The point of the arrest was to damage his reputation and credibility. That’s why they released a full video of him being detained by SWAT and perp walked... within hours of it happening.
He called christian wimps because Christians have allowed their surrounding to insult Jesus.. Hence making Jesus a wimp.. when in reality Jesus is not a wimp . He is King & Lord & our saviour. But people whom called themselves christians many have fallen into apostay teaching & not wanting to be perceived confrontational.
That's is his perspective & reason for converting into islam.
Islamics nations dont have any woke nonsense prevailing.
Go find the numbers on that. Current 2022 numbers. The pedos in the church have been handled. Your kid is more likely to be molested in a public school by a teacher than by a Catholic priest.
Islam makes child rape a lifestyle. Oh animals too.
Evil hides in all false prophets, churches, schools, medical facilities, law enforcement our governments and even our own homes. It is not just one organization but most. Evil has nfiltrated every aspect of our society.
Dark to light.
Mmmm.. Lets be clear.. Islam teaching vs Muslims are two different things. There are millions of muslims just because they were born in the country that institutionlized Islam. Not all Muslims follow wholeheartedly Islam.
Im a christian & I recognize those facts.. So lets be careful generalizing.
You are an idiot... to be very blunt.. You cant seperate people from the religion.
Islam imposes an authoritarian approach to is people trough government control.
Yes the teaching of Islam are not representative of the true GOD.
What I am saying is that there are good muslims that dont follow islam teaching to the dot. Because they themselves denounce what is written in the Quran.. But they are not vocal about it because it can bring death to their life.
Stop talking like a spoil brat from a privilege position. You talking mad shit here right now...
You definitely don't know what Muslims go trough in their oppressed nations.
No one is righteous , let me repeat that again. NO ONE!
Indoctrination is a real thing & tribalism/Culture as well..
Here in the US people believed covid is real & supported for government control. We can agree its a despicable thing. But in the fog of war people are very gullible & will follow the herd.
The herd here in US is wokeism & the herd in Muslim Nations is Islam. There is no diffeence.
Is mental slavery.. Once you wake up then you realize the lies that surrounds us differently.
So before you go & reply back with utter nonsense. Re-asses the situation & learn to have humility towards people that are still controlled by the matrix.
Not every sheeple is a bad person.. they are just blind .
Catholics pray to Mary and dead Saints and to angels and confess to priests rather than going directly to God. They also believe Jesus descended into hell for three days after his crucifixion when the Bible specifically says he went to preach to the lost. They believe that if they pray for a dead person that they can save a lost soul. Those things are not Biblical. I was raised Baptist and I have issues there too. Why do they avoid discussing and condemning some sins? Why not preach about prophecy, end times, fruits of the Spirit, miracles, Spiritual gifts etc;
My grown kids who have all accepted Jesus as their Saviour decide to go the route of Messianic Jews because they saw many parts of the Bible being overlooked by so many different denominations. They believe Jesus is messiah and will return but take things to a legalistic degree in my opinion.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time with my Catholic mother in law and gone to their church for funerals and Christmas service when we are visiting and watched them do all of this. And what is all the ritualistic stuff about and the rosary? I have heard them ask Mary and the saints and the angels to pray for them.
Ps. Have you ever read John 3:16?
Those who have not chosen Jesus before death have sealed their own fate by not believing. No amount if praying for a dead person can change that.
First of all;
I love my mother in law who has treated me way better than my own mom. I believe she loves God and she has told me she received Jesus into her heart as a child. I do not condemn anyone, they do that themselves when they refuse Jesus. Their will be many, there will also be many who do not and won’t. I am certain from all religions and denominations who repent, turn and accept Jesus Christ as Lord. This is the determining factor of salvation and eternal life with God in heaven.
Also, our old church secretary from a non denominational church in WA before we moved had been a Catholic nun for a couple decades. She left the Catholic church because she saw things that did not line up with the Bible and she said that the priests discouraged digging into and studying the Bible and learning for yourself and just expected the nuns and parishioners to except what they were told.
Catholics do not worship Blessed Virgin Mary nor any saints. Saints are holy people who have made it to heaven, they aren’t dead. God is of the living not the dead.
Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you? Has anyone ever asked you to pray for them? Why do we pray for one another at all when we could just go directly to God?
How did Jesus come to us on Earth? Quite literally -through- Mary. Catholics asked for intercessions through Mary just as the people did at the wedding fest in Canna. Jesus so loved His mother He would honor and grant anything she asked.
Praying for souls, confessions and praying to saints is in fact biblical. The Catholic Church gave the modern world the Bible and the New Testament. It is since the Protestant reformation that many books were taken out of the original
The Bible describes Saints as those who alive in Christ Jesus. The Catholic Saints (have died) Christopher, Theresa, Augustine, Jude etc; Mary is also dead. Their bodies are in preservation. Actual Holy men like Elijah were swept uo as Jesus was and their bodies were not left here to see decay.
I believe that the books in the Holy Bible are all canonized (divinely inspired) where the other books (historically accurate) are not divinely inspired. I learned this via an old pastor of mine who preached non denomination yet he is Jewish and a historian of Israel.
Those I ask for prayer are alive.
I appreciate your comment, but by this explanation then our God is the God of the dead?
If a person were to make it to Heaven, how could he/she be dead? Saints are Holy people, not by their own merit but but by God’s grace.
We might also guess Saints are in Heaven United with Christ.
Christ died for us, but conquered death and is risen. Jesus also commanded us in John 6 to eat His flesh and drink His blood else we would have no life within us. By accepting, we would be resurrected on the last day.
I couldn’t agree that saints, including Augustine or Mary are dead
My point is that God alone is to be prayed to. He doesn’t want us going through other avenues to reach Him. This is why He sent Jesus to be born, die for our sins and raise again.
I see this conversation is inly going in circles and we have differing beliefs. That is up to you to keep or change, not me.
I do not pray to anyone but God and Jesus is a part of God.
You’re saying “Christian” God but I’m hearing the One and Only Living God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Great I Am. He is not merely a Christian god.
He is the one and only TRUE, Holy God yet many names and attributes describe Him. I have a list of those tucked in my Bible as well as the many things Jesus is referred to as in the Bible.
I can share, but will have to make a separate post as I cannot figure out how to attach photos to a post.
I wouldn't be the least surprised if he 'dies unexpectedly'. (Edit - in custody)
With all the insane globalist narrative strands suddenly converging so blatantly and at lightning speed, it really does feel like they're gearing up for an all-or-nothing, scorched earth, Pyrrhic Victory will do 2023. I wonder what they know is in the pipeline.
Other than rhetoric and overpriced life lessons most get for free from dad, wtf has this guy actually done to "break the matrix". Is there actually anything of significance other than getting cancelled?
This is a serious question, I don't know much about Andrew Tate other than half the stuff I've heard him come off as grifting soundbytes and therefore I've paid him no attention.
It's easy to write him off but he is low key massively influential among my sons age group. My son is almost 11 and everyone knows who Tate "Top G" is because he doesn't bow down to bs and he is a work hard play hard self made man
Ok, but for what? Half the shit I've heard him say is bs and the other half that some consider based is simply cliche. Is he actually a good influence to kids or are they just all on social media and this guy figured out how to go viral?
I say this because telling kids if they just "break out the matrix" and you will get a Bugatti is not really teaching real value, sounds like another get rich quick scam. And for not hearing much from this guy it does feel half is about his Bugatti.
He appears to be a caricature of macho masculinity. I see glimpses of the real person beneath the facade, however. He does have moralistic tendencies but those ideals are buffered through a grimy layer of braggadocio and bs. Given the benefit of the doubt I like to believe he is a good guy away from the tictok audience of incel adolescence that follow his every word.
So you immediately resort to calling someone a simp? Are you a simp for Tate?
If you want to post some interviews of him saying anything groundbreaking enough to target himself as Illuminati's most wanted I will watch. Otherwise I'm not too worried about macho man lush life marketing.
When you say "do your homework", you have the obligation to make that task a reasonable ask. Telling a random person on the internet to just watch everything this man has ever produced is totally unreasonable. No one is going to do that, and so by asking something no one will do, you'll have convinced no one that you're right.
Summarize or link to a summary where I can dip my toe in, get the general idea, and decide for myself if I need or want to know more. Free advice on how to red pill people, handshake. Take it or leave it. But calling people simps is a quick way to get ignored.
That's why you also are a simp... When people have 0 desire to understand opposing view. It doesn't make you any better it makes you another sheep blind to your own biases because you don't do your due diligence..
I haven't heard him say that but I have heard him say anti cabal things talking about how a lot of these people are selling their soul and he wouldn't sell, etc... idk at this point we could say crap about musk and even trump and pretty much anyone. They all are pretty cocky and say stupid things if we are being objective.
Andrew was slapping a White girl around like a Pimp forcing her to say some dehumanizing stuff in her "trash language" as he put it i couldn't even watch. Sickened me to my core. He then took out his belt and hit her with it.
There's another video linked in the stickied thread about this guy which adds context. Apparently, the girl involved posted a video in which she claims the video was made as part of foreplay and was totally consensual. If this was part of a sexual fantasy they were acting out, so he could get off by playing tough guy, that changes things.
Of course, you could argue she made such a video under duress.
I don't know. It's a he-said, she-said sort of thing. And all I can really take from it is that this Tate guy is the kind of guy who fantasizes about beating women into submission and gets off on it. That doesn't speak well of him.
Tired of people using the same old attacks that were debunked long ago. It was BDSM and consensual she came out and said so it was sex play between consenting adults.
I don’t know much about him but I saw him refuse to bow down to Piers Morgan about how horrific Alex Jones was because he dared question Sandy Hook. The Tate guy said he didn’t care and would go on anyone’s show. Morgan was pissed he even agreed to be on Jones’ show and Tate told him off about free speech.
And just like that...
That was quick!
The point of the arrest was to damage his reputation and credibility. That’s why they released a full video of him being detained by SWAT and perp walked... within hours of it happening.
100 percent this.
CNN was there, they usually are to film it all.
Smacks of intimidation. Who gave the order?
The Islam god isn’t the Christian God.
He recently called Jesus a wimp and converted to Islam (a false-god counterfeit religion).
He called christian wimps because Christians have allowed their surrounding to insult Jesus.. Hence making Jesus a wimp.. when in reality Jesus is not a wimp . He is King & Lord & our saviour. But people whom called themselves christians many have fallen into apostay teaching & not wanting to be perceived confrontational.
That's is his perspective & reason for converting into islam.
Islamics nations dont have any woke nonsense prevailing.
Just commenting for context.
Go find the numbers on that. Current 2022 numbers. The pedos in the church have been handled. Your kid is more likely to be molested in a public school by a teacher than by a Catholic priest.
Islam makes child rape a lifestyle. Oh animals too.
Really? ever heard of man love Thursday?
Evil hides in all false prophets, churches, schools, medical facilities, law enforcement our governments and even our own homes. It is not just one organization but most. Evil has nfiltrated every aspect of our society.
Dark to light.
Mmmm.. Lets be clear.. Islam teaching vs Muslims are two different things. There are millions of muslims just because they were born in the country that institutionlized Islam. Not all Muslims follow wholeheartedly Islam.
Im a christian & I recognize those facts.. So lets be careful generalizing.
You are an idiot... to be very blunt.. You cant seperate people from the religion.
Islam imposes an authoritarian approach to is people trough government control.
Yes the teaching of Islam are not representative of the true GOD.
What I am saying is that there are good muslims that dont follow islam teaching to the dot. Because they themselves denounce what is written in the Quran.. But they are not vocal about it because it can bring death to their life.
Stop talking like a spoil brat from a privilege position. You talking mad shit here right now...
You definitely don't know what Muslims go trough in their oppressed nations.
No one is righteous , let me repeat that again. NO ONE!
Indoctrination is a real thing & tribalism/Culture as well..
Here in the US people believed covid is real & supported for government control. We can agree its a despicable thing. But in the fog of war people are very gullible & will follow the herd.
The herd here in US is wokeism & the herd in Muslim Nations is Islam. There is no diffeence.
Is mental slavery.. Once you wake up then you realize the lies that surrounds us differently.
So before you go & reply back with utter nonsense. Re-asses the situation & learn to have humility towards people that are still controlled by the matrix.
Not every sheeple is a bad person.. they are just blind .
I always thought praying toward a rock was a bit odd…. Rock from space or god apparently… then they worship the rock… because Mohammed touched it?
Catholics pray to Mary and dead Saints and to angels and confess to priests rather than going directly to God. They also believe Jesus descended into hell for three days after his crucifixion when the Bible specifically says he went to preach to the lost. They believe that if they pray for a dead person that they can save a lost soul. Those things are not Biblical. I was raised Baptist and I have issues there too. Why do they avoid discussing and condemning some sins? Why not preach about prophecy, end times, fruits of the Spirit, miracles, Spiritual gifts etc; My grown kids who have all accepted Jesus as their Saviour decide to go the route of Messianic Jews because they saw many parts of the Bible being overlooked by so many different denominations. They believe Jesus is messiah and will return but take things to a legalistic degree in my opinion.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time with my Catholic mother in law and gone to their church for funerals and Christmas service when we are visiting and watched them do all of this. And what is all the ritualistic stuff about and the rosary? I have heard them ask Mary and the saints and the angels to pray for them.
Ps. Have you ever read John 3:16?
Those who have not chosen Jesus before death have sealed their own fate by not believing. No amount if praying for a dead person can change that.
First of all; I love my mother in law who has treated me way better than my own mom. I believe she loves God and she has told me she received Jesus into her heart as a child. I do not condemn anyone, they do that themselves when they refuse Jesus. Their will be many, there will also be many who do not and won’t. I am certain from all religions and denominations who repent, turn and accept Jesus Christ as Lord. This is the determining factor of salvation and eternal life with God in heaven.
Also, our old church secretary from a non denominational church in WA before we moved had been a Catholic nun for a couple decades. She left the Catholic church because she saw things that did not line up with the Bible and she said that the priests discouraged digging into and studying the Bible and learning for yourself and just expected the nuns and parishioners to except what they were told.
Catholics do not worship Blessed Virgin Mary nor any saints. Saints are holy people who have made it to heaven, they aren’t dead. God is of the living not the dead.
Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you? Has anyone ever asked you to pray for them? Why do we pray for one another at all when we could just go directly to God?
How did Jesus come to us on Earth? Quite literally -through- Mary. Catholics asked for intercessions through Mary just as the people did at the wedding fest in Canna. Jesus so loved His mother He would honor and grant anything she asked.
Praying for souls, confessions and praying to saints is in fact biblical. The Catholic Church gave the modern world the Bible and the New Testament. It is since the Protestant reformation that many books were taken out of the original
The Bible describes Saints as those who alive in Christ Jesus. The Catholic Saints (have died) Christopher, Theresa, Augustine, Jude etc; Mary is also dead. Their bodies are in preservation. Actual Holy men like Elijah were swept uo as Jesus was and their bodies were not left here to see decay. I believe that the books in the Holy Bible are all canonized (divinely inspired) where the other books (historically accurate) are not divinely inspired. I learned this via an old pastor of mine who preached non denomination yet he is Jewish and a historian of Israel. Those I ask for prayer are alive.
I appreciate your comment, but by this explanation then our God is the God of the dead?
If a person were to make it to Heaven, how could he/she be dead? Saints are Holy people, not by their own merit but but by God’s grace.
We might also guess Saints are in Heaven United with Christ.
Christ died for us, but conquered death and is risen. Jesus also commanded us in John 6 to eat His flesh and drink His blood else we would have no life within us. By accepting, we would be resurrected on the last day.
I couldn’t agree that saints, including Augustine or Mary are dead
My point is that God alone is to be prayed to. He doesn’t want us going through other avenues to reach Him. This is why He sent Jesus to be born, die for our sins and raise again. I see this conversation is inly going in circles and we have differing beliefs. That is up to you to keep or change, not me. I do not pray to anyone but God and Jesus is a part of God.
In order for this to happen, John 6:54
If he mocked Christ he already is finished.
You’re saying “Christian” God but I’m hearing the One and Only Living God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Great I Am. He is not merely a Christian god.
He is the one and only TRUE, Holy God yet many names and attributes describe Him. I have a list of those tucked in my Bible as well as the many things Jesus is referred to as in the Bible. I can share, but will have to make a separate post as I cannot figure out how to attach photos to a post.
My favorites are Lord of Heavens Armies and King of the Universe.
Alpha and Omega, The Great I Am
He is the Father of Christ. He is the Christian God.
I wouldn't be the least surprised if he 'dies unexpectedly'. (Edit - in custody)
With all the insane globalist narrative strands suddenly converging so blatantly and at lightning speed, it really does feel like they're gearing up for an all-or-nothing, scorched earth, Pyrrhic Victory will do 2023. I wonder what they know is in the pipeline.
They are BEGGING for the public to step down and it will never happen.
Other than rhetoric and overpriced life lessons most get for free from dad, wtf has this guy actually done to "break the matrix". Is there actually anything of significance other than getting cancelled?
This is a serious question, I don't know much about Andrew Tate other than half the stuff I've heard him come off as grifting soundbytes and therefore I've paid him no attention.
It's easy to write him off but he is low key massively influential among my sons age group. My son is almost 11 and everyone knows who Tate "Top G" is because he doesn't bow down to bs and he is a work hard play hard self made man
Ok, but for what? Half the shit I've heard him say is bs and the other half that some consider based is simply cliche. Is he actually a good influence to kids or are they just all on social media and this guy figured out how to go viral?
I say this because telling kids if they just "break out the matrix" and you will get a Bugatti is not really teaching real value, sounds like another get rich quick scam. And for not hearing much from this guy it does feel half is about his Bugatti.
I'm an skeptical
He appears to be a caricature of macho masculinity. I see glimpses of the real person beneath the facade, however. He does have moralistic tendencies but those ideals are buffered through a grimy layer of braggadocio and bs. Given the benefit of the doubt I like to believe he is a good guy away from the tictok audience of incel adolescence that follow his every word.
You sure seem to give out simp vibes..
Go do your homework and watch all the interviews he has done.
So you immediately resort to calling someone a simp? Are you a simp for Tate?
If you want to post some interviews of him saying anything groundbreaking enough to target himself as Illuminati's most wanted I will watch. Otherwise I'm not too worried about macho man lush life marketing.
He’s right. You present as a simp.
When you say "do your homework", you have the obligation to make that task a reasonable ask. Telling a random person on the internet to just watch everything this man has ever produced is totally unreasonable. No one is going to do that, and so by asking something no one will do, you'll have convinced no one that you're right.
Summarize or link to a summary where I can dip my toe in, get the general idea, and decide for myself if I need or want to know more. Free advice on how to red pill people, handshake. Take it or leave it. But calling people simps is a quick way to get ignored.
That's why you also are a simp... When people have 0 desire to understand opposing view. It doesn't make you any better it makes you another sheep blind to your own biases because you don't do your due diligence..
You are allowing your son to listen to a man who called Jesus a wimp. Don't be shocked when he converts and renounces our Lord and Savior.
I haven't heard him say that but I have heard him say anti cabal things talking about how a lot of these people are selling their soul and he wouldn't sell, etc... idk at this point we could say crap about musk and even trump and pretty much anyone. They all are pretty cocky and say stupid things if we are being objective.
Andrew was slapping a White girl around like a Pimp forcing her to say some dehumanizing stuff in her "trash language" as he put it i couldn't even watch. Sickened me to my core. He then took out his belt and hit her with it.
He is half Black from his Dad's side.
His father was in the CIA.
There's another video linked in the stickied thread about this guy which adds context. Apparently, the girl involved posted a video in which she claims the video was made as part of foreplay and was totally consensual. If this was part of a sexual fantasy they were acting out, so he could get off by playing tough guy, that changes things.
Of course, you could argue she made such a video under duress.
I don't know. It's a he-said, she-said sort of thing. And all I can really take from it is that this Tate guy is the kind of guy who fantasizes about beating women into submission and gets off on it. That doesn't speak well of him.
Holy shit. That was fucked up. If that’s Andrew Tate then he is a piece of shit.
youre someone with eyes to see. not many of those to be found here.
Tired of people using the same old attacks that were debunked long ago. It was BDSM and consensual she came out and said so it was sex play between consenting adults.
The quote says he lives true to god.
Please tell me where in the bible punching a womans face is acceptable, regardless of whore bdsm status?
Sorry even if it was consensual the fact he gets off feeling power over someone shows his true nature, which to me is a despicable piece of shit.
Capitol G bud.
This clown doesn't live true to God, he is absolutely drenched in worldly ideologies and desires.
He's a scam artist who targets preteen boys without male role models.
Why does this man look exactly like Antony levay
I don’t know much about him but I saw him refuse to bow down to Piers Morgan about how horrific Alex Jones was because he dared question Sandy Hook. The Tate guy said he didn’t care and would go on anyone’s show. Morgan was pissed he even agreed to be on Jones’ show and Tate told him off about free speech.
Troll-Flies in here need swatted.
What do frogs eat?
For clowns, frogs swipe the sweat off their back to make poisoned arrows. Death comes slower for these parasites but it is rather painful.
apr0n w3ar3rs, 3v3rywh3r3
are you asking for help
See where this goes. For the moment t they get taxes out of the limelight from speaking truth.
It reeks
No wonder he publicly became a muslim. Safety in numbers.