Weird that Christians that go to these places of worship, just accepts it like it's part of the changing times. Still only 3% of society, and still they don't get it.
Some Christians. It's important not to broad brush all people of faith. Many don't attend church and have a relationship with the Lord without organized religion.
When I was young, I worked at an adversing agency that did a lot of work for Vanguard. Those were the days of paste-up boards and typesetters, just before everything went to computers. One of my jobs was the assembling of a document outlining the goals a certain foundation had for promoting a new world order. The two goals that stand out to me in my memory are the total acceptance of homosexuality by society and unquestioning belief in the Theory of Evolution. The rest might as well have been written on modern globalist WEF pamphlets.
It seemed odd at the time that a belief in evolution would be integral to their plans. I understood why they would want people to embrace homosexuality as normal because of its floodgate impact on society, but evolution? I could only conclude that there must be a lie in that, too.
At is base, evolution is a theory that makes it seem plausible to deny God, and it promotes a hopeless existence with no purpose and no meaning. Humanity is the result of some goo that magically came together in a random event, so purpose becomes and illusion, and morality becomes an invention, not something intrinsic or true. Everything becomes mechanistic, which decouples everything from morality. This is what makes them feel justified in tinkering with our DNA. If nothing is intrinsically wrong, there is no reason not to do it, and the objections of the people being experimented upon are meaningless.
These things were part of the grand matrix of lies they built to keep us hopeless and enslaved. But a lie can never become the truth just because a lot of people agree on it. One can live all day in the fantasy that gravity is an illusion, but the first jump off a cliff will shatter the lie. A reckoning is coming, and it is already here. There is truth. It is real, and the ground toward which they are rapidly descending will tell them so.
Have you considered the rise in lesbian's and homosexuals can be explained by the disruption to their hormones as well as the need to be one of the herd which seemed based on transgender issues and support?
Children crave for attention that they can't get now...mothers have to work to put food on the table and teachers are there to support and encourage transgenderism so a child sees one way to get the love and attention they crave is to be part of this special loved group........a lot of parents put pressure on the child for the same reason. Need not be satanic..just stupid
Growing up it was common to have a crush on a teacher...a role one thought it meant you were was part of growing didn't matter what sex teacher you picked. But now children are taught it means you are meant to be the opposite sex. Want to play with fire engines instead of dolls..that's it ..change sex.! Show an interest in knitting..put a frock on!!!!ludicrous .
Tavistock institute has a lot to answer for brainwashing kids in this way..part of their depopulation agenda.
Even the frogs have turned etc all changed due to the pollution by birth control pills plastics many medicines and tranquillisers and hormone disrupters in our food chemicals etc.. the sperm count is way down too.
There is also the issue of reincarnation....what sex you were in a previous life can give an orientation in this life.
This thinking may be too far out for acceptance in USA but many countries are aware of this and don't view homosexuality as evil which the churches here denounce. .it meant less children being born to pad out their numbers.
Theory is the best approximation of the observable phenomena. What you hope for, there is a better explanation that is supported by the facts and yields the same result if tested.
All else is not a theory but a hypothesis, or worse, just an assumption, a hunch.
Have you considered the rise in lesbian's and homosexuals can be explained by the disruption to their hormones as well as the need to be one of the herd which seemed based on transgender issues and support?
Good point in today's world with the level of technical prowess. That said, homosexuality has always been with us, probably in every civilization and time. And it is not the first time, queers were at the head of powerful armies.
So, what is the reason for the dissolution of the cornerstone of society: the family unit? Maybe, just maybe, it is not queers. Why? maybe think of them as a consequence. The real reason has to do with the way in which we live.
We gave the government the power to educate our kids. We are from home, to provide for our families. Who then teaches our kids? The television? The internet? Or the scary version: the group pressure?
And of course, we are all upstanding people doing the "right" thing? Do you remember those studies geared towards generational gaps? Ever considered these were measuring tools of how far society was along in decomposition?
Socrates and other Greeks all had their ",boys" they apprenticed and loved ..did you know?
There has been periods of history where this was the accepted as part of normal life.
It goes back to Babylonian times too. Outside the temples were prostitues of both sexes used in their rites as you say it goes right back.
Usually of course anything outside the herds normal behaviour of procreation to make sure of the survival of the species is regarded with suspicion and "different"
When I read the bible. especially the Old Testament, and read about times and again the people moving towards Baal worship, Astoreth, and indeed, as you mentioned the presence of the male and female temple prostitutes, I always wondered what the reason could be.
There is even one passage that says that the Israelites kept on bringing their sacrifices on the high places, but now it was to the God of Abraham. Clearly, something did not sit right.
One of the hypothesis I have is, that the type of worship as propagated by the Priests was kind of abstract.
It also appears to me that yom kippur seems rather odd. Corn seed, water and blood had to be spilled in front of the Ark, once a year, to allow the Nation to escape the death row they were on, to reconcile them with an offended God, and come to live again. This was done while God's presence, through the light between the wings of the angels, was supposed to be there.
When considering the temple building itself: the two pillars, the holy room and then the holy of Holies ... it seems to me this equals the female procreation system. Labia, vagina, womb, which the latter is where live comes into being.
The other hypothesis is that sex can be a potent method to reach a spiritual state.
Sex is a potent way to reach a spiritual state. Gurdjieff explains all the centres (chakras) in the body and their uses. They are energy centres...they have been photographed using I would think kirlan photography. As far as I recall the sex centre does not have a positive or negative centre within it...I'll have to check and get back to you.
A lot of the bible we know has been incorrectly translated from the original old hebrew and as you know 75 books have been removed to fit an agenda ..
You may find Mauro biglino unexpected bible full version . Its a free pdf on youtube. Sound not very good..his collaboration with Paul Wallis ex archbishop of Australia who also did stop translating after learning how to translate old hebrew came to same realisation as have many church people.
I bought his book the naked bible..all his other books are in Italian...he has a YouTube official channel and I am sure you will learn a lot can even learn to translate yourself.
The word olam means an inderminate amount of time... In original Greek sin means missing the mark..very apt!!
Even if you think being gay is ok or whatever you have to agree with this.
You can no longer trust that sexual things are off limits in sex separated bathrooms. Kids can't have sleepovers even with se sex friends because you just don't know. Kids media all much he treated like it is at least PG-13. Our military is less ready than ever. Teachers can't be trusted.
There probably are some gay people that genuinely want to live life in peace. But the movement ruined society
Note how the attitudes, philosophies and beliefs from the Weimar era resemble the hippie counter culture movement of the 60’s. Note the influence of the theosophical society in those movements. New age spiritualism and pharmaceutical/psychedelic use.
“We need to know that Alice Bailey (who started writing in 1918) focused on Europe. Europe was the focus of Christianity at this time. Her plan has been used to create a new world order and to introduce anti-Christian values. Bailey said:
‘Don’t bother with the adults, target the children. If you can change the children little by little, every generation will be more susceptible to THE PLAN than the one before it. Eventually it will become the normal way of thinking’.
Part of her 10 point plan:
Since sex is the greatest expression of man’s enjoyment of life, man must be free to express sex in ALL its forms. Homosexuality, orgies, even bestiality are desirable so long as no one is being abused or harmed.
Also interesting to note how in each example it led to a totalitarian state. The u.s just more subtle than Germany. Create a generation that is mentally Dulled and brainwashed, insert the straw man and offer the solution.
Where was this information? I read a lot about Alice bailey etc as I was interested in krishnamurti and I never saw that information anywhere.
Leadbetter was a pedophile according to others who saw him always with a young boy. krishnamurti also said he had been sexually harassed by leadbetter...
Amusing these people dressed up in robes..gave themselves titles like archbishop etc.
Years of research. I can only point you in the right direction to research and seek it out if your interested.
The esalen institute was set up to influence American society through the insertion of new age philosophy/ spiritualism and drug use. DoD connections are prevalent as well.
(My opinion: it was mkultra evolving from individual to experimenting on a mass influencing scale)
The esalen institute was also used to allow communism into this country to begin its propaganda campaigns.
Compare Alice Baileys 10 point plan to the communist plan to subvert a country.
Lucis trust was set up and established by Bailey to influence politics and establish the U.n/ nato one world agenda.
The theosophical society has its fingerprints over many of the characters involved and threads interesting connections.
Circumstantial evidence builds to an overwhelming conclusion of narrative. Just compare the overall theme and outcome of both the Weimar Republic and the counter culture movement and their outcomes. Many philosophies and influences are prevalent in both movements.
Ordo ab chao.
Problem reaction solution. Totalitarianism is always the intended result. Fascism, communism amd “democratic” socialism do not compete with each other. Money always funds both sides of the narrative and moves the ball closer to this one world takeover.
I had presumed Alice bailey to be a stupid woman bent on starting a new religion for fame and glory..her plan with krishnamurti failed as he saw through it and left..but I had not seen anything to show it was a deliberate plan. It's good to know that.
What do you make of Helen Blavatsky? Gurdjieff said she contributed nothing new and he had wasted some time checking out some of her Egyptian stuff. Some of the stuff seemed to because deluded
The thread and influence her life weaves is very interesting. Trace it back further to Helena Blavatsky and you get characters like Albert Pike and Aleistar Crowley which both weave a different thread but part of the same tapestry that intertwine. All have relevance to today and piece together a better picture of what is unfolding.
Secret societies, as well, tie both the two countries and cultures together and would be a good place to start if you wanted to find the connections.
My interest at the time was in connection with krishnamurti and how it shaped how he turned out....
I was and remain interested in gurdjieff and his way of bringing people to a more rapid spiritual growth of self development than the known ways of the monk (the emotions) the fakir (the body) or the yogi. (Mind)
To take elements all three and take some short cuts..his fourth way what interests me
Weird that Christians that go to these places of worship, just accepts it like it's part of the changing times. Still only 3% of society, and still they don't get it.
Some Christians. It's important not to broad brush all people of faith. Many don't attend church and have a relationship with the Lord without organized religion.
I did mean some not all, that's why I said these Christians that go.
I don't go, too. I find that they're a little too sheepie for me.
When I was young, I worked at an adversing agency that did a lot of work for Vanguard. Those were the days of paste-up boards and typesetters, just before everything went to computers. One of my jobs was the assembling of a document outlining the goals a certain foundation had for promoting a new world order. The two goals that stand out to me in my memory are the total acceptance of homosexuality by society and unquestioning belief in the Theory of Evolution. The rest might as well have been written on modern globalist WEF pamphlets.
It seemed odd at the time that a belief in evolution would be integral to their plans. I understood why they would want people to embrace homosexuality as normal because of its floodgate impact on society, but evolution? I could only conclude that there must be a lie in that, too.
At is base, evolution is a theory that makes it seem plausible to deny God, and it promotes a hopeless existence with no purpose and no meaning. Humanity is the result of some goo that magically came together in a random event, so purpose becomes and illusion, and morality becomes an invention, not something intrinsic or true. Everything becomes mechanistic, which decouples everything from morality. This is what makes them feel justified in tinkering with our DNA. If nothing is intrinsically wrong, there is no reason not to do it, and the objections of the people being experimented upon are meaningless.
These things were part of the grand matrix of lies they built to keep us hopeless and enslaved. But a lie can never become the truth just because a lot of people agree on it. One can live all day in the fantasy that gravity is an illusion, but the first jump off a cliff will shatter the lie. A reckoning is coming, and it is already here. There is truth. It is real, and the ground toward which they are rapidly descending will tell them so.
Charles Darwin's theory was just that a theory.
Have you considered the rise in lesbian's and homosexuals can be explained by the disruption to their hormones as well as the need to be one of the herd which seemed based on transgender issues and support?
Children crave for attention that they can't get now...mothers have to work to put food on the table and teachers are there to support and encourage transgenderism so a child sees one way to get the love and attention they crave is to be part of this special loved group........a lot of parents put pressure on the child for the same reason. Need not be satanic..just stupid
Growing up it was common to have a crush on a teacher...a role one thought it meant you were was part of growing didn't matter what sex teacher you picked. But now children are taught it means you are meant to be the opposite sex. Want to play with fire engines instead of dolls..that's it ..change sex.! Show an interest in knitting..put a frock on!!!!ludicrous .
Tavistock institute has a lot to answer for brainwashing kids in this way..part of their depopulation agenda.
Even the frogs have turned etc all changed due to the pollution by birth control pills plastics many medicines and tranquillisers and hormone disrupters in our food chemicals etc.. the sperm count is way down too.
There is also the issue of reincarnation....what sex you were in a previous life can give an orientation in this life.
This thinking may be too far out for acceptance in USA but many countries are aware of this and don't view homosexuality as evil which the churches here denounce. .it meant less children being born to pad out their numbers.
It is not "just a theory".
Theory is the best approximation of the observable phenomena. What you hope for, there is a better explanation that is supported by the facts and yields the same result if tested.
All else is not a theory but a hypothesis, or worse, just an assumption, a hunch.
Good point in today's world with the level of technical prowess. That said, homosexuality has always been with us, probably in every civilization and time. And it is not the first time, queers were at the head of powerful armies.
So, what is the reason for the dissolution of the cornerstone of society: the family unit? Maybe, just maybe, it is not queers. Why? maybe think of them as a consequence. The real reason has to do with the way in which we live.
We gave the government the power to educate our kids. We are from home, to provide for our families. Who then teaches our kids? The television? The internet? Or the scary version: the group pressure?
And of course, we are all upstanding people doing the "right" thing? Do you remember those studies geared towards generational gaps? Ever considered these were measuring tools of how far society was along in decomposition?
I think the real reason is closer to home.
Socrates and other Greeks all had their ",boys" they apprenticed and loved ..did you know?
There has been periods of history where this was the accepted as part of normal life.
It goes back to Babylonian times too. Outside the temples were prostitues of both sexes used in their rites as you say it goes right back.
Usually of course anything outside the herds normal behaviour of procreation to make sure of the survival of the species is regarded with suspicion and "different"
When I read the bible. especially the Old Testament, and read about times and again the people moving towards Baal worship, Astoreth, and indeed, as you mentioned the presence of the male and female temple prostitutes, I always wondered what the reason could be.
There is even one passage that says that the Israelites kept on bringing their sacrifices on the high places, but now it was to the God of Abraham. Clearly, something did not sit right.
One of the hypothesis I have is, that the type of worship as propagated by the Priests was kind of abstract.
It also appears to me that yom kippur seems rather odd. Corn seed, water and blood had to be spilled in front of the Ark, once a year, to allow the Nation to escape the death row they were on, to reconcile them with an offended God, and come to live again. This was done while God's presence, through the light between the wings of the angels, was supposed to be there.
When considering the temple building itself: the two pillars, the holy room and then the holy of Holies ... it seems to me this equals the female procreation system. Labia, vagina, womb, which the latter is where live comes into being.
The other hypothesis is that sex can be a potent method to reach a spiritual state.
Sex is a potent way to reach a spiritual state. Gurdjieff explains all the centres (chakras) in the body and their uses. They are energy centres...they have been photographed using I would think kirlan photography. As far as I recall the sex centre does not have a positive or negative centre within it...I'll have to check and get back to you.
A lot of the bible we know has been incorrectly translated from the original old hebrew and as you know 75 books have been removed to fit an agenda ..
You may find Mauro biglino unexpected bible full version . Its a free pdf on youtube. Sound not very good..his collaboration with Paul Wallis ex archbishop of Australia who also did stop translating after learning how to translate old hebrew came to same realisation as have many church people.
I bought his book the naked bible..all his other books are in Italian...he has a YouTube official channel and I am sure you will learn a lot can even learn to translate yourself.
The word olam means an inderminate amount of time... In original Greek sin means missing the mark..very apt!!
Purge society of pedophiles and the next generation won't have all the alphabet people. The pedophiles MADE THE GAYS!!
“Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.” Some smart guy
Even if you think being gay is ok or whatever you have to agree with this.
You can no longer trust that sexual things are off limits in sex separated bathrooms. Kids can't have sleepovers even with se sex friends because you just don't know. Kids media all much he treated like it is at least PG-13. Our military is less ready than ever. Teachers can't be trusted.
There probably are some gay people that genuinely want to live life in peace. But the movement ruined society
The Fall of Roman, Sodom Gomorrah, USA.
Magnus Hirschfeld and friends, Weimar Republic, 1920, Berlin/Germany.
Note how the attitudes, philosophies and beliefs from the Weimar era resemble the hippie counter culture movement of the 60’s. Note the influence of the theosophical society in those movements. New age spiritualism and pharmaceutical/psychedelic use.
“We need to know that Alice Bailey (who started writing in 1918) focused on Europe. Europe was the focus of Christianity at this time. Her plan has been used to create a new world order and to introduce anti-Christian values. Bailey said: ‘Don’t bother with the adults, target the children. If you can change the children little by little, every generation will be more susceptible to THE PLAN than the one before it. Eventually it will become the normal way of thinking’.
Part of her 10 point plan:
Since sex is the greatest expression of man’s enjoyment of life, man must be free to express sex in ALL its forms. Homosexuality, orgies, even bestiality are desirable so long as no one is being abused or harmed.
Also interesting to note how in each example it led to a totalitarian state. The u.s just more subtle than Germany. Create a generation that is mentally Dulled and brainwashed, insert the straw man and offer the solution.
Where was this information? I read a lot about Alice bailey etc as I was interested in krishnamurti and I never saw that information anywhere.
Leadbetter was a pedophile according to others who saw him always with a young boy. krishnamurti also said he had been sexually harassed by leadbetter...
Amusing these people dressed up in robes..gave themselves titles like archbishop etc.
Years of research. I can only point you in the right direction to research and seek it out if your interested.
The esalen institute was set up to influence American society through the insertion of new age philosophy/ spiritualism and drug use. DoD connections are prevalent as well. (My opinion: it was mkultra evolving from individual to experimenting on a mass influencing scale)
The esalen institute was also used to allow communism into this country to begin its propaganda campaigns.
Compare Alice Baileys 10 point plan to the communist plan to subvert a country.
Lucis trust was set up and established by Bailey to influence politics and establish the U.n/ nato one world agenda.
The theosophical society has its fingerprints over many of the characters involved and threads interesting connections.
Circumstantial evidence builds to an overwhelming conclusion of narrative. Just compare the overall theme and outcome of both the Weimar Republic and the counter culture movement and their outcomes. Many philosophies and influences are prevalent in both movements.
Ordo ab chao. Problem reaction solution. Totalitarianism is always the intended result. Fascism, communism amd “democratic” socialism do not compete with each other. Money always funds both sides of the narrative and moves the ball closer to this one world takeover.
Do some research and look at all the occultic symbolism within Astana, Kazakhstan. Very interesting.
Thank you so much for link..I have seen Astana.
I had presumed Alice bailey to be a stupid woman bent on starting a new religion for fame and glory..her plan with krishnamurti failed as he saw through it and left..but I had not seen anything to show it was a deliberate plan. It's good to know that.
What do you make of Helen Blavatsky? Gurdjieff said she contributed nothing new and he had wasted some time checking out some of her Egyptian stuff. Some of the stuff seemed to because deluded ?
The thread and influence her life weaves is very interesting. Trace it back further to Helena Blavatsky and you get characters like Albert Pike and Aleistar Crowley which both weave a different thread but part of the same tapestry that intertwine. All have relevance to today and piece together a better picture of what is unfolding.
Secret societies, as well, tie both the two countries and cultures together and would be a good place to start if you wanted to find the connections.
My interest at the time was in connection with krishnamurti and how it shaped how he turned out....
I was and remain interested in gurdjieff and his way of bringing people to a more rapid spiritual growth of self development than the known ways of the monk (the emotions) the fakir (the body) or the yogi. (Mind)
To take elements all three and take some short cuts..his fourth way what interests me
Lot and his wife in the WH- where’s the salt?
Yes. It is just sin. We are taught to embrace sin. Not good.
God says what he says. Argue with Him.