I always knew him shitting on Q was a ploy. This entire thing is a coordinated effort to steer the US to the right, we are watching a movie, prove me wrong
You don't just decide one day you're no longer Mossad.
The same Mossad who operated Epstein Island. They tend to get kompromat on their agents to prevent them from just deciding they don't want to be an agent any longer.
I think the premise is that Q saying Poso is Mossad would be disinfo in this instance. Not saying I think it is one way or the other but debate as to what could have been disinfo in the Q drops is always ongoing.
yeah & I think we are now in the: "save Israel for last" TImeline Are Poso & AJ really Mossad as Q said or was Q saying that as part of the disinfo op. They are both more visible now..... interesting.....
I always knew him shitting on Q was a ploy. This entire thing is a coordinated effort to steer the US to the right, we are watching a movie, prove me wrong
Q said Posobiec is Mossad.
You don't just decide one day you're no longer Mossad.
The same Mossad who operated Epstein Island. They tend to get kompromat on their agents to prevent them from just deciding they don't want to be an agent any longer.
I think the premise is that Q saying Poso is Mossad would be disinfo in this instance. Not saying I think it is one way or the other but debate as to what could have been disinfo in the Q drops is always ongoing.
Plausible. The subterfuge could go either way.
It's assumed disinformation would actually serve a purpose, i.e. to confuse the enemy.
Saying Posobiec is bad, though he may not be bad, serves literally no purpose imaginable.
yeah & I think we are now in the: "save Israel for last" TImeline Are Poso & AJ really Mossad as Q said or was Q saying that as part of the disinfo op. They are both more visible now..... interesting.....
I agree. Others play the part as Q-deniers, as well. And Q denies some of them, because disinfo is necessary.
Yes I always thought him and Bannon know what’s up but can’t really say they believe so they must say it is a bunch of BS so they can play their parts
Indeed. Chess pieces in a 21st century information war.
Or he was mossad agent, then was given a choice to wake up the masses or be executed for being a spy.