M5M: "Ohio, East Palestine, Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, Blackrock, Vanguard, FEMA, and Nitric Acid are all trending on Twitter! Quick! Distract the people with another mass shooting!" ― These People are PREDICTABLE!
🧠 These people are PREDICTABLE!

We are quickly entering a time period in which the M5M networks will not be able to produce enough narratives to distract the normies from the catastrophes occurring across the nation on a daily basis. Things are getting very bad out there. Q told us that the people cannot be told, they must be shown. We were never told that this would be easy, and neither were we told that everything would be clean. The normies are learning a hard lesson with these disastrous happenings. Remember . . . Only at the PRECIPICE will people find the will to change.
What does all of this actually show the normies though? The majority of people I know are still walking around talking about the stupid superb owl, upcoming country artist's concerts, and living their lives dumb to the real happenings of the world.
It shows the people of Ohio, and its neighboring states of Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, as well as any other state down wind or down stream of East Palestine that The United States Government and all its alphabet agencies don't give a damn about their safety or the efficacy of the clean up operation.
This isn't a case of one and done awakening. This is the case of the straw that broke the camels back. We don't know how many more disasters are needed before the people reach critical mass awakening. There will come a day when life will become so unbearable, so unlivable, so obviously overtaken by Deep State interests that the normie will wake up of their own accord and realize that the America they live in is uninhabitable.
When the normies have no clean drinking water, no affordable food, intermittent or constant power outages, and when their savings runs dry, then and only then will they find the will to change their ideology, and put America first.
When we set out on the journey of The Great Awakening back in 2017, many Anons believed that the awakening of America would be swift and clean. As it turns out, this awakening journey is more akin to a marathon. One day we will reach that critical mass awakening moment. Until then, Anons must be prepared to live through increasingly hard times until the pot boils enough to wake up the sleepers.
They will own nothing and be happy...
Very eloquently stated. Thank you.
Thing is, we are ALL going to pay, and pay royally we will, along the way
The end won’t be for everyone. Yikes!
The Ohio River watershed has long had problems with toxic pollution. Those who have been paying attention before the train derailments fiasco already know that TPTB don't care too much about the safety and wellbeing of people in this area or the environmental issues there.
I wonder, though, just how many Anons actually care about the environmental damage caused by this train derailment, or if they're using it as a means to criticize a)the MSM/gov. for not reporting enough on the matter and b) those who are yet awake to such things.
Because a month ago, I wouldn't have believed that so many Anons would be on the side of the environmentalists rather than industries that promotes jobs at the cost of causing environmental damage.
And I'm wondering how long people are going to be so concerned with this topic, before a new shiny object is waved in front of them. Which is ironic, considering the topic here is about distracting people.
I honestly doubt many people here will even remember this derailment six months from now. But I live in this area and have had concerns about toxic pollution in the area for decades and routinely come up against people on the side of those who provide jobs along with the toxic waste those jobs produce.
So if it seems I'm a bit touchy on the subject, that's why.
Anons aren't on the side of the environmentalists, or the industries. We are on the side of the people of Ohio who are being gaslit (no pun intended) by Blackrock and Vanguard who are telling them that it is perfectly safe to live in a town that has just been nuked with the equivalency of a chemical weapons attack.
Disasters happen. Safety standards can help mitigate them, but not wholly eliminate them altogether. What Anons take issue with is the deliberate malfeasance in the clean up operation, coupled with the coordinated media blackout. The conspiracy being entered into in the collaborative efforts of the M5M, Blackrock, Vanguard, and Norfolk against the people of Ohio and the neighboring countryside paints a very clear picture. If these parties are willing to bury this story with such haste and disregard for human life, there must be a terrible truth at the center of all of this beyond merely regaining the profit streams of the rail line.
I’m genuinely curious with my follow up to your point, particularly the last bit. Is it the same terrible truth with rail companies since the inception of the technology? As long as there have been trains there has been derailments, and derailments involving hazmat, rail company’s have a long storied and established history of ignoring safety regulations to Penny pinch. I can remember multiple derailments that turned towns into apocalyptic hellscapes in my life time and I’m not even old. Thanks for the response.
Remember when Joe Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline within the first 48 hrs of his presidency because transporting chemicals by trains was "safe and effective" --- and it was the pipeline that was environmentally unfriendly?
Next stop: The Precipice,
Ok, but can we talk about how this shooting supposedly included:
None of this makes sense
And there is the dead giveaway. The M5M narratives of late are lazily crafted fan fiction compared to what they've produced in the past. They are desperate, and in their desperation they are making mistakes that will only serve the purpose of speeding up the awakening process.
MSU is really big so 2/3 of those can make sense at least. It's just not very likely, but there has obviously been a massive rise in school shootings over the past what...15 years?
The hell is M5M?
I get what you mean by it, but why the numeral 5?
This sounds almost as stupid as that guy who absolutely must replace every instance of the one-letter self-referential pronoun "I" with "ayh."
See also aym, ayd, ayll, and ayve.
The central five media corporations, often referred to as the "Big Five" in the United States, are:
Comcast Corporation (NBCUniversal)
The Walt Disney Company (ABC, ESPN, Marvel, Lucasfilm, Pixar)
ViacomCBS (CBS, Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, BET)
News Corp (Fox Corporation, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post)
AT&T (WarnerMedia, HBO, CNN, TNT, TBS)
None of these media corporations have made reporting on East Palestine a priority issue. This situation should be a national emergency, and yet we hear crickets from the M5M.
Should be M1M.
They're all BlackRock.
But 1 doesn't look like a S like a 5 does, so it's not as cool. 😐
oh now I get it. 🙂
FEMA doesn't want anyone to view White Noise on Netflix because it can cause cases of mistaken coincidence.
Before you get too excited, none of it appears to be trending on twitter as a whole - it's trending on Twitter "for you". Make sure you go to the regular "Trending" tab where you'll see what is really Trending. Everything else is based on who you follow, your likes, and whatever other algorithms they use.
I'd say 440,000 tweets about Palestine qualifies as trending. Most of the topics on the trending page don't even have a fraction of that count.
Things are so bad that they even used a racist picture of a supposed shooter... they didn't even try to use a white guy... I wonder if the man punched any elementary aged white girls during the fiasco?
I noticed that too! The M5M will go to great lengths to avoid talking about shooters of any other ethnicity than white. They truly are DESPERATE!
The way I think about this: I don’t think they false-flagged it. I don’t think they MkUltraed this guy or paid him to do it, or even framed someone else. If they wanted to go that way then yeah, they would have used a white guy
What I think they’re doing is pushing a story for their benefit. If they didn’t need a distraction right now, they would just ignore this story (just like they’re ignoring new palastine)
If they didn’t have this particular shooting, they’d select any other random shooting that kills three people. There are probably a dozen a week in Chicago alone - ordinarily ignored, they could report on it if they wanted to.
Their goal is never to “report what’s happening” - their goal is always to push a narrative. They do that by picking and choosing, not (always) by faking
Yes, I agree. It's not always manufactured but the story about it is. I'm just surprised they didn't "whiten" his appearance like they did with the 5 cops in Atlanta. After all the race division they push and selecting then twisting just the right events and actors, even coloring them if necessary, I'm saying something isn't working out for them.
If they don't have a ff set up with an MK'd teenaged white boy so that they have to settle for whatever non-white aggressor they can work with on the spot things must be pretty bad for them.
We'll know they are scraping the bottom when they start using any available story out of places run by democrats like Chicago.
If you login with a fresh account it won't show those trends. It seems to cater them to what you're interested in and what you like. So who knows if normies are seeing them.