Katie Hobbs Getting Wrecked On Twitter
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The Twitter files started the drip. This case has major traction along with Georgia just going back on a ruling in 2020. FLOOD my popcorn
It feels like nothing can stop what is coming
Too fast! I wanted to read all of them.
Did not see ONE pro Hobbs post.
Welcome to reality, leftists.
There were a couple. Gotta keep hitting pause to read them. But still, she’s getting destroyed in that post! Lol
Some delicious sauce to go with that...
Did you notice she's calling herself "Gov-Elect Katie Hobbs"?
Sure. All Third World style warlords call themselves the titles with which that appoint to themselves after staging their takeovers.
Yes, the same thing the news media did for Biden, calling him President Elect, Joe Biden. When they knew it was fraud! So Katie is using the same type of tactics, I hope they don't work for her.
Love me some Elvis Jail House Rock!
While Nancy Pelosi is getting wrecked on Jack Daniels.
Jack Daniels, what are you talking about? She drinks only top-shelf alcohol, Jack is for broke metal heads like me.
No doubt true. But being a working person, I have no idea what those top-shelf liquors are!
Its well past time for these assholes to start being held accountable😡
American’s hate a cheater and love an underdog fighter.
This is the first election fraud challenge where it looks like there might actually be a chance that the side of good might win. Praying for you and this Republic, Kari Lake.
If Katie Hobbs were to kneel down before me and start licking my boots, I would kick her away because she is not worthy even for that. I am offended such a creature even exists in this country.