Yes, yes, yes! We've talked about this many times on the board. This man is Joe Tippens and he cured his stage 4 terminal cancer using the anti-parasite drug Fenbendazole + 5 vitamins per the advice given to him by his Veterinarian who was told by his Merck pharmaceutical drug rep.
Fenbendazole is a FDA approved anti-parasite medicine that is approved for humans, dogs, cats, pigs, horses and more for use against certain parasites. In mice trials they found that using this particular parasite drug + a group of vitamins working synergistically caused the cancer tumors to shrink by 80%. When used alone it cleared parasites but not the cancer. Only when teamed with the vitamins did it work.
It is called the Joe Tippens Protocol and he has his own blog and Facebook page.
Fenbendazole has not been approved for humans as far as I know. Menbendazole is the anti-parasite that is approved for humans, but it is more expensive, and according to Joe Tippens, fenbendazole is better.
Well, Fenben has been around for 60 years and humans have taken it successfully on their own, no Rx needed. Its original patent has expired and several companies make it generically for a few bucks. No Pharma will spend the $$$ in submitting a trial with it for human cancer trials when there is no money to be made. The original mouse trial revealed it's efficacy when teamed with the vitamin combo.
Nevertheless, thousands of cancer patients have taken it in low doses and for extended periods of time, since 2019, thanks to Joe Tippens bringing this information to the public square. Mebendazole is available by Rx for humans, but is much more trouble to get and much more expensive. Why bother?
I took Fenbendazole 3x per week + the vitamins for about 18 months. No side effects, no recurrence of my Stage III cancer.
Here are some articles of interest:
Effectiveness of single doses of Fenbendazole Hoe 88I against Ascaris, hookworm and Trichuris in man (from 1976)
Well yes, especially now that we know with absolute confirmation that the (at least current) FDA no longer works for the betterment of human health, but for their own bank accounts while pushing the latest Big Pharma recommendations.
Wife has been taking it for breast cancer.... Shit works!
She is following Joe Tippens protocol and her natural path told her to double the dose. She is all but cancer free now. She uses the Safeguard brand.
2 grams Fen Ben daily, Ivermectin, amino acid, Milk thistle ( to help flush the system from the Fen Ben), curcumin , turmeric, vitamin D, Calcium, Mistletoe injections, thyroid med ( no sure the brand). Metformin (helps block a pathway). Vitamin C I.V's (25 grams) twice a week.
There may be others but this is what I can remember.
Give me a day to verify the ivermectin and the brand name of amino acid. Amino acid is a powder she mixes with water and drinks it.
She was also doing a hyperbaric chamber/100% oxygen for 1 hour twice a week. She stopped as it was freaking her out being locked that long in a tube and, it took 10 minutes to decompress to get out.
Also tried Ozone blood therapy for a while. Unit of blood was drawn, mixed with ozone then injected back in. She said it made her feel amazing. Not sure it did any good and was a little costly.
Consider this. Why do de-worming medicine work on disease and cancer? Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, HCQ, CDS, Nitazoxanide, and Azithromycin are all de-wormer medicines. They all treat cancer. Could the cancer be the symptom of what's wrong? Similar to a wart is the symptom caused by a parasite. Killing the parasite gets rid of the wart.
Yep! The Parasite Pill is a good read. In summary, our whole lifestyle is setup to promote the spread and growth of parasites. Most of our health issues may be caused by parasitic infections.
Here's the PDF, although Interestingly enough GoogleDrive blocks people from viewing the file. So download a different PDF viewer, I tried it on Samsung PDF Reader and Xodo Docs (found on the Android Play Store).
Thank you for this. I'm aware of this having previously saved a copy some time ago. Nevertheless, it's good to be reminded of this. I'm absolutely on-board with its content. Regarding this publication, I often wonder about it. There's another consideration that ties into this puzzle. The document Is called-- "Cosmic Death Fungus". It's an odd name for a title, but it describes a killing agent that is ubiquitous in our environment. It inhabits every cell of our body. And our cells and our immune system suppresses it keeping it in check as long as we live. When it breaks free, it spreads and leaves a wake of toxins for our excretory system to attend to and eliminate. This results in fever and illness. In Genesis, to which we read the penalty of sin is death. It's not very often people ponder what this mechanism for death was and is. We all know death is 'death', no? However, I don't accept this as a valid answer. It's like asking -- 'What is the unforgivable sin?' Every pastor and minister I know always regurgitate -- It is "sinning against the holy Spirit". I'll then ask -- "What is that sin though?' The reaction is always the same; a smile with the pastor ending the conversation. To me, there's far more to this than people seem to want to look at.
Could the penalty of death be our immune system from that point on no longer was an impenetrable fortress and could be compromised (ie. stress, guilt, environmental toxins, etc.) due to this sinful 'knowledge' we learned? Were fungus and parasites allowed to enter this world to afflict us, shorten our lives, and sow the seeds for our eventual ending? Is this penalty of learning 'evil'? I wonder.
Prior to the Great Deluge it appears that 'true' old age was the cause of death. We read up to the time of Noah, his patriarchs lived to be on average over 900 years old. Then, the Great Deluge occurred.
Keep in mind that a fungus and parasite contamination introduced into the world, say, from a meteor falling to Earth, would spread and be reflected in the progressive decline in age of deaths. Fungus has been attributed to affecting the genetic mechanics of aging. Parasites cause disease. The Deluge or Great Flood appears to be the point when longevity abruptly starts to decline. Was it here that such a catastrophic event occurred? Shem lived 350 less years than his father Noah (950 yrs. old). Shem's son, Arphaxad lived 162 years less than his father. And longevity continues to decline after that.
It is written that Abraham lived to be 175 years. Here is a chart that depicts the decreasing longevity of people in the bible. Even from Isaac to Moses the ages of decease decline, but less precipitously. Moses' (120 years old) father is Amram (137 years old), the son of Kohath (133 years old), the son of Levi (137 years old), the son of Jacob (147 years old), the son of Isaac (180 years old).
Moses brother was Aaron. He lived 123 years. Judah, son of Jacob was 119 years old. Fast forward to David. He was 70 years old when he died.
IMHO, it's an interesting theory to say the least.
Note - Your link for the 'Cosmic Death Fungus' only delivers me to a dark gray screen. Is there a better link? Tried opening it in two different browsers to no avail.
Thank you. That gave me a screenshot of the cover page (only) which allowed me to capture the original URL which I then searched for, and I also did an image search of the cover page, which brought me to a second available link.
Both URLs worked! I then downloaded for my files.
Below are two working links (as of now) for anyone interested:
Yea indeed, the best place right now to get actual pure fenbendazole is my healthy healing
The best group on Facebook to learn more about this and other protocols is my cancer support group. It’s insane the amount of people that are beating cancer right now using this.
Yes, yes, yes! We've talked about this many times on the board. This man is Joe Tippens and he cured his stage 4 terminal cancer using the anti-parasite drug Fenbendazole + 5 vitamins per the advice given to him by his Veterinarian who was told by his Merck pharmaceutical drug rep.
Fenbendazole is a FDA approved anti-parasite medicine that is approved for humans, dogs, cats, pigs, horses and more for use against certain parasites. In mice trials they found that using this particular parasite drug + a group of vitamins working synergistically caused the cancer tumors to shrink by 80%. When used alone it cleared parasites but not the cancer. Only when teamed with the vitamins did it work.
It is called the Joe Tippens Protocol and he has his own blog and Facebook page.
Find his information and the protocol here:
Fenbendazole has not been approved for humans as far as I know. Menbendazole is the anti-parasite that is approved for humans, but it is more expensive, and according to Joe Tippens, fenbendazole is better.
Well, Fenben has been around for 60 years and humans have taken it successfully on their own, no Rx needed. Its original patent has expired and several companies make it generically for a few bucks. No Pharma will spend the $$$ in submitting a trial with it for human cancer trials when there is no money to be made. The original mouse trial revealed it's efficacy when teamed with the vitamin combo.
Nevertheless, thousands of cancer patients have taken it in low doses and for extended periods of time, since 2019, thanks to Joe Tippens bringing this information to the public square. Mebendazole is available by Rx for humans, but is much more trouble to get and much more expensive. Why bother?
I took Fenbendazole 3x per week + the vitamins for about 18 months. No side effects, no recurrence of my Stage III cancer.
Here are some articles of interest:
Effectiveness of single doses of Fenbendazole Hoe 88I against Ascaris, hookworm and Trichuris in man (from 1976)
Fenbendazole Indications and clinical uses
Anthelmintics as Potential Anti-Cancer Drugs?
I concur. I give it to my son too. Just wanted to clarify it's not FDA approved which doesn't really mean much anyway.
Well yes, especially now that we know with absolute confirmation that the (at least current) FDA no longer works for the betterment of human health, but for their own bank accounts while pushing the latest Big Pharma recommendations.
MILLSTONES for all of them!
Wife has been taking it for breast cancer.... Shit works! She is following Joe Tippens protocol and her natural path told her to double the dose. She is all but cancer free now. She uses the Safeguard brand.
That is fantastic to hear. Can you describe exactly which vitamins or supplements she is taking along with it? (Breast cancer survivor here...)
Hope you are doing well then! YAY!
She is taking
2 grams Fen Ben daily, Ivermectin, amino acid, Milk thistle ( to help flush the system from the Fen Ben), curcumin , turmeric, vitamin D, Calcium, Mistletoe injections, thyroid med ( no sure the brand). Metformin (helps block a pathway). Vitamin C I.V's (25 grams) twice a week. There may be others but this is what I can remember.
Natural Path: Dr. Karlfeldt
Thank you, but more questions, please!
How often does she take the Ivermectin? And does she just do the body-weight dose?
What amino acid is she using?
What is Mistletoe injections? I've never heard of this.
Edit: I just looked up Mistletoe Extract injections. Wow, didn't know this existed.
Give me a day to verify the ivermectin and the brand name of amino acid. Amino acid is a powder she mixes with water and drinks it.
She was also doing a hyperbaric chamber/100% oxygen for 1 hour twice a week. She stopped as it was freaking her out being locked that long in a tube and, it took 10 minutes to decompress to get out.
Also tried Ozone blood therapy for a while. Unit of blood was drawn, mixed with ozone then injected back in. She said it made her feel amazing. Not sure it did any good and was a little costly.
Amino Acid she is taking is brand "Body Health Perfect Amino" Its in powder form and comes in different flavors
Thanks! Last question, is she taking Ivermectin 1x per week or...?
And is she just taking her own body weight on the syringe or is she taking tablets or capsules of Ivermectin, and if so, how many grams or mgs?
One of her doctors has her taking it..... Not sure of the dose. Its not a OTC, It is Tablet form. I think she takes it everyday.
OK. If you learn the details, please share. Thanks again.
Fenben-available on amazon
Consider this. Why do de-worming medicine work on disease and cancer? Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, HCQ, CDS, Nitazoxanide, and Azithromycin are all de-wormer medicines. They all treat cancer. Could the cancer be the symptom of what's wrong? Similar to a wart is the symptom caused by a parasite. Killing the parasite gets rid of the wart.
Yep! The Parasite Pill is a good read. In summary, our whole lifestyle is setup to promote the spread and growth of parasites. Most of our health issues may be caused by parasitic infections.
Here's the PDF, although Interestingly enough GoogleDrive blocks people from viewing the file. So download a different PDF viewer, I tried it on Samsung PDF Reader and Xodo Docs (found on the Android Play Store).
Thank you for this. I'm aware of this having previously saved a copy some time ago. Nevertheless, it's good to be reminded of this. I'm absolutely on-board with its content. Regarding this publication, I often wonder about it. There's another consideration that ties into this puzzle. The document Is called-- "Cosmic Death Fungus". It's an odd name for a title, but it describes a killing agent that is ubiquitous in our environment. It inhabits every cell of our body. And our cells and our immune system suppresses it keeping it in check as long as we live. When it breaks free, it spreads and leaves a wake of toxins for our excretory system to attend to and eliminate. This results in fever and illness. In Genesis, to which we read the penalty of sin is death. It's not very often people ponder what this mechanism for death was and is. We all know death is 'death', no? However, I don't accept this as a valid answer. It's like asking -- 'What is the unforgivable sin?' Every pastor and minister I know always regurgitate -- It is "sinning against the holy Spirit". I'll then ask -- "What is that sin though?' The reaction is always the same; a smile with the pastor ending the conversation. To me, there's far more to this than people seem to want to look at.
Could the penalty of death be our immune system from that point on no longer was an impenetrable fortress and could be compromised (ie. stress, guilt, environmental toxins, etc.) due to this sinful 'knowledge' we learned? Were fungus and parasites allowed to enter this world to afflict us, shorten our lives, and sow the seeds for our eventual ending? Is this penalty of learning 'evil'? I wonder.
Prior to the Great Deluge it appears that 'true' old age was the cause of death. We read up to the time of Noah, his patriarchs lived to be on average over 900 years old. Then, the Great Deluge occurred.
Keep in mind that a fungus and parasite contamination introduced into the world, say, from a meteor falling to Earth, would spread and be reflected in the progressive decline in age of deaths. Fungus has been attributed to affecting the genetic mechanics of aging. Parasites cause disease. The Deluge or Great Flood appears to be the point when longevity abruptly starts to decline. Was it here that such a catastrophic event occurred? Shem lived 350 less years than his father Noah (950 yrs. old). Shem's son, Arphaxad lived 162 years less than his father. And longevity continues to decline after that.
It is written that Abraham lived to be 175 years. Here is a chart that depicts the decreasing longevity of people in the bible. Even from Isaac to Moses the ages of decease decline, but less precipitously. Moses' (120 years old) father is Amram (137 years old), the son of Kohath (133 years old), the son of Levi (137 years old), the son of Jacob (147 years old), the son of Isaac (180 years old).
Moses brother was Aaron. He lived 123 years. Judah, son of Jacob was 119 years old. Fast forward to David. He was 70 years old when he died.
IMHO, it's an interesting theory to say the least.
Interesting thoughts.
Note - Your link for the 'Cosmic Death Fungus' only delivers me to a dark gray screen. Is there a better link? Tried opening it in two different browsers to no avail.
Son-of-gun. This is the second time the url went dead. I found another source and archived the link.
Try this one.
You might want to save it to disk.
Thank you. That gave me a screenshot of the cover page (only) which allowed me to capture the original URL which I then searched for, and I also did an image search of the cover page, which brought me to a second available link.
Both URLs worked! I then downloaded for my files.
Below are two working links (as of now) for anyone interested:
COSMIC DEATH FUNGUS a Primer on An Ancient Enemy
You mean I still didn't get it right? I'm about to strike out here. 🙆🙆
Hey! You tried your best. We are all here for each other.
Fenbendazole, known about it for years wish I could of got some too my grandma after she got boosted and died of rapid onset stage IV cancer.
Yea indeed, the best place right now to get actual pure fenbendazole is my healthy healing The best group on Facebook to learn more about this and other protocols is my cancer support group. It’s insane the amount of people that are beating cancer right now using this.
If he is talking about penacur c - fendendazole, then yes. Have heard. Hoarding 400 tablets and 8 grams of powder as we speak
Edit.. yup. Joe T. I didnt even play b4 commenting. Its legit. Fenben tabs 222mg
Nice that it is mainstream.
I have heard similar stories concerning ivermectin
that's Joe Tippens, here's his cancer story:
is there a naked woman or what are they pixelating? so ridiculous. how could it not be a miracle cure based on the censorship?