They should also require the pledge before every vote and not count any votes of those who refuse. If you want to be a Congress Person of the United States, you must say the pledge, or you are not represented the citizens of the US.
Taking his position was supposed to seal his allegiance to this country and its people, yet he refuses to pledge? Should be grounds for loss of his seat.
Congress should now vote on a new Committee rule.
In order to be on a House Committee, you must say the Pledge of Allegiance" upon request. Failure to do so results in loss of committee assignment.
I like the way you think... Cheers fren...
Yes!☘️. FAFO repub’s better start walking with a big stick or they are fu@king outta there! Vote them out if they don’t do the will of the pepes!
AND repeat the Oath of Office....
They should also require the pledge before every vote and not count any votes of those who refuse. If you want to be a Congress Person of the United States, you must say the pledge, or you are not represented the citizens of the US.
Muh loyalty test. Imagine being asked to demonstrate loyalty to the entity you are required to be loyal to
How dare they!!! Kekekek... Cheers fren...
Better than that, Imagine being a True American Patriot....
Gee, what a Novel Idea, right???
He doesn't want to perjure himself in Congress.
Valid point... Cheers fren...
Taking his position was supposed to seal his allegiance to this country and its people, yet he refuses to pledge? Should be grounds for loss of his seat.
I'd go further than that... Time for him to be removed from politics all together... Cheers fren...
Dual Citizens are not loyal to this country.
Rumor is he couldn't stand up -- greased his shorts again.
KEKING mao... Cheers fren...
Well it's understandable. It's not his flag
Agreed... Cheers fren...
Because he's a Super-Zionist simping for a Super-Israel....
He's also a traitor to this country... Cheers fren
Always was....
because he is a hardcore marxist
And a traitor to this country... Cheers fren...
Fat, little goblin needs to be removed from office…
Completely agree... Cheers fren...
..the old prick should be told to pledge the Allegiance every time he farts and shits himself,..farting and shitting gone,.!!!!..,.
Kekekekek... Now that right there is funny... Cheers fren...
#Pedo State: "We don't know, the god-damned words..."
That traitor need to be brought up on charges of treason... Cheers fren...