This is what happens when society gets rid of insane asylums. This is not the result of compassion. This is the result of 'you do you' and 'don't judge' policies that have given prominent place to crazy, that have normalized crazy, and are severely destabilizing to society as a result.
Another reason why people are buying guns for protection and leaving dem-controlled states. Another reason why dems have to steal elections. This shit doesn't fly.
There is a limit to the clown world nonsense that normal people will endure, and I think we've reached it.
Dear God what would you even call these people other then freaks and that’s being nice ! How in the world did humanity get so perverted so evil .. the devil himself !
Ugly men make even uglier fake women. Barf!
LOL. I feel the same here.
Can I share your yucky bucket because ew
These are just mentally I’ll cross dressers.
They look like trolls straight out of Tolkien.
Shit man did not want to see this lmao
I can literally smell this post!
If the sport is how ugly and creepy you can get, then these slobs need their own magazine.🤮
And here I thought the norwegian folk tales about trolls were myth.
<sporks eyes out>
Oh my 😳
This is what happens when society gets rid of insane asylums. This is not the result of compassion. This is the result of 'you do you' and 'don't judge' policies that have given prominent place to crazy, that have normalized crazy, and are severely destabilizing to society as a result.
Another reason why people are buying guns for protection and leaving dem-controlled states. Another reason why dems have to steal elections. This shit doesn't fly.
There is a limit to the clown world nonsense that normal people will endure, and I think we've reached it.
Dear God what would you even call these people other then freaks and that’s being nice ! How in the world did humanity get so perverted so evil .. the devil himself !
lol! it's about attractiveness and neither you or your words are.