If you can’t beat ‘em…..join em.
Comments (16)
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Yeah I'm not touching this one. I've learned to stop responding so quickly to the MSM's games regarding things Trump is supposedly going to do. It's usually shit taken out of context or straight up lies, like when they claimed he was turning on the pro-life crowd because it supposedly hurt Republicans' chances during the midterms.
Good advice. I should've done the same.
Trillions of votes will go for the next winner.
Trump: 1 trillion Biden: 2 trillion
What a turnout for the 2024 selection.
Ballot harvesting allows for fraudulent votes. Either illegal votes added, your opponent's ballots thrown away or filling out ballots for homeless, nursing homes, etc. The point is, even if Trump does the legal ballot harvesting, the enemy will do 10X that in illegal ways that Trump won't do.
If this is a true report in the first place, what’s to say that Trump isn’t bluffing? Maybe he wants the commies to be afraid of fraud committed by non-commies so that the commies themselves will want to put an end to the mail-in ballot bullshit.
In b4 the msm starts claiming this is so that Trump can engage in fraud, because obviously the only reason would be fraud... im ready to see some short circuiting npc brains
Nothing will end mail-in ballots like Trump wanting them.
This is Trump trolling the demoncrats and the media. If Trump is for it, they got to be against it now, right? KEK!
He is right to do it, it’s the only way to level the game. If he can do it better than Democrats they will ban it, which is better for all.
WSJ are a bunch of stenographers, not journalists at all.
Optics...Trump has to appear as a normie former president saying, 'I told you so.'
I was surprised reading this headline until I saw the wsj at the top and instantly knew it was bullshit. Must be early programming their sheep for big Trump win claiming fraud.
6D Chess
If you suddenly do a 180 and give them what they want, it becomes rather hard to say no to it when all you want is to have it done right and in a properly secure way.
Sucker-punch with a 6 year wind-up that no one saw coming......
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