering if there was a SECOND FY 2022, (as in the real president's office) that DID have a Sec. 922
Maybe. Some years they do a second ndaa. Usually in December
For those of you just tuning in, here's a good highlight of Miller's significance. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/acting-secretary-department-defense-chris-miller-thanks-vp-pence-efforts-complex-military-operation-history/
Green berets were originally chartered to help Americans overthrow an foreign insurgencyof America. We got plenty of practice in foreign lands but the design was for these men to use their skill here to save the United States. President Kennedy chartered them.
Interesting to peek at who he follows. Almost all military accounts with a sprinkle of political...
Interestingly enough for the 2022 NDAA there is no section 922. 2017 - 2021 there was a section 922. In 2016 there was no section 922.
Also, https://qalerts.app/?n=922
I can’t find where Ezra’s comment “ Establish statutorily required civilian control of SOCOM, as implemented by @CMillerTIgerHwk.“ fits in. SOCOM= United States Special Operations Command. And linking to irregular warfare video sounds to me like devolution or law of war manual stuff.
COGCON. Government in exile. Devolution. Law of War. PEADS. It seems to me these things are implicated by that statement.
SecDef Taking the Reins of SOF is Not a Coup, It’s Law by Steve Balestrieri Nov 19, 2020
"On Wednesday, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller ordered the top civilian overseeing the military’s special operations command to report directly to him. This long-overdue effectively brings the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) on par with military departments per authority from the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act.
Miller made this announcement when visiting Fort Bragg, NC, the home of the Army’s Special Operations. It was his first official visit as the acting secretary since taking over the office on November 9 after President Trump fired Secretary Mark Esper.
This announcement is the first step toward making the assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict [ASD (SO/LIC)], a service secretary-like position responsible for the oversight and advocacy of the military’s special operations forces, said Miller.
Miller said he hopes that in the future Congress will elevate the ASD (SO/LIC) position to an undersecretary of defense level. He specified that he lacks the authority to do so. Before his announcement, the ASD (SO/LIC) reported to the defense secretary through the undersecretary of defense for policy, the de facto number three civilian in the Pentagon.
Ezra Cohen-Watnick is currently the ASD (SO/LIC) role on an acting basis. Miller had briefly served in that position on a temporary basis earlier this year, as well.
“I also want to highlight that this particular change has been analyzed, debated and refined over the course of the past 30 years, Miller said.
Miller’s announcement on Wednesday finally aligns the Pentagon with what Congress had ordered in the FY2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) during the Obama administration. Congress’s intent was for the ASD (SO/LIC) position to be a service secretary-like job and report directly to the defense secretary “for issues impacting the readiness and organization of special operations forces, special operations-peculiar resources and equipment, and civilian personnel management.”
However, SOCOM and the Pentagon had made little, if any, progress on the order since it was given for the FY2017 NDAA. In late October 2019, this prompted members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to write to then-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper calling out the Pentagon’s feet dragging on this matter. Specifically mentioned in the letter was the need for “civilian oversight and advocacy for Special Operations Forces. “A copy of that letter can be read here.
In the letter, members of Congress urged Esper and the Pentagon to speed up the elevation of the position in its fiscal year 2020 NDAA. Esper replied last year to Congress saying that the Defense Department was making progress on the ordered changes."