Wasserman Schultz: DeSantis 'Declared War on Wall Street' with anti-ESG Push
On Tuesday's broadcast of Bloomberg's "Balance of Power," Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) stated that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) "has essentially declared war on Wall Street" with his push against environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investi...
Nope, Debbie, fighting against ESG will actually SAVE Wall Street. Now go to the corner, put on this dunce cap and face the wall, and please, for the love of God, shut up.
She's looking pretty rugged.
The Brits have a saying about that: "She looks like she was drug backwards through a hedge." But in Debbie's case, it looks like she was drug FORWARD through a hedge.
Are we SURE that's a she?
She looks like she's been ridden hard and put away wet.
More like DeSantis acknowledge the declaration of war that Wall St. made against the people.
Another rank bitch who deserves the rope.
I'm mean, honestly, Jamie Dimon did that when he stood in front of Davos and said oil will be around for the next 50 years.
Her skinsuit needs to be traded in. Barf.
You're born with one face, then GOD gives you the one you deserve
Ok, her being against him is the first positive for DeSantis I've seen lately. Still watching.....
Where's that ugly tree she fell out of? I would like to thank it for gifting her with a wilderbeast face. Imagine the rest of her body is just as fugly.... and I mean fuuuugly.
Man-o-Man...DWS is looking like 40 miles of broken road interspersed with broken glass...WOWZA!!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Are banks looting investment pension funds under the guise of ESG using an AI bot?
Strange things happen whenever there is a change in the rules around ESG. When Vanguard pulled out of ESG, JD Sports became a ‘surprise’ biggest loser in the markets. It’s owned by a major contributor to the CEJI foundation, on whose board sit Rothschild Foundations and Belgian King Boudroin tied to the Dutroux trafficking case.
Texas attorneys sense something amiss and have called on the CEO of Blackrock to step down.
She is beautiful and courageous. I wish her the best in her transition.