MTG is one of Trump's biggest supporters right from the start of her career and one of his only reliable allies. Maybe she is not a RINO and probably going along with Trump's endorsement. Maybe she is with Trump on whatever he's cooking up.
Either way, we probably shouldn't throw her out just yet...
Totally agree, people are doing the old jump to conclusions before looking at the bigger picture. The problem with a lot of people is they see someone they've supported do something they perceive as wrong and don't like, and they're all "Well fuck her! She's a RINO piece of shit and a turn coat". That's PW level of doomer shit, not GW level of thinking. Stop being so fucking superficial and look deeper into subjects.
Definitely. But whats that say about Trump's endorsement of McCarthy? MTG has been a staunch supporter since Day 1 & outspoken critic of color revolution bs as well even so much so as losing positions held in committees.
I think that some GA posters just like to be first & throw shit at the wall to see if it sticks. Not saying you OP but its very similar to those posts.
It's weird that she supported McCarthy, therefore she's Little Miss Eyepatch, but Trump endorsed McCarthy, and we're all slathering over Trump.
I support Trump. He's my GOAT. But. Everyone should remember this axiom: DC DOESN'T RUN ON LOYALTY. IT RUNS ON LEVERAGE.
There are no "white hats," or "black hats." There is only leverage. This is why Q says, "Strings cut." Musk. Strings cut. McCarthy. Strings have moved? To Trump. Trump holds all the cards. And we might be about to see a certain very important one drop....
Devil's Advocate here:
MTG is one of Trump's biggest supporters right from the start of her career and one of his only reliable allies. Maybe she is not a RINO and probably going along with Trump's endorsement. Maybe she is with Trump on whatever he's cooking up.
Either way, we probably shouldn't throw her out just yet...
100% should be top comment. If she deserves an eyepatch, whats that say about Trump endorsing McCarthy?
People may be handing out the eye patches a little quickly. Let's just see what happens.
Totally agree, people are doing the old jump to conclusions before looking at the bigger picture. The problem with a lot of people is they see someone they've supported do something they perceive as wrong and don't like, and they're all "Well fuck her! She's a RINO piece of shit and a turn coat". That's PW level of doomer shit, not GW level of thinking. Stop being so fucking superficial and look deeper into subjects.
As popular as 'jumping to conclusions' is, is certainly is NOT aerobic exercise.. 🤔
I questioned her seriousness from the start. She sounded like Sean hannity to me. There has never been substance from her. All hot air.
I'm patiently giving her the benefit of doubt. For now.
Sigh. You'd think anons would have learned to NOT make impetuous, emotionally driven assessments by now.
I think it was Joe Rogan who said MTG looks like the stereotypical lady at the party who drinks too much Pinot Grigio.
Definitely. But whats that say about Trump's endorsement of McCarthy? MTG has been a staunch supporter since Day 1 & outspoken critic of color revolution bs as well even so much so as losing positions held in committees.
I think that some GA posters just like to be first & throw shit at the wall to see if it sticks. Not saying you OP but its very similar to those posts.
Hang on a minute frens, is this lady not on our team?
brave of you to assume we have a team to begin with.
We have a team, just not in the government.
Outlook unclear. Check back in two weeks.
She and Crenshaw were probably grown in the same laboratory.
It's weird that she supported McCarthy, therefore she's Little Miss Eyepatch, but Trump endorsed McCarthy, and we're all slathering over Trump.
I support Trump. He's my GOAT. But. Everyone should remember this axiom: DC DOESN'T RUN ON LOYALTY. IT RUNS ON LEVERAGE.
There are no "white hats," or "black hats." There is only leverage. This is why Q says, "Strings cut." Musk. Strings cut. McCarthy. Strings have moved? To Trump. Trump holds all the cards. And we might be about to see a certain very important one drop....
Updoogle for perspicacious comment
Man. How do u think it is so compromised ?
La liu li le lo! That's a doozy right there Boss!
A true RHINO, McStain loving, Crenshaw wanna-be!