Here is another way to thinking about it: Having seen how the progressivism has used and abused peoples ideas of equality and freedom to push us to the brink, how would you codify in a set of rules that would prevent the future generations from being taken advantage of the same way?
I believe this is basically what the Christianity set out to do, after Jesus exposed the bankers doing pretty similar to what they are doing today, and tried to codify simple rules that would keep the future generations safe.
If I have to choose between Dungeons and Dragons or Keeping kids safe from the Satanists, I would chose the latter any day. It's not a solution, but a compromise.
how would you codify in a set of rules that would prevent the future generations from being taken advantage of the same way
As Dr Ron Paul famously has said: you cannot legislate morality. Morality comes from within.
Consider the 10 commandments. Careful consideration of these laws, of which many still cling without a thought, reveals that these are property laws. Do not kill, is eared towards the meaning of honoring the other's life. Do not steal is geared towards honoring another's property. But that goes for do not commit adultery, do not covet, honor thy parents, even keep holy the sabbath is honoring a property right. Lying or bearing false witness, destroys the good name of someone else: i.e. property right.
Taking all these things in as a whole, we, ourselves, are the embodiment of the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It encompasses everything, including to treat others the way we want to be treated or to do for others what we wish they'd do for us.
George Washington' s farewell address practically gives answers to your question: how to "how would you codify in a set of rules that would prevent the future generations from being taken advantage of the same way?"
It depends on what we set as an example.
To a degree the freedom loving man is always in a disadvantageous position in relation to the oppressor wannebe. It is more difficult to organize freedom loving people than it is to organize those who willingly separated themselves from their freedom to follow the rule of just one man, or a small group of men with an agenda.
As Reagan said: freedom is not passed to the next generation.
It is our determination on the red line beyond which they shall not go, that eventually will save the day. That red line, that precipice is ours to decide.
Saving the Republic, saving the basis on which this Republic stands, is our inheritance. (a word closely related to, heredity and heretic: to choose)
In a way, betraying that basis, is basically betraying ourselves.
one thing is clear though: parents must be in the driver seat when it comes to the education of their offspring, and determinative on what is being taught to their kids.
Freedom, or even nature for that matter, always takes it sweat time.
The argument against oppression is an argument for freedom, BUT there is no freedom without responsibility.
And, if God exists, then the decision as to what is one's responsibility or not is not purely a matter for self-choice. It is, in its initial and root form, God defined.
The real challenge of history is to find those definitions that are God's, and we do that by ever increasingly resonating conceptualizations.
This is what I think BB is or was getting to. What God defines as responsible human living is expressed, whether imperfectly or perfectly, to the highest available degree in the Christian teaching, as an expression of the thought of Christ. (I am of the belief that the expression is not perfect in one sense, but it is better than anything else. Thus, the expression is merely a stepping stone to the source).
Codify does not necessarily mean codify in a legal sense. It can (and in BB's case, I believe does- correct me if I'm wrong BB) mean simply to enunciate in concentrated form that allows the information to be brought together into an integrated system of codes, or principles, as guiding designations as opposed to legal imperatives.
All that is fine and dandy, but the concrete question is not about morality. Its about how do you codify the does and donts to ensure the future generations do not get seduced into the abyss?
It has to be something people can remember easily - 5 generations from now, having only a vague idea of the true history of these times.
Having seen how the progressivism has used and abused peoples ideas of equality and freedom to push us to the brink, how would you codify in a set of rules that would prevent the future generations from being taken advantage of the same way?
Yes, you posed that question with reason. Framed like this it indeed fuels the need for codification.
I am not a doer of wrong to men.
I am not one who telleth lies instead of truth.
I am not a teller of tales.
I cause not famine.
I cause not weeping.
I am not a murderer.
I give no orders for murder.
I reduce not the offerings in the temples.
I lessen not the cakes of the gods.
I rob not the dead of their funeral food.
I tamper not with the tongue of the balance.
I snatch not the milk from the mouth of babes.
I drive not the cattle from their pastures.
I net not the birds of the manors of the gods.
I catch not the fish of their ponds.
I stop not the water at its appointed time.
I divide not an arm of the water in its course.
I am not fraudulent in measures of grain.
I am not sluggish.
I am not an eavesdropper.
I am not one of prating tongue.
I trouble not myself except with my own affairs.
I commit not adultery.
I am not hot of speech.
I lend not a deaf ear to the words of righteousness.
I am not given to cursing.
I put no check upon the water in its flow.
I have no unjust preferences.
I have no strong desire except for my own property.
This is an ancient codification from the Book of the Dead, judgement. Refraining from doing something as opposed to the encouragement to do something. Each of the above lines has a positive antipode.
Yet, again, history teaches that it is easily forgotten. The toils of man to exit are such that the real values and virtues are often forgotten. Fortitude and being upright give way to compromise and submission, courage to cowardice, truth to lie, honesty to deceit, principle to political expediency.
So, how do you codify?
People of every civilization have often kept their stories in tact, over thousands of years. any of these stories have several layers: Musement, morality, deeper spiritual truths.
When I read Massey's book: Egypt, the light of the world, it became quite obvious how easy things are forgotten, when stories no longer reverberate, but are nothing more than myths with no relevance for today. An even "modern" developments destroying the tribal cohesion, or national cohesion, changes the very stories that kept culture alive, to the dustbin of marxist cancel culture.
Some of these myths are rehashed and staged in a form and manner that totally subverts and destroys it's meaning, inducing faulty views. (think Hollywood)
Perhaps this ebb and flood of is also a manifestation of humanity. In the 1200 new ideals were "discovered". Die Nibelungen is one such tale.
Perhaps in the same vein: The Lord of the Rings, is a modern tale containing the same type of codes.
If I have to choose between Dungeons and Dragons or Keeping kids safe from the Satanists, I would chose the latter any day. It's not a solution, but a compromise.
I think you know this, but.. we only have to choose for ourselves and our families. My wife wasn't allowed to listen to most music or watch most movies as a kid. She has never seen an episode of "friends." Some parents may think it's ok for their kids to watch "friends." Some may not. Parenting works; no banning of D&D is necessary.
The fact is, we were living in a world of darkness where the nature of reality was hidden from us. Those who knew we were being driven into the abyss had a really hard time stopping it. They had to pick between letting this slow crash happen, or suppressing their own kids from what they believed were their freedoms. There were no easy answer. There still aren't, and hopefully after the awakening the answers will become easier.
I think D&D is just an example. But think about it - most D&D games have nothing to do with dungeons, and yet its named as such. Why is that?
As for Friends or almost any other TV show - they all have so much propaganda embedded into them in such subtle ways, it changes who we are without even realising how. The solution is definitely not to ban it, but to throw light on it and its not easy to do. At least we are now learning how to do it, but our parents and previous generations didn't have this luxury.
I myself grew up in a house where I was not allowed to watch American shows or music (Our TV did not even get those). I felt like I missed a lot. In my 20s I watched a whole lot of all that stuff. Now that I understand the truth about MK Ultra (yeah it was not limited to CIA dungeons, but it was pervasive through main stream media) and I understand how this propaganda works, I have pretty much lost interest in most shows and music I used to listen. I can now see that it's truly satanic and yet I used to feel oppressed when I was young for being stopped from listening to these.
Again, when it comes to parenting, there are no easy answers. The anti-humanists have made it pretty much a choice between willingly send your kind into the arms of the Evil, or make them feel traumatised and lose them.
Added: One undeniable fact, regardless of which parenting is effective or how oppression religions are - if the Americans specifically did not have the so called "Bible Belt", we would have been at the abyss long long ago.
Agreed about the Bible Belt and almost everything else except that parents will lose their children if they shield them from bad influences. Didn't happen with my wife, at least, so it's doable, if done right. After she moved out, she rebelled a tiny bit. Bought a Marilyn Manson CD (lol). But the benefit outweighed the harm overall and she gets along well with her parents.
"The world is more complex than that. I find those who paint the world with a paint roller are simplistic and uninteresting."
And what you've said is very much a simplistic rebuttal of an argument.
1 - speaking in terms of "far far right" when referring to... Christianity? I'm not even sure what you're speaking about... something religious in your mind though?
I'll assume you're speaking about Christianity - to consider that Right or Left is completely misunderstanding it. It is Neither. That is a very simplistic paradigm that is born of the world's value system, with no understanding of what the Bible teaches.
To say the things Jesus did in his time, he made RADICAL statements. Love thy enemy! Forgive everyone without exception. Feed the hungry. Cloth the naked. Look after widows and the poor.
God doesn't even FORCE Himself on us - He leave the choice up to US to choose to follow Him or not.
Does that sound "far-far right" to you?? LOL!
2 - I'm a huge fan of D&D - I'm a professional musician - I've been around lots who smoke weed. I can tell you that I can definitely see how in each of those areas, those areas CAN be a very slippery slope. They CAN be used as gateways for the Devil.
The claim that those things are of the Devil flat out, is false. But like anything - they CAN be used by the Devil - and I certainly see how.
Consider Roleplaying someone demonic in D&D - murdering kids for sacrifices that somehow empower your character... I get it that to say that may be a gateway to Satan, for some, sounds ridiculous. But for others, it is the truth. Have you SEEN the new Diablo 4 trailers? LOL. They literally have BAAL in there. You're on a Forum here that believes in things like Predictive Programming and Child Sacrifices - and you IGNORE BAAL showing up in Pop Culture?
Consider all of the forms of music out there - consider the emotional/spiritual realm is a large part of both Performing and Creating music - for lots of artists. When you're in that realm, you are in a space that can lead you off God's path of reality and into some other area of "truth" - which is OF the Devil. Also worth noting - Lucifer was the MUSICIAN of Heaven. Think about that one next time your diminish the power of music, lol...
Weed - ever heard of the sin of Sloth? I'm not saying everyone who smokes goes down that path - but I'd say you're lying if you claimed No One did.
I'm not trying to attack you. If that's how you feel - understand that I love you and that is not my intent.
The world is a spiritual battleground. It is through the lens of the Bible that you will start to see it.
Ephesians 6:12
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Speaking in terms of "far far right" when referring to... Christianity? I'm not even sure what you're speaking about... something religious in your mind though?
Fundamentalism in any religion is "far far right" to me.
Muslims that kill their daughter because they went on a date is another example.
I can tell you that I can definitely see how in each of those areas, those areas CAN be a very slippery slope.
Yeah, for the weak minded. Anything can be a slippery slope to dispair.
I think there's a lot of people out there that don't have a proper family and this leads to all sorts of slips down slopes. It's not the devil that did it, maybe the parents have a tough time making ends meet and Ball
But people can turn shit around. We don't need a bunch of fundies that we give power to because "religion" because then we get George Bush trying to start shit in the middle east to try to kickstart Jesus coming back, which is as bad as what we have under the control of the left.
Have you SEEN the new Diablo 4 trailers? LOL. They literally have BAAL in there.
Yeah, he's a antagonist. You're supposed to defeat him. This is the kind of hyperbole I'm sick of. Who'd you expect to fight in hell? I mean when you have BAAL in a fashion magazine and stuff, I'd give it to you, that it's probably some sort of cabal thing but in a good vs. evil game that takes place in hell? I kind of expect to see Baal in play.
RE: Baal in play - yes, but it's not teaching anyone who Baal actually is. This very serious real life demon is used in a play setting as "just another bad guy". It's getting people desensitized to something that is very dangerous.
I hear what you're saying - that the hyperbole is annoying in discussions like this. But what in my message has struck you as hyperbole? Why?
Is it because you don't really believe in things like demonic forces? Spiritual warfare happening right here on earth around us?
Again - you're talking to someone who plays D&D regularly and someone who works professionally in the game industry.
I have statues of gargoyles and dragons and all sorts of things like that.
It's been in the last two years that I've started to take that stuff more seriously and question having it around.
It's not that the little plastic statue has any power - no, not at all. It's a dumb little plastic statue - a decoration.
But what is it adding to my life by having it around? Follow that question deeper and you may see where it leads.
Dancing on the edge of something you don't know how deep it goes is very dangerous.
If you know how deep it goes, it's still dangerous - but at least you're aware.
A lot of your language in your descriptions is around "Right" and "Left".
I would encourage you to realize that "Right" and "Left" are just a facade dichotomy that Satan uses to keep our eyes off of the real battle.
If you are playing on the field of "Right" vs "Left" in your mind, then you will not see the real battle lines - and that will not end well, friend.
Dungeons and Dragons is of the devil.
This music is of the devil.
Marijuana is of the devil.
The world is more complex than that. I find those who paint the world with a paint roller are simplistic and uninteresting.
I wouldn’t want to be ruled by the far far right, just as much as far far left.
Here is another way to thinking about it: Having seen how the progressivism has used and abused peoples ideas of equality and freedom to push us to the brink, how would you codify in a set of rules that would prevent the future generations from being taken advantage of the same way?
I believe this is basically what the Christianity set out to do, after Jesus exposed the bankers doing pretty similar to what they are doing today, and tried to codify simple rules that would keep the future generations safe.
If I have to choose between Dungeons and Dragons or Keeping kids safe from the Satanists, I would chose the latter any day. It's not a solution, but a compromise.
As Dr Ron Paul famously has said: you cannot legislate morality. Morality comes from within.
Consider the 10 commandments. Careful consideration of these laws, of which many still cling without a thought, reveals that these are property laws. Do not kill, is eared towards the meaning of honoring the other's life. Do not steal is geared towards honoring another's property. But that goes for do not commit adultery, do not covet, honor thy parents, even keep holy the sabbath is honoring a property right. Lying or bearing false witness, destroys the good name of someone else: i.e. property right.
Taking all these things in as a whole, we, ourselves, are the embodiment of the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It encompasses everything, including to treat others the way we want to be treated or to do for others what we wish they'd do for us.
George Washington' s farewell address practically gives answers to your question: how to "how would you codify in a set of rules that would prevent the future generations from being taken advantage of the same way?"
It depends on what we set as an example.
To a degree the freedom loving man is always in a disadvantageous position in relation to the oppressor wannebe. It is more difficult to organize freedom loving people than it is to organize those who willingly separated themselves from their freedom to follow the rule of just one man, or a small group of men with an agenda.
As Reagan said: freedom is not passed to the next generation.
It is our determination on the red line beyond which they shall not go, that eventually will save the day. That red line, that precipice is ours to decide.
Saving the Republic, saving the basis on which this Republic stands, is our inheritance. (a word closely related to, heredity and heretic: to choose)
In a way, betraying that basis, is basically betraying ourselves.
one thing is clear though: parents must be in the driver seat when it comes to the education of their offspring, and determinative on what is being taught to their kids.
Freedom, or even nature for that matter, always takes it sweat time.
The argument against oppression is an argument for freedom, BUT there is no freedom without responsibility.
And, if God exists, then the decision as to what is one's responsibility or not is not purely a matter for self-choice. It is, in its initial and root form, God defined.
The real challenge of history is to find those definitions that are God's, and we do that by ever increasingly resonating conceptualizations.
This is what I think BB is or was getting to. What God defines as responsible human living is expressed, whether imperfectly or perfectly, to the highest available degree in the Christian teaching, as an expression of the thought of Christ. (I am of the belief that the expression is not perfect in one sense, but it is better than anything else. Thus, the expression is merely a stepping stone to the source).
Codify does not necessarily mean codify in a legal sense. It can (and in BB's case, I believe does- correct me if I'm wrong BB) mean simply to enunciate in concentrated form that allows the information to be brought together into an integrated system of codes, or principles, as guiding designations as opposed to legal imperatives.
As I appreciate code, it is a language descriptive of something, a set of symbols with a message.
I belief we already have these.
i still keep coming back to Washington' s 1793 address. We have the code. Now we need to be knowledgeable of it, and the fortitude to apply it.
All that is fine and dandy, but the concrete question is not about morality. Its about how do you codify the does and donts to ensure the future generations do not get seduced into the abyss?
It has to be something people can remember easily - 5 generations from now, having only a vague idea of the true history of these times.
Yes, you posed that question with reason. Framed like this it indeed fuels the need for codification.
This is an ancient codification from the Book of the Dead, judgement. Refraining from doing something as opposed to the encouragement to do something. Each of the above lines has a positive antipode.
Yet, again, history teaches that it is easily forgotten. The toils of man to exit are such that the real values and virtues are often forgotten. Fortitude and being upright give way to compromise and submission, courage to cowardice, truth to lie, honesty to deceit, principle to political expediency.
So, how do you codify?
People of every civilization have often kept their stories in tact, over thousands of years. any of these stories have several layers: Musement, morality, deeper spiritual truths.
When I read Massey's book: Egypt, the light of the world, it became quite obvious how easy things are forgotten, when stories no longer reverberate, but are nothing more than myths with no relevance for today. An even "modern" developments destroying the tribal cohesion, or national cohesion, changes the very stories that kept culture alive, to the dustbin of marxist cancel culture.
Some of these myths are rehashed and staged in a form and manner that totally subverts and destroys it's meaning, inducing faulty views. (think Hollywood)
Perhaps this ebb and flood of is also a manifestation of humanity. In the 1200 new ideals were "discovered". Die Nibelungen is one such tale.
Perhaps in the same vein: The Lord of the Rings, is a modern tale containing the same type of codes.
I think you know this, but.. we only have to choose for ourselves and our families. My wife wasn't allowed to listen to most music or watch most movies as a kid. She has never seen an episode of "friends." Some parents may think it's ok for their kids to watch "friends." Some may not. Parenting works; no banning of D&D is necessary.
The fact is, we were living in a world of darkness where the nature of reality was hidden from us. Those who knew we were being driven into the abyss had a really hard time stopping it. They had to pick between letting this slow crash happen, or suppressing their own kids from what they believed were their freedoms. There were no easy answer. There still aren't, and hopefully after the awakening the answers will become easier.
I think D&D is just an example. But think about it - most D&D games have nothing to do with dungeons, and yet its named as such. Why is that?
As for Friends or almost any other TV show - they all have so much propaganda embedded into them in such subtle ways, it changes who we are without even realising how. The solution is definitely not to ban it, but to throw light on it and its not easy to do. At least we are now learning how to do it, but our parents and previous generations didn't have this luxury.
I myself grew up in a house where I was not allowed to watch American shows or music (Our TV did not even get those). I felt like I missed a lot. In my 20s I watched a whole lot of all that stuff. Now that I understand the truth about MK Ultra (yeah it was not limited to CIA dungeons, but it was pervasive through main stream media) and I understand how this propaganda works, I have pretty much lost interest in most shows and music I used to listen. I can now see that it's truly satanic and yet I used to feel oppressed when I was young for being stopped from listening to these.
Again, when it comes to parenting, there are no easy answers. The anti-humanists have made it pretty much a choice between willingly send your kind into the arms of the Evil, or make them feel traumatised and lose them.
Added: One undeniable fact, regardless of which parenting is effective or how oppression religions are - if the Americans specifically did not have the so called "Bible Belt", we would have been at the abyss long long ago.
Agreed about the Bible Belt and almost everything else except that parents will lose their children if they shield them from bad influences. Didn't happen with my wife, at least, so it's doable, if done right. After she moved out, she rebelled a tiny bit. Bought a Marilyn Manson CD (lol). But the benefit outweighed the harm overall and she gets along well with her parents.
"The world is more complex than that. I find those who paint the world with a paint roller are simplistic and uninteresting."
And what you've said is very much a simplistic rebuttal of an argument.
1 - speaking in terms of "far far right" when referring to... Christianity? I'm not even sure what you're speaking about... something religious in your mind though?
I'll assume you're speaking about Christianity - to consider that Right or Left is completely misunderstanding it. It is Neither. That is a very simplistic paradigm that is born of the world's value system, with no understanding of what the Bible teaches.
To say the things Jesus did in his time, he made RADICAL statements. Love thy enemy! Forgive everyone without exception. Feed the hungry. Cloth the naked. Look after widows and the poor.
God doesn't even FORCE Himself on us - He leave the choice up to US to choose to follow Him or not.
Does that sound "far-far right" to you?? LOL!
2 - I'm a huge fan of D&D - I'm a professional musician - I've been around lots who smoke weed. I can tell you that I can definitely see how in each of those areas, those areas CAN be a very slippery slope. They CAN be used as gateways for the Devil.
The claim that those things are of the Devil flat out, is false. But like anything - they CAN be used by the Devil - and I certainly see how.
Consider Roleplaying someone demonic in D&D - murdering kids for sacrifices that somehow empower your character... I get it that to say that may be a gateway to Satan, for some, sounds ridiculous. But for others, it is the truth. Have you SEEN the new Diablo 4 trailers? LOL. They literally have BAAL in there. You're on a Forum here that believes in things like Predictive Programming and Child Sacrifices - and you IGNORE BAAL showing up in Pop Culture?
Consider all of the forms of music out there - consider the emotional/spiritual realm is a large part of both Performing and Creating music - for lots of artists. When you're in that realm, you are in a space that can lead you off God's path of reality and into some other area of "truth" - which is OF the Devil. Also worth noting - Lucifer was the MUSICIAN of Heaven. Think about that one next time your diminish the power of music, lol...
Weed - ever heard of the sin of Sloth? I'm not saying everyone who smokes goes down that path - but I'd say you're lying if you claimed No One did.
I'm not trying to attack you. If that's how you feel - understand that I love you and that is not my intent.
The world is a spiritual battleground. It is through the lens of the Bible that you will start to see it.
Ephesians 6:12
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Fundamentalism in any religion is "far far right" to me.
Jesus Camp is an example of far far right.
Muslims that kill their daughter because they went on a date is another example.
Yeah, for the weak minded. Anything can be a slippery slope to dispair.
I think there's a lot of people out there that don't have a proper family and this leads to all sorts of slips down slopes. It's not the devil that did it, maybe the parents have a tough time making ends meet and Ball
But people can turn shit around. We don't need a bunch of fundies that we give power to because "religion" because then we get George Bush trying to start shit in the middle east to try to kickstart Jesus coming back, which is as bad as what we have under the control of the left.
Yeah, he's a antagonist. You're supposed to defeat him. This is the kind of hyperbole I'm sick of. Who'd you expect to fight in hell? I mean when you have BAAL in a fashion magazine and stuff, I'd give it to you, that it's probably some sort of cabal thing but in a good vs. evil game that takes place in hell? I kind of expect to see Baal in play.
RE: Baal in play - yes, but it's not teaching anyone who Baal actually is. This very serious real life demon is used in a play setting as "just another bad guy". It's getting people desensitized to something that is very dangerous.
I hear what you're saying - that the hyperbole is annoying in discussions like this. But what in my message has struck you as hyperbole? Why?
Is it because you don't really believe in things like demonic forces? Spiritual warfare happening right here on earth around us?
Again - you're talking to someone who plays D&D regularly and someone who works professionally in the game industry.
I have statues of gargoyles and dragons and all sorts of things like that.
It's been in the last two years that I've started to take that stuff more seriously and question having it around.
It's not that the little plastic statue has any power - no, not at all. It's a dumb little plastic statue - a decoration.
But what is it adding to my life by having it around? Follow that question deeper and you may see where it leads.
Dancing on the edge of something you don't know how deep it goes is very dangerous.
If you know how deep it goes, it's still dangerous - but at least you're aware.
A lot of your language in your descriptions is around "Right" and "Left".
I would encourage you to realize that "Right" and "Left" are just a facade dichotomy that Satan uses to keep our eyes off of the real battle.
If you are playing on the field of "Right" vs "Left" in your mind, then you will not see the real battle lines - and that will not end well, friend.