East Palestine is easy to figure out. East of Palestine is Jordan. Jim Jordan. Congressman from Ohio. Leading the investigation. It'll be a train wreck for those who can't escape. Lots of toxic stuff will be released in the process. It will probably get into the public water supply and into the collective consciousness of millions of Americans.
What I can't figure out is why there's an angry bear glaring at us around the mushroom cloud. Zoom in, you'll see. Is it a Russian bear, of just an angry one recently awoken from hibernation?
Also, vinyl chloride = record bleach. I suppose that's the plan for those caught in the nuclear storm cloud.
I can't tell who either. But I suspect much of it is smoke and mirrors. Possibly old empty trains nobody wanted tossed off the tracks for show and the insurance money. Add Hollywood pyrotechnics and you have a disaster. Maybe.
we are rapidly being killed off. like i keep saying, the "white hats" are equally as invested in depop as their competition, they just want a slower programme.
put it this way: the "white hats" didnt blow up the georgia guidestones because they disagree, they wrecked them as a statement that the goal of <500million is already on pace to happen.
Either through intent or fortune doesnt matter, the most important part is we recognize it is an op being played since the crash. Sometimes the thing to focus on is the ripples and not the splash. It is in the ripples that they implement tyranny.
I think it's just to create angst in the general populace, and to flip off the people who would never vote for them or stop fighting against their insane, demonic ideas--while simultaneously destroying everything they love or own. They are nothing if not demented, twisted and sick.
I think it was just the deep state getting one passed us. I think sometimes, we can't account for every single move and counter move, especially when dealing with 7 billion people. We have our border being flooded, and a lot of bad people come along with that. People willing to, say, carry out an attack on a train carrying hazardous materials for $10,000. Clearly, it was some deep state actor. Which group remains to be seen. But ultimately, the bad actor is the devil, Moloch, Baal that initiates these actions.
I believe it's a casualty of the war and we have to act accordingly. It should remind us that we need to be grateful for everyday our food, and water supply are relatively safe. How, as a community, can we come together to aid these people. These are mostly Trump supporters, and Biden is shitting all over them looking the other way. How do we show how strong we are as a community and help out?
Very true but East Palestine is a tough one to figure out.
I've had a tough time figuring out anything in the past few weeks.
Step one of mastering 5G warfare is to recognize the uncertainty.
East Palestine is easy to figure out. East of Palestine is Jordan. Jim Jordan. Congressman from Ohio. Leading the investigation. It'll be a train wreck for those who can't escape. Lots of toxic stuff will be released in the process. It will probably get into the public water supply and into the collective consciousness of millions of Americans.
What I can't figure out is why there's an angry bear glaring at us around the mushroom cloud. Zoom in, you'll see. Is it a Russian bear, of just an angry one recently awoken from hibernation?
Also, vinyl chloride = record bleach. I suppose that's the plan for those caught in the nuclear storm cloud.
So what are you saying? White hats are in control or Black hats? I'm even more confused now.
My guess... Is no one was in control... That's why it derailed...
I can't tell who either. But I suspect much of it is smoke and mirrors. Possibly old empty trains nobody wanted tossed off the tracks for show and the insurance money. Add Hollywood pyrotechnics and you have a disaster. Maybe.
we are rapidly being killed off. like i keep saying, the "white hats" are equally as invested in depop as their competition, they just want a slower programme.
put it this way: the "white hats" didnt blow up the georgia guidestones because they disagree, they wrecked them as a statement that the goal of <500million is already on pace to happen.
Wtaf... Are you literally suggesting you can see an angry bear in the smoke cloud?
Smokey the bear confirmed.
Watch the water. Sit back, stand by and watch......forever.
Red pill and get involved locally. The tentacles of the cabal extend right into your own backyard.
Either through intent or fortune doesnt matter, the most important part is we recognize it is an op being played since the crash. Sometimes the thing to focus on is the ripples and not the splash. It is in the ripples that they implement tyranny.
I think it's just to create angst in the general populace, and to flip off the people who would never vote for them or stop fighting against their insane, demonic ideas--while simultaneously destroying everything they love or own. They are nothing if not demented, twisted and sick.
I think it was just the deep state getting one passed us. I think sometimes, we can't account for every single move and counter move, especially when dealing with 7 billion people. We have our border being flooded, and a lot of bad people come along with that. People willing to, say, carry out an attack on a train carrying hazardous materials for $10,000. Clearly, it was some deep state actor. Which group remains to be seen. But ultimately, the bad actor is the devil, Moloch, Baal that initiates these actions.
I believe it's a casualty of the war and we have to act accordingly. It should remind us that we need to be grateful for everyday our food, and water supply are relatively safe. How, as a community, can we come together to aid these people. These are mostly Trump supporters, and Biden is shitting all over them looking the other way. How do we show how strong we are as a community and help out?