My husband does too and he’s been taking ivm 12 mg every night for his hypertension and his feet neuropathy cleared up. He had decided he wasn’t going back to our jab happy primary care doc so we ordered his BP meds from Reynold in India when we were stocking up and we had read that hypertension in Africa was treated very successfully with ivm so he went on it. It works!
Can I ask what form of ivm did hubby take ? Paste ? Still taking it ? Ty. Glad to hear your husband has been helped. I have had a feeling for a long while now that ivm and HCQ cure a whole lot more than we’ve been told ! I can tell you I’ve taken the paste and had remarkable results in reducing COVID fever in record time, like and hour !
Good to hear and same here regarding hypertension. I was on 100mg of Atenolol twice daily when Covid hit. I've been taking 6mg of IVR every other day and reduced blood pressure by half 18 months ago, now I break one in half for about a year. Last checked numbers 114/70 w/64 pulse.
Wow that's amazing, I have a spinal cord injury with terrible neuropathic pain and have to take Lyrica and morphine. It's been almost 7 years and I hate that I have to take it and I try to pull back on a dose for a day maybe two but the pain is so bad I can't. It would be amazing if this could help in some way if only just to lower my current dosage.
That is great to know. I have a friend who knows a missionary who can get it for a $1 a pill. He is going to get some for me. I need some relief. A hot bath helps but the neuropathy kicks in very shortly after I get out.
$30 for 100 pills was my last order for 12mg. I admit I went to IndiaMart and Tuli. Then buyivermectin 24. Now I get calls all day from Indian guys. I took a chance. My last quote was 100 pills for $10. My doctor will also write me prescriptions.
Order it yourself. We buy 200 at a time but with selling our house we’re going to get as much as we can on everything. We despise our primary care doc and I’ll only show up to his office to see him cuffed and thrown in the police van. Heck! I’ll do it for them!
[email protected]. Takes two weeks to get to me. He’s very discreet in wrapping too. I’ve waited two months to get it from other places and twice it was confiscated in NY.
Yes. Better than his prescription beta blockers which he hated. That’s what they use in poor areas of Africa as well as some Asian countries. The people are poor and one ivm pill costs 10 cents each. I’m paying Reynold about a dollar a pill but he’s cheaper than anyone else selling it.
The pain is pretty diabolical. It can make a grown man cry.
Fair enough re: aspirin. Do you use any other kind of OTC pain relief? The anti-inflammatory aspect seems to help.
The thing is that sciatica is multifactorial, and cures are highly personalized. There is no ONE cure and most advice is a combination of things.
For us, the breakthrough was the cold packs.
It depends what is a trigger. In our case, it was a slip injury, so that's acute - the nerve was bruised. It will probably heal pretty quickly. However, if sciatica is from a degenerative disease, such as diabetes, it can be chronic and must be dealt with by addressing the disease.
Now that's a wonderful side effect, in general. Might help with the smell and taste loss of covid if the damage doesn't extend too deep. The olfactory nerves have a supporting substrate that can be damaged.
I contracted one of the earliest strains of COVID-19, which resulted in the loss of my sense of smell. Despite waiting a month, it did not return to normal. I researched a long COVID protocol that involved the use of ivermectin, and I went through a full tube of it. It appeared to be effective, as my sense of smell has now returned to normal and has been for over a year.
Wow. Awesome for you. Please tell me what dose did you use and how long tube lasted at that rate ?? Ty In Advance I know ppl with similar issues. Loss of taste as well
I found a general long covid protocol on I didn't have all their recommended things to take, but I took the ones I could or had on hand without going to a doctor. But I also do a number of other things already recommended in the protocol by default. Such as Daily intermittent fasting, vit D, and regular doses of NAC with breaks here and there. lots of the usual things.
As far as a tube goes, it really just depends on the dosage you take. I remember there was a conversation chart a while back to dose it correctly for the weight that I no longer have. If you find a doctor willing to prescribe it that is definitely the way to go through.
Go to the link, select the PDF format. At the top of p. 8 they describe their procedure. They are applying it topically, not taking it orally, and sealing it. Doesn't seem to take much at all. Of course, you couldn't seal the inside of your nose, or tongue, so oral preparations might be necessary. Usual dose is 2 mg/kg. Of all the experiments in this study the longest treatment was 8 days. On a more bandage-able wound, I expect horsepaste or sheep drench would work.
Two 8mm diameter full-thickness biopsies were removed from the
dorsal skin of adult male BALB/c mice. In the wound on the
right side, 30 μL collagen gels containing 10 μM ivermectin or
DMSO (control) were pipetted onto the wound and allowed
to solidify (Figure 5A). The left side wounds remained
untreated and served as additional controls. Both wounds were
sealed using Tegaderm, and wound progression was followed
over the course of 12 days. We determined that ivermectin
partially aided in wound healing as determined by
quantification of wound size over time (Figure 5B). At days
8−9 as well as 11−12, ivermectin-treated wounds were
significantly smaller than DMSO-treated controls.
its almost like it saved so many lives so far it was part of the Nobel Prize in 2015. It is on the list of global medicines with the WHO. anti parasitic.....the whole parasite concept should be LOOKED INTO.
We are combining it with a strategy of hand reflexology (vids on YT) core strengthening exercises, stretches and cold packs. Be careful with the stretches though, some people do not have any idea, so make sure the advice is coming from a physiotherapist not some random. For example, any bending over e.g. the meaning of yoga pose, or the runner's stretch will exacerbate the sciatica. The nerve does not really want to be stretched.
The exercises should be more subtle than that.
The core strengthening includes walking on the balls of the feet slowly, creeping like a cat, so that one is aware of balancing, rather than quickly plonking on the heels. Walking seems to help in the dire hours.
I have terrible neuropathy, I wonder if this would help?
My husband does too and he’s been taking ivm 12 mg every night for his hypertension and his feet neuropathy cleared up. He had decided he wasn’t going back to our jab happy primary care doc so we ordered his BP meds from Reynold in India when we were stocking up and we had read that hypertension in Africa was treated very successfully with ivm so he went on it. It works!
Can I ask what form of ivm did hubby take ? Paste ? Still taking it ? Ty. Glad to hear your husband has been helped. I have had a feeling for a long while now that ivm and HCQ cure a whole lot more than we’ve been told ! I can tell you I’ve taken the paste and had remarkable results in reducing COVID fever in record time, like and hour !
We’ve both taken the paste but we now order our ivm and HCQ as well as prescription meds from our guy in India. He’s great. [email protected]
A pill a day? What's the dosage
Yes. One 12 mg pill at night. He keeps his pack on a tray he uses and just pops one before he comes to bed.
Good to hear and same here regarding hypertension. I was on 100mg of Atenolol twice daily when Covid hit. I've been taking 6mg of IVR every other day and reduced blood pressure by half 18 months ago, now I break one in half for about a year. Last checked numbers 114/70 w/64 pulse.
Wow that's amazing, I have a spinal cord injury with terrible neuropathic pain and have to take Lyrica and morphine. It's been almost 7 years and I hate that I have to take it and I try to pull back on a dose for a day maybe two but the pain is so bad I can't. It would be amazing if this could help in some way if only just to lower my current dosage.
That is great to know. I have a friend who knows a missionary who can get it for a $1 a pill. He is going to get some for me. I need some relief. A hot bath helps but the neuropathy kicks in very shortly after I get out.
$30 for 100 pills was my last order for 12mg. I admit I went to IndiaMart and Tuli. Then buyivermectin 24. Now I get calls all day from Indian guys. I took a chance. My last quote was 100 pills for $10. My doctor will also write me prescriptions.
Order it yourself. We buy 200 at a time but with selling our house we’re going to get as much as we can on everything. We despise our primary care doc and I’ll only show up to his office to see him cuffed and thrown in the police van. Heck! I’ll do it for them!
I get it. My PCP doesn't push it on me, She knows how I feel. She thinks I am nuts but I do not care. What place do you use to order.
[email protected]. Takes two weeks to get to me. He’s very discreet in wrapping too. I’ve waited two months to get it from other places and twice it was confiscated in NY.
I will give it a try. Thanks Fren. God Bless
Hope it works out well for you. God bless
Just to clarify - Ivermermectin is working for hypertension?
Yes. Better than his prescription beta blockers which he hated. That’s what they use in poor areas of Africa as well as some Asian countries. The people are poor and one ivm pill costs 10 cents each. I’m paying Reynold about a dollar a pill but he’s cheaper than anyone else selling it.
It's worth a try IMO. Ivermectin is safer than aspirin BTW.
Yeah I don't take aspirin. I am suffering though. Some days I can't take it.
The pain is pretty diabolical. It can make a grown man cry.
Fair enough re: aspirin. Do you use any other kind of OTC pain relief? The anti-inflammatory aspect seems to help.
The thing is that sciatica is multifactorial, and cures are highly personalized. There is no ONE cure and most advice is a combination of things.
For us, the breakthrough was the cold packs.
It depends what is a trigger. In our case, it was a slip injury, so that's acute - the nerve was bruised. It will probably heal pretty quickly. However, if sciatica is from a degenerative disease, such as diabetes, it can be chronic and must be dealt with by addressing the disease.
Gabapentin and I know it is horrible for you. I want off of it. Not sure it even helps. When I lie down is when the neuropathy gets me the most.
exactly. One is fine as long as one is moving.
I use Voltaren gel and otc lidocaine patches. If really bad, I use a TENS unit.
Now that's a wonderful side effect, in general. Might help with the smell and taste loss of covid if the damage doesn't extend too deep. The olfactory nerves have a supporting substrate that can be damaged.
I contracted one of the earliest strains of COVID-19, which resulted in the loss of my sense of smell. Despite waiting a month, it did not return to normal. I researched a long COVID protocol that involved the use of ivermectin, and I went through a full tube of it. It appeared to be effective, as my sense of smell has now returned to normal and has been for over a year.
Wow. Awesome for you. Please tell me what dose did you use and how long tube lasted at that rate ?? Ty In Advance I know ppl with similar issues. Loss of taste as well
I found a general long covid protocol on I didn't have all their recommended things to take, but I took the ones I could or had on hand without going to a doctor. But I also do a number of other things already recommended in the protocol by default. Such as Daily intermittent fasting, vit D, and regular doses of NAC with breaks here and there. lots of the usual things.
As far as a tube goes, it really just depends on the dosage you take. I remember there was a conversation chart a while back to dose it correctly for the weight that I no longer have. If you find a doctor willing to prescribe it that is definitely the way to go through.
Yes, that's a good point.
Very interesting thoughts as I know a few ppl suffering from taste and smell loss post COVID . Thoughts on dosage and frequency??
I just had another round ov COVID. No loss of smell. Horrible headache was the main symptom. This would be round 4 or 5. I work in a school.
Go to the link, select the PDF format. At the top of p. 8 they describe their procedure. They are applying it topically, not taking it orally, and sealing it. Doesn't seem to take much at all. Of course, you couldn't seal the inside of your nose, or tongue, so oral preparations might be necessary. Usual dose is 2 mg/kg. Of all the experiments in this study the longest treatment was 8 days. On a more bandage-able wound, I expect horsepaste or sheep drench would work.
Two 8mm diameter full-thickness biopsies were removed from the dorsal skin of adult male BALB/c mice. In the wound on the right side, 30 μL collagen gels containing 10 μM ivermectin or DMSO (control) were pipetted onto the wound and allowed to solidify (Figure 5A). The left side wounds remained untreated and served as additional controls. Both wounds were sealed using Tegaderm, and wound progression was followed over the course of 12 days. We determined that ivermectin partially aided in wound healing as determined by quantification of wound size over time (Figure 5B). At days 8−9 as well as 11−12, ivermectin-treated wounds were significantly smaller than DMSO-treated controls.
This article also supports another study finding benefit for multiple sclerosis patients, which is a nerve de-myelination disorder.
Do you have that study by chance ? My mind went directly to MS as I read this nih paper. I have a family member with ms 😦
Here is the GAW thread, with also some helpful comments below:
Thank you so much !
Y'all are making me wonder if I should be buying more ammo, or more ivermectin; apparently, you can't have enough of either. is my fav source.
Mine too and he’s funny
its almost like it saved so many lives so far it was part of the Nobel Prize in 2015. It is on the list of global medicines with the WHO. anti parasitic.....the whole parasite concept should be LOOKED INTO.
Suramin has similar effect. Pine needle tea.
WOW! I wish I had a bigger font!
I was hunting around for some help for a family member with a bruised sciatic nerve.
Dang, horse dewormer is versatile !
Huh, next time I have a sciatica attack I'm gonna take some ivermectin and see if it helps.
We are combining it with a strategy of hand reflexology (vids on YT) core strengthening exercises, stretches and cold packs. Be careful with the stretches though, some people do not have any idea, so make sure the advice is coming from a physiotherapist not some random. For example, any bending over e.g. the meaning of yoga pose, or the runner's stretch will exacerbate the sciatica. The nerve does not really want to be stretched.
The exercises should be more subtle than that.
The core strengthening includes walking on the balls of the feet slowly, creeping like a cat, so that one is aware of balancing, rather than quickly plonking on the heels. Walking seems to help in the dire hours.
Ashton Kutcher should try it. He has vasculitis, right?