VACCIDENT ALERT: Vehicle accidents caused by vaccine side effects happening all over US roads and highways
If you’ve noticed the mayhem on US roads lately, you’re not the only one. People are driving like maniacs, cutting people out of their lane, swerving, speeding, running red lights, texting while driving and causing horrible wrecks. Besides being brainwashe...
Wonder if vaxxed motorist's insurance costs will rise.
No they will raise the rates of the unvaxxed...they can only do the opposite of anything that makes sense or is logical.
Increased insurance costs due to being vaxxed will be such a big red pill it will be very funny!
To us, they will be terrified.
They did want to create two separate classes of people, but more along the lines of the unjabbed paying higher prices. I don't think they are gonna like this kinda teachin'
They should, but the Auto Insurances are prohibited from asking those questions....
This problem will resolve itself.
Unfortunately, like many drunk driving accidents, more innocent people will die than those who are responsible for them.
Do you have popcorn???
Commercial jets need at least one pilot that is not vaxxed. I'm sure the reptiles (they're not elites) fly that way.
Vaxxident by vaxed truck driver takes out cars and motorcycles:
Nope, the Reptiles already have Personal Jets....
Most of the Lower Puppets also have Personal Jets....
Even the Puppets of the Puppets have some Jets....
It's just US, WE are the Carbon Footprint that they want to eliminate....
And climate change is not concerned with the Chinese:
I spent a year in ROK, and there's times when the wind blows West to East, and even across the small body of water that separates China and Korea, you can tell it smells different than Korea, still smells of Smog, sometimes Garbage, and Ass, but different than Korea....
China is a heavily polluted country, and it's the number 1 reason why I don;t listen to ""Muh Climate Change"" pushers....
Also, its not ok to smoke cigarettes but ok to drive smoking a joint.
No sticker needed. Just look for a mask.
And wear an identifiable I am vaxxed so the pure bloods can stay pure. Lol, they hit us good with this scam boys.
They had me going for about a week at first, and then someone said something STUPID on TV, and I read the propaganda in the statement instantly.....
Seems like you're comparing apples to oranges. Many people get behind the wheel and drive drunk. I'm guessing no one who is currently having a stroke would then get behind the wheel and drive.
Unless the stroke hits while he's moving. They both took shots the drunk and the vax
Someone can have a stroke at any time, regardless of whether they had a shot of anything. They can't predict that. When you've been drinking you know that the alcohol is going to make you impaired. This whole argument makes no sense.
No, how about someone gets Vaxxxed, gets to feeling bad, jumps behind the wheel, and on the way to the Hospital has a Coincidence, that leaves them with a Suddely, or worse, crosses lanes and kills others???
No, you're right, nothing like that has ever happened, or would ever happen....
Would a collision because of medical reasons, a true medical emergency, be the same as having an accident?
Within reason, like with Diabetes, or an actual Normal Heart Attack, but Vaxxxed is a totally different thing since it is just now starting to be studied....
Remember when us....."The Right" were like........stay out of our medical histories and shit?
Still true. It's none of our business what grown people do to their own bodies. Vaccines included.
Sometimes "Righties" are just as authoritarian as the's quite scary O_O
Common decency should be extended to all. Even to those who have tried to shit on us. The people responsible...."in charge" should be held accountable.
But the day to day drone/hive mind people.....they are just trying to live also. Just like we are.
Well, Common Decency, also demands that we return the favors in LIKE KIND....
If someone walks up to you and punches you in the face, You Punch them in the face, until they give up, no matter what that looks like....
So, since they threw shit on us for two years, it's now time to throw that same shit right back at them, remember, they screamed about wanting us JAILED, in Concentration Camps, and our Children stolen and GIFTED TO THEM....
Courtesy Counts, and it's a discourtesy to not return the gifts they have given us....
Right but thats the extreme. Not many lefties I know of were/are blue haired crying screaming Karens.
Most people complied because of fear, because of guilt.
I am not saying EVERYONE should be let off the hook. Some people are lefties because they dont know better. They just go with what the TV tells them.
And to be honest we need "lefties". We just do not need the Media giving them a fucking bullhorn, while we got our teeth kicked.
Balance is key.
We all know who I've pointed this at, it's no mystery that we have LEFTIST MSM LURKERS, and the best reactions come from them....
So your words are falling on Deaf Ears....
Please stop kicking in my direction....
You keep fucking responding.........want me to just not answer/rebuttle?? dafuck???
And I dont know shit about you, or who you "pointed" anything at. I read your post and the article and thought the thoughts I had first shared.
Where you responded.....Then I engaged back in conversation.
And I am not kicking shit. I dont give a fuck what you post......but make no mistake buddy. This is the fucking internet....and people are gonna people. And respond to shit. And post :O
Horry sheet iz cray cray
Yeah, but you keep pointing out that I'm wrong for posting something that will INTENTIONALLY Hurt other peoples FEEEELLLEEERRRSSS....
It is my fullest Intention to do exactly that....
I get it, I'm being an asshole INTENTIONALLY, but I'm only giving back to Caesar what is Caesars....
It's the most Courteous thing I can do, and It is the Most Decent thing to do, just Return to Sender, and Counter the current narrative at the same time....