100% this. She was recruited to her “role” as congresswoman and has openly discussed this.
I highly recommend this entire 2HR documentary by Tore Says called “Enjoy the Show Directors Cut”, but the part that speaks specifically to AOC can be found at the 1:53:00 mark. https://youtu.be/FSX7ESKLdTM
Acting but not good acting. She is not smart enough to delivery a speech that was written for her. If you're speaking from the heart the words are coming out. She stumbled and looked down but then she was already out of rhythm so she jumped up and down like skipping rope. Mental lightweight realizing she is on the wrong team. There's nobody to carry them. Just like kamala, when the team needs you to get up and charge, these dumb dems can't find the words.
Yeah it's obvious she is acting & yeah not the best but she's a good enough actor to convince idiots & that's all they need. Do you think she realizes that she's on the wrong team?? Would be great if she would. I must say after watching the video of her talking to Matt Gaetz I have a little less disgust for her. By their body language I could see she was treating him like a human being (unlike her counterpart Omar, ) Do you have that sense too?
She of course has no choice but to keep playing that role if she doesn't want to kill herself one day...
Not withdrawal. Adderall pumps you full of energy. Passion runs exceptionally high. You dont shut up. You cant stay still. Adderall is just legal meth. The kids tell me it is only one molecule different. I can always tell if a kid is on this shit because their productivity and focus improve by orders of magnitude.
AOC and Tlaib looked and sounded just like the kids I see on the job sites every day. Did you see AOC jumping around? Tlaib letting her emotions get away from her? They couldnt control those reactions. Thats what adderall does to you.
And adderall is everywhere. Doctors give em away like candy. Like they used to give opiates. You dont need a real reason to get it. Say your lethargic and the doc is writing the script before your done speaking. Say your hyper, same thing. There is a shitton of crooked docs out there. Entire networks. Pharma makes it very much worth the risk.
I wish she were a moron. I've come to realize that she's decent actor playing a part. I just hope that people wake up from this nonsense.
100% this. She was recruited to her “role” as congresswoman and has openly discussed this.
I highly recommend this entire 2HR documentary by Tore Says called “Enjoy the Show Directors Cut”, but the part that speaks specifically to AOC can be found at the 1:53:00 mark. https://youtu.be/FSX7ESKLdTM
Acting but not good acting. She is not smart enough to delivery a speech that was written for her. If you're speaking from the heart the words are coming out. She stumbled and looked down but then she was already out of rhythm so she jumped up and down like skipping rope. Mental lightweight realizing she is on the wrong team. There's nobody to carry them. Just like kamala, when the team needs you to get up and charge, these dumb dems can't find the words.
Yeah it's obvious she is acting & yeah not the best but she's a good enough actor to convince idiots & that's all they need. Do you think she realizes that she's on the wrong team?? Would be great if she would. I must say after watching the video of her talking to Matt Gaetz I have a little less disgust for her. By their body language I could see she was treating him like a human being (unlike her counterpart Omar, ) Do you have that sense too?
She of course has no choice but to keep playing that role if she doesn't want to kill herself one day...
Definitely a paid actor.
She is essentially a full time "Crisis Actor".
Replying here at the top because I have seen this before. In fact I see it every day on the different work crews I deal with. Even on my crew.
AOC and Tlaib were blasted on adderall. BLASTED. I have no doubt in my mind.
So AOC had an adderall withdrawal tantrum like you’ve seen workers have?
Not withdrawal. Adderall pumps you full of energy. Passion runs exceptionally high. You dont shut up. You cant stay still. Adderall is just legal meth. The kids tell me it is only one molecule different. I can always tell if a kid is on this shit because their productivity and focus improve by orders of magnitude.
AOC and Tlaib looked and sounded just like the kids I see on the job sites every day. Did you see AOC jumping around? Tlaib letting her emotions get away from her? They couldnt control those reactions. Thats what adderall does to you.
And adderall is everywhere. Doctors give em away like candy. Like they used to give opiates. You dont need a real reason to get it. Say your lethargic and the doc is writing the script before your done speaking. Say your hyper, same thing. There is a shitton of crooked docs out there. Entire networks. Pharma makes it very much worth the risk.
I really wish I knew how to animate