Of COURSE this faux First Hag was invited to present at the hell-inspired Grammys. Enjoy your time congratulating each other, Satanists....your time's almost up.
Her neck looks worse than a turkeys. Also, if you look closely, it doesn’t even look like her. Yes she still ugly, but there’s just something that tells me that’s not Jill Biden.
Looks like she's been forgotten in the back of the fridge for quite a while.
Old chicken breast wrapped in foil at the bottom of the freezer chest.
Yeah that's what we want to see. An old ass lady in a shiny dress. Thank God it's not low cut, but I don't need to see her old ass shoulders either.
Or that dangling turkey waddle! Sheesh! I think her handlers dress her horribly on purpose. What a contrast to our beautiful real First Lady!
Those leftovers look turned. Time for the trash bin
I feel bad for the garbage man
That's freezer burned toss it!
That dress doesn't look good on the "First Lady." For starters, there is strong glare from the lights on her breasts.
It looks like it could cause seizures if looked at for too long.
I just thought it looked junky on her. Heck, it would look junky on Melania.
Of COURSE this faux First Hag was invited to present at the hell-inspired Grammys. Enjoy your time congratulating each other, Satanists....your time's almost up.
Disgusting old HAG!
Are you suggesting sloppy seconds?
Her neck looks worse than a turkeys. Also, if you look closely, it doesn’t even look like her. Yes she still ugly, but there’s just something that tells me that’s not Jill Biden.
Freezer burn.
She needs a matching tin foil hat.
she loves to wear shower curtains and tablecloths. she could have the self awareness to wear a choker or a scarf or something.
Wow, she is not aging well.
Ahhh excuse me.... That's the esteemed DOCTOR Jill Biden
She's a human trash bag, but knows that Biden is NOT Biden and has been probably told to play along or join Joe.
She should consider dressing for her age. This looks like a hood rat's dress.
Hey, Hey, Hey.... That's "Dr. Jill Biden" to you... LMAO! Too bad it didn't cover that chicken neck!
Seriously though, this is a major upgrade compared to the weird stuff she's worn in the past.
...has the look of despair