This is really good! Someone was messing with it real time when I was on there..Saying the post was deleted when I tried to retweet. Then a few minutes later it would work and stop again.
I wanted to post a comment with a few hints/tips for others that I have found to be helpful as i have gotten into the nitty gritty of these Twitter revelations:
Direct link to Part 6 - The FBI Subsidiary
For those of you that are new or have missed a drop here or there, I STRONGLY STRONGLY RECOMMEND you go back and read through.
It has become apparent to me as I've caught up that you are going to start to NEED at least a baseline understanding of prior drops, what was uncovered and who were the subjects, to be able to follow along with each of the next ones without any complications and to grasp the magnitude of the overall signal.
What I think we're doing here is building a framework for a case. Now, you might say to that no shit, Sherlock and Captain obvious is here but I didn't regard it is as a foregone conclusion that Musk was going to do this simply because he purchased Twitter. Many have questioned 'which side' he is on (if he is really on any at all which I sort of doubt..) and let's face it, if his goal was simply to reform Twitter to become a truly neutral, more authentic public square, he didn't need HAVE TO release all this to the public, did he?
What I think is going on here is a kind of Trump/Art of War styled slow walking of the information releases. The more I look at each individual release of the Twitter Files and what the contents of each were, the more I am becoming very convinced that they are punishments, each one a lash of the whip.
Since the start of his moves to purchase the company, I believe Elon & co. have been watching and gauging the response from the Mockingbird MSM and the bureaucrats. Each successive step in the process, from the beginning to now, has been about dosing these 🤡 with their OWN POISON, slowly and incrementally, based on their futile, ridiculous reactions and pathetic attempts to nullify and counter the growing sum total of information.
Once you start to realize this, you will see that it's been carefully designed to force them into becoming the greatest factor in their own unraveling and subsequent destruction at every level. Remember "we have it all?" This is the process by which we will now get to SEE IT ALL. What the white Hats have known and held on to all this time. This is where everything is revealed, in a methodically slow form of torture where every punch and kick they throw lands back against them with equal and successive force, until they self-destruct at center stage. IT'S FUCKING BRILLIANT.
They are going to be left holding the bag. The fear and panic from knowing they are caught in the vice and starting to feel the squeeze keeps them squirming. They can't help themselves, it's all they know how to do. Every shoddy new angle they try to neutralize it with, every naked, embarrassing lie they dream up, every ugly, sullen expression they wear as they announce reprisals with lawfare or legislation hastens the temperature and velocity of the nosedive they are in. Every struggling move they make under the water is expertly and deftly countered by the next information release and it will continue in this pattern until the oxygen is all gone. They will thrash harder and harder with ever increasing violence until they've drowned themselves completely. Their inability to accept defeat, to compromise whatsoever, their craven NEED for total control is what will eventually cause their permanent extinction. For good. To a man.
Is it any surprise that with each new release of Twitter Files, they inexplicably turn the screws tighter and tighter against TRUMP with the newest phony investigations, built atop the fear and panic pushed on America's people by their original lies and phony witchhunts? They built this house of cards all themselves and its making us all dizzy with how tall its become.
The successive releases went from strange, to dangerous, to teetering on the brink, to crossing the line, to obliterating the line, to the next step which will undoubtedly be their unabashed admission: WE MAKE THE LINES. Russiagate revealed the same astounding truth: They sat there and told you, it was their duty to "higher principles" that made them wade through the filth and cover themselves in it. They weren't obligated to serve the President, as we incorrectly believed; no, you see, they have a DUTY BEYOND that must take precedence.
If enough people accept this answer, which is going to be shown to us again in a different way though it will be symmetrical in principle, we have lost our Republic. They know it. The question now is will there be enough people left to believe it. Trust and belief are ultimately how they derive power and when it's gone, it will not matter how expertly they can craft stories, spin up falsehoods, foment smokescreens, make lies feel truthful, steal your vote and run interference in elections with the precision of a cat burglar.
If no one believes, no one will participate. Without trust and belief in the system none of it matters. It just comes down to who has the guns.
They either radically change the game, restructuring our country altogether while we cheer them along. Or they are phased out, like a cancerous growth on the system that is removed to return us to good health.
As these revelations continue it will finalize a process of hobbling and then crippling them at every level, as I mentioned before. Optically, in media and journalism, which has been fully corrupted. No doubt will remain. Politically, legislators, unelected bureaucrats, local officials and authorities, the judiciary. All rotted through. No doubt will remain. The "rights" of the people - to echo the now-famous words of Carlin - you have no rights, you have owners. The drip of information has amassed a preponderance of the evidence enough to easily check the boxes needed for a win by the Plaintiffs (a.k.a. all of us) in a civil suit.
Now where we're getting to is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The next phase of Twitter files will show the surrogate status of the social media company and likely cast aspersions on the larger tech sector as being captured in a comparable manner. It's not enough to just have a gradient of co-mingled DHS FBI or other Intel agency folk as employees or semi-partners at nebulous 501c initiatives providing "helpful" support and tips. Nice place you've got here, ** sure would be a shame if something happened to it** is the sentence part we are now drilling down to. It will be painfully obvious and utterly nefarious. Most importantly it will mean consequences... what they've for too long avoided and what we've been too long denied.
Good synopsis, thank you for adding it here. What I keep wondering is that for years we heard rumors of them shutting down the internet when things got too hot. I would think these Twitter files would qualify yet..... nothing. So do they not have that ability? Did they ever?
Requested this thread to be sticked like my hams.
I'll put a request in too.
Thanks, one can never be too sticky.
Hunter, is that you? 😂
Username checks out, lmao
Spoken like a true honey baked ham. Way to ham it up.
badlands streaming about it, come on in!
EDIT: Thread Reader Link
Thank you, it was a very slow drip and Twitter was wonky this morning.
Lots of the regular forum sliding accounts showed up here as soon as I posted this.
This is really good! Someone was messing with it real time when I was on there..Saying the post was deleted when I tried to retweet. Then a few minutes later it would work and stop again.
My Twitter froze completely and I had to refresh many, many times.
Same on my end. For a while I couldn't interact with certain parts of the post (likes, retweet, comment retweet). After 20ish min it all cleared up.
I figure there had to be A LOT of traffic on Twitter this morning.
I wanted to post a comment with a few hints/tips for others that I have found to be helpful as i have gotten into the nitty gritty of these Twitter revelations: Direct link to Part 6 - The FBI Subsidiary
Here's the addendum to Part 6 from yesterday that Taibbi dropped, just for anyone who is behind and needs to catch up.
For those of you that are new or have missed a drop here or there, I STRONGLY STRONGLY RECOMMEND you go back and read through.
What I think we're doing here is building a framework for a case. Now, you might say to that no shit, Sherlock and Captain obvious is here but I didn't regard it is as a foregone conclusion that Musk was going to do this simply because he purchased Twitter. Many have questioned 'which side' he is on (if he is really on any at all which I sort of doubt..) and let's face it, if his goal was simply to reform Twitter to become a truly neutral, more authentic public square, he didn't need HAVE TO release all this to the public, did he?
What I think is going on here is a kind of Trump/Art of War styled slow walking of the information releases. The more I look at each individual release of the Twitter Files and what the contents of each were, the more I am becoming very convinced that they are punishments, each one a lash of the whip.
Since the start of his moves to purchase the company, I believe Elon & co. have been watching and gauging the response from the Mockingbird MSM and the bureaucrats. Each successive step in the process, from the beginning to now, has been about dosing these 🤡 with their OWN POISON, slowly and incrementally, based on their futile, ridiculous reactions and pathetic attempts to nullify and counter the growing sum total of information.
Once you start to realize this, you will see that it's been carefully designed to force them into becoming the greatest factor in their own unraveling and subsequent destruction at every level. Remember "we have it all?" This is the process by which we will now get to SEE IT ALL. What the white Hats have known and held on to all this time. This is where everything is revealed, in a methodically slow form of torture where every punch and kick they throw lands back against them with equal and successive force, until they self-destruct at center stage. IT'S FUCKING BRILLIANT.
They are going to be left holding the bag. The fear and panic from knowing they are caught in the vice and starting to feel the squeeze keeps them squirming. They can't help themselves, it's all they know how to do. Every shoddy new angle they try to neutralize it with, every naked, embarrassing lie they dream up, every ugly, sullen expression they wear as they announce reprisals with lawfare or legislation hastens the temperature and velocity of the nosedive they are in. Every struggling move they make under the water is expertly and deftly countered by the next information release and it will continue in this pattern until the oxygen is all gone. They will thrash harder and harder with ever increasing violence until they've drowned themselves completely. Their inability to accept defeat, to compromise whatsoever, their craven NEED for total control is what will eventually cause their permanent extinction. For good. To a man.
Is it any surprise that with each new release of Twitter Files, they inexplicably turn the screws tighter and tighter against TRUMP with the newest phony investigations, built atop the fear and panic pushed on America's people by their original lies and phony witchhunts? They built this house of cards all themselves and its making us all dizzy with how tall its become.
The successive releases went from strange, to dangerous, to teetering on the brink, to crossing the line, to obliterating the line, to the next step which will undoubtedly be their unabashed admission: WE MAKE THE LINES. Russiagate revealed the same astounding truth: They sat there and told you, it was their duty to "higher principles" that made them wade through the filth and cover themselves in it. They weren't obligated to serve the President, as we incorrectly believed; no, you see, they have a DUTY BEYOND that must take precedence.
If enough people accept this answer, which is going to be shown to us again in a different way though it will be symmetrical in principle, we have lost our Republic. They know it. The question now is will there be enough people left to believe it. Trust and belief are ultimately how they derive power and when it's gone, it will not matter how expertly they can craft stories, spin up falsehoods, foment smokescreens, make lies feel truthful, steal your vote and run interference in elections with the precision of a cat burglar.
If no one believes, no one will participate. Without trust and belief in the system none of it matters. It just comes down to who has the guns. They either radically change the game, restructuring our country altogether while we cheer them along. Or they are phased out, like a cancerous growth on the system that is removed to return us to good health.
As these revelations continue it will finalize a process of hobbling and then crippling them at every level, as I mentioned before. Optically, in media and journalism, which has been fully corrupted. No doubt will remain. Politically, legislators, unelected bureaucrats, local officials and authorities, the judiciary. All rotted through. No doubt will remain. The "rights" of the people - to echo the now-famous words of Carlin - you have no rights, you have owners. The drip of information has amassed a preponderance of the evidence enough to easily check the boxes needed for a win by the Plaintiffs (a.k.a. all of us) in a civil suit.
Now where we're getting to is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The next phase of Twitter files will show the surrogate status of the social media company and likely cast aspersions on the larger tech sector as being captured in a comparable manner. It's not enough to just have a gradient of co-mingled DHS FBI or other Intel agency folk as employees or semi-partners at nebulous 501c initiatives providing "helpful" support and tips. Nice place you've got here, ** sure would be a shame if something happened to it** is the sentence part we are now drilling down to. It will be painfully obvious and utterly nefarious. Most importantly it will mean consequences... what they've for too long avoided and what we've been too long denied.
Good synopsis, thank you for adding it here. What I keep wondering is that for years we heard rumors of them shutting down the internet when things got too hot. I would think these Twitter files would qualify yet..... nothing. So do they not have that ability? Did they ever?
Sure looks like Roth trying to come off as the good guy in all of this......
Shhh....... you aren't supposed to remember those, that was out days ago!!
His bias had more worth to him then his morals did. Says a lot.
I should add - his morals in this case. Obviously, outside of this his morals were fked
Right? Don't let people skip over that!
What was Matt Taibi's "TF supplemental" last night? All That I saw were user comments... did I miss something?
He brought Elvis Chan into the picture frame.
thanks fren. I couldn't find a show thread link...