ALL Vaccines Are Unsafe & Ineffective: Things You Should Know about Traditional Vaccines
There is not a single RCT peer reviewed with true placebo control group vaccine study in existence. Not a single vaccine is necessary and safe.This substack is a daily battle against evil. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber: it’s 8 cents a day.
I was in medical specialist’s office the other day and he mentioned a vaccine. I literally laughed in his face. Couldn’t even stop myself. Just automatic. He was shocked. He was wearing an N95 mask.
I think there is something in my file. When the nurse was going over the pre-doc routine, she casually looked at me and asked no tetanus vaccine? Like she already knew the answer. I confirmed the no and asked why are you calling it a Vax all of a sudden? Her (with a grin): semantics. Me: that's sad.
To her and the doc's credit, at no point did either of them ever even mention the covid "vax" to me.
3 years ago after a botch surgery "accidently cut and removed spleen" the hospital was pushing for (what felt like a million) vaccines. 'youre high risk now', "any sickness and you'll die", "take these or your dead" heard that one A LOT. Kept refusing as they had me in there for ages (if I knew how to remove my neck tube I would have done a runner), they actually got quite abusive, yet I kept declining. 3 years later no chemo either and I've got better stats then others with my cancer so far. Seems best to ignore what the medical world suggest
Stay strong. Will keep you in my prayers.
How could you tell…..?
I like Dr. Coleman a lot and I am glad he is still with us to be able to expose this horrific assault on our children. This makes me appreciate all the more the work that Robert Kennedy, Jr. has done in the U.S to expose this evil. So many of the side effects don't show up until many years later, even though there are immediate ramifications of injecting these poisons into children and babies. It is sad that parents feel they have to obediently follow the recommendations of people and institutions that profit from poisoning, injuring and even killing children. This is an area where parents have got to stand up for the health and safety of their can be done.
Quite right. All vax☠xines throughout its history have only exasperated and prolonged diseases.
The Salk Polio vaccine killed and maimed far more people than the disease itself. Moreover –
Why was this so?
The decline in poverty and hunger is another way of stating Western society's greatly improved sanitation treatment (treatment of human waste), hygiene (clean potable water), and nutrition. If you studied this like I have, you'll see that that these improvements started to really takeoff after the turn of the 20th Century where it accelerated post WWII. During this time common diseases like measles, polio, TB, tetanus, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, et. al. declined precipitously. Without the 'benefit' of any vax☠xine In the United States --the tuberculosis mortality rate underwent a drop of roughly 96 percent in the first 60 years of the 20th Century and that in a little short of the same time span (although the effectiveness of the vaccine has been seriously questioned by reputed scientists) mortality from typhoid vanished.
It fascinates me whenever the efficacy and safety of vaccines are questioned, the entire 5th column of the vax☠xine lobby comes out in full force. And when I point out that the efficacy and safety of vax☠xines is NON-EXISTENT, the Vax☠xers go nuts. The CDC begrudgingly admitted there have been NO LAB TESTS for the efficacy and safety for vax☠xines in at least 34 years. With that admission, it underscores the fact that vax☠xines are a hoax and their real purpose has ALWAYS been for EUGENICS purposes.
When someone opens their eyes to some very troubling things about covid shot, they usually follow it with something like: I'm not antivax, but...
What follows are usually arguments people have been using against traditional vax for decades.
Your tax payer dollars pay for any legal damages attributed to the shot. You CANNOT sue the manufacturer.
Vax have been deemed safe and effective.
Children receive shots for things they aren't even susceptible to.
Vaccines don't work. People fear unvaxd people. They don't even trust their own immunization.
The only immunity is the vax manufacturer from damages caused by their product.
My Doctor knows I am pretty animate against vaccines, but they have to keep asking for some reason. The one they are pushing on my lately is shingles. That is a big no for me. I've know a few people that had the shingles vaccine but still got it later on in life. They keep telling me how painful it is, but I am pretty tolerate to pain. Just say NO is my motto.
And.... The amino acid l-Lysine treats shingles very effectively.
Interesting. I have jars full of the stuff but I didn't know that.
Yes. God didn't mean for us to shoot diseases and toxic chemicals into our bodies to so-called "fight" diseases.
Of course they are as they can't protect you from something that doesn't even exist!
I had to get a physical for work a few days ago, and there was a section for vaccines. The doctor didn't ask about covid or flu, which was a pleasant surprise, but she specifically asked about tetanus and if I'd had a vaccine in the last ten years. I told her I couldn't remember but I was pretty sure I had. She then advised me that if I work outside a lot at home (and I do) that I should make sure to keep that one current.
Do any of you still get tetanus shots? This is the only one I would ever consider getting again, but now I just don't trust any vaccine.
Boosters for tetanus have been found to be ineffective as well as contain sterilizing agents.
Just another depopulation shot.
I watched this a few months ago. The guy who made it, mostly did it because he had a terrible adverse reaction to a tetanus shot. It has so much more information than that, but he explains what happened to him as well.
Trace Amounts: Ethyl Mercury (Educational Documentary)
Don't do it. I have a family member who took the tetanus shot and was injured from it. Paralyzed half their lungs with nerve damage. It's ruined their life.
I fell off my motorbike. Got a pretty deep graze and went to the local 24/7 medical center to get patched up. The nurse was confused when I refused the tetanus shot. "Are you certain you don't want it?"
Supposedly the tetanus bacterium is everywhere. I think the real reason tetanus is rare is that people get scratched and cut so often that nature naturally inoculates us. If you go live in a padded room for a decade or two and then step on a rusty nail, you might be in trouble. But if you work outside and get cut and scratched a couple times per year, you are used to it and should have a healthy immune system to fight tetanus.
That episode used a bible antidote though (hot knife on the wound). It didnt promote vax.
Also there is another episode of disease outbreak and the doc starts pouring quinine down their throats. That show showed us an antidote for high fevers and typhoid.
Based michael landon.
The only type of wound that could be a concern is a deep puncture that doesn't bleed, as you need an anaerobic environment to have a problem. If I had a wound like that, I'd apply oil of oregano mixed with a little tequila which would carry it into the tissue. Even though it would hurt like a mofo for a few minutes lol
When my triplets were 3, we were in our backyard and I stepped on a rusty nail barefoot Boy did that hurt. No, I did not get a tetanus shot.
And not a single one studied for carcinogen And yet 12-18 mrhs ago all the big convid players admit next big investment is cancer
They also never study the interaction of 2 or more vax shots...
Or any drugs either..........
Absolutely. Excellent post.