Q has said a few times, "the choice to know will be yours" and "Freedom of information [Truth] = END"
As a number of us understand on this board, there's a reason why Starlink (Musk), Rumble and Truth have been created. Essentially creating a parallel economy/media industry up against the DS. This is reinforced by Trump a few times, "we've gone around [them] like no one has gone around them before.". (One could assume Musk takeover & exposure of Twitter is part of Trump's reference as well)
So why is Truth Social effectively account 'locked'? Well, imagine there is some pretty crazy info that starts being dropped on Twitter via the TwitterFiles. The more damning it gets the more absurd & blatant MSM/DS attacks become. At some point the most damning bits will most likely be blocked by MSM coverage and the remaining abilities of the social media censorship apparatus. Most likely, it may get to the point of a potential blackout event or a "pull of the plug" so to speak. Even Twitter is not immune from this level of censorship (blackout).
So if normies understand that a lot of this information is now widely available to view on Truth Social, all they have to do is sign-up and create an account. It's at this point that these 'red pilled' normies will make a 'red pilled' choice to view the Truth. It's either choose Truth (even skeptically) or choose believing the media lies that have not only become more compounded but evidently brazen.
"Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths."
I believe part of the "Plan" was to create a parallel society where it really just comes down to normies making the choice. The fact that Q/WH's is making this transition incredibly effective & quick makes it nearly impossible to avoid . That's the genius behind the plan.
In the end, everyone will have a choice.
Edit: TS will eventually open up to the world. I assume Truth Social will pull many people over (even those who initially hated Trump). Which is why the servers need to be separate from DS control and operate via Starlink. One of the reasons why Trump had to "step aside as President" (ie, let Biden "win"), was to jump start the parallel society from the private sector. Remember, if Trump "won" in 2020 he would not be allowed to invest in TMTG+ and it would not of been enough time to develop the infrastructure needed (TS/Rumble/Starlink).
"Timing is everything" Q
Valid for the American patriots for sure.
Unfortunately outside of the USA it’s not possible to create an account on TS. Even with a VPN...
I’m from Canada and cant get an account... they could at least let me view posts.
Also, restricting access to TS will do very little to stop that kind of info from spreading. Anything involving the system, government, or policy will be in the public sphere and you won’t have much of a choice to know. My 2 cents on “the choice to know will be yours” will be knowing how much you have been harmed on a personal level. We’re being poisoned physically, genetically, and spiritually. I think even those of us posting here will be shocked when we find out.
Yes you can. I am from Canada and I have an account. I use desktop I have no idea what you use. Maybe its just your phone type not open yet.
I’ll try on my desktop... hopefully that works.
Then again, dealing with Chinese shills and trolls day in and day out is no fun, so might be a necessary evil until the means to deal with them are developed.
Even just foreigners IN GENERAL. Pretty sick of them expecting a seat at our table! Have you ever seen so many people without a horse in the race chime in on what's what in our country?? GET OUT OF THE WAY, we're fighting a war here!
Seriously. Can't America be have their own town square without a bunch of commie bots swarming? Maybe TS is focused on north America while Twitter does the global feed.
Even when I forget & have my VPN on/ connected to somewhere "else" within the U.S, my acct w Truth Social blocks me (even when already logged in).
Good post op, imagine everything going on at TS is part of the Plan.
TS = The Storm
Can't get on without a cell phone.
Use a laptop and a landline and that's not good enough for TS.
Well, they can't track a landline can they?
Is that why they REQUIRE a cell?
Would like very much to open a TS account. Don't need or want a cell.
You are smarter than most of us fren. I dream of the day...
hehe no its not ;)