Anti-Semitism technically means that you are anti-Semite, and Semites are both Jews and Arabs. In the parlance of the folks who shout this word, it generally means you are anti-Jewish (they conveniently omit the Arabs).
A Zionist is someone (usually but not always a Jew) who supports the founding of the modern nation-state of Israel. Many Jews did not and even still do not support the establishment/existence of the modern nation-state of Israel, because they cite God's command that the Jews were to wander the Earth until the End Time, at which time they would be allowed to return to Israel. These people believe the Jews should not be in Israel, because God has not called them back yet. The people in the photo you linked are Orthodox Jews. Orthodox Jews are anti-Zionism.
Semite = Shem-ite. Son of Shem/Chem (spellings differ).
Shem's descendants were Isaac and Ishmael, the two Fathers of what have become "the Israelites"/the Jews (these two sound the same, but are actually very different, especially in modern times) and the Arabs/muslims (Not all Arabs are muslims, not all muslims are Arabs).
This is, btw, why Jews do not consider themselves "White". Or at least "observant Jews" do not. According to the Bible, they are Sons of Shem, and "Whites" are Sons of Japheth. Common Ancestor (Noah), but separate races now. Blacks/Asians are Sons of Ham.
I answered his question. It is not required to address the topics you raise here to answer that question.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is most likely an authentic document, a valid reflection of their plans, and a reflection of the Noahide Rules/Laws.
Hitler killed mostly SA (Brownshirts) and rivals during The Night of the Long Knives, to consolidate power and appease the German military. He also had quite a few Communists to address, but iirc, he did not do that on The Night of the Long Knives.
Lol The " 6 million" is no longer relevant. This is from the official auschwitz website :
Historians estimate that around 1,1 million people perished in Auschwitz during the less than 5 years of its existence. The majority, around 1 million people, were Jews.
This post is about free speech. How is a post saying "Teh holocaust, amirite?" on Q? Pls reference Overton Window to determine whether the "Israel for last" clause is active.
i got a 7 day suspension from GAW for posting about how the holocaust was a hoax, and the real genocides were in Russia, Ukraine, Cambodia, China,
Chris Rock: you ever meet TWO Indians? everyone has met ONE indian, but has anyone ever met TWO indians?
What's the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-zionism?
Anti-Semitism technically means that you are anti-Semite, and Semites are both Jews and Arabs. In the parlance of the folks who shout this word, it generally means you are anti-Jewish (they conveniently omit the Arabs).
A Zionist is someone (usually but not always a Jew) who supports the founding of the modern nation-state of Israel. Many Jews did not and even still do not support the establishment/existence of the modern nation-state of Israel, because they cite God's command that the Jews were to wander the Earth until the End Time, at which time they would be allowed to return to Israel. These people believe the Jews should not be in Israel, because God has not called them back yet. The people in the photo you linked are Orthodox Jews. Orthodox Jews are anti-Zionism.
That was honestly an outstanding explanation.
Semite = Shem-ite. Son of Shem/Chem (spellings differ).
Shem's descendants were Isaac and Ishmael, the two Fathers of what have become "the Israelites"/the Jews (these two sound the same, but are actually very different, especially in modern times) and the Arabs/muslims (Not all Arabs are muslims, not all muslims are Arabs).
This is, btw, why Jews do not consider themselves "White". Or at least "observant Jews" do not. According to the Bible, they are Sons of Shem, and "Whites" are Sons of Japheth. Common Ancestor (Noah), but separate races now. Blacks/Asians are Sons of Ham.
Big part about “world domination” you left out.
What do you think of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
Who did Hitler kill in the Night of the Long Knives? Why?
Do tell
I answered his question. It is not required to address the topics you raise here to answer that question.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is most likely an authentic document, a valid reflection of their plans, and a reflection of the Noahide Rules/Laws.
Hitler killed mostly SA (Brownshirts) and rivals during The Night of the Long Knives, to consolidate power and appease the German military. He also had quite a few Communists to address, but iirc, he did not do that on The Night of the Long Knives.
As well, Jews Against Israeli Apartheid...
The truth shall set us all free!!!
Not nearly as miserable as the Japanese camps for Americans and Filipinos...
Lol The " 6 million" is no longer relevant. This is from the official auschwitz website :
Auschwitz was just one camp (Dachau, etc.), so I would not take this as evidence that people are backing off the 6 Million number.
This post is about free speech. How is a post saying "Teh holocaust, amirite?" on Q? Pls reference Overton Window to determine whether the "Israel for last" clause is active.
If we don't get to last eventually, it nevers ends.
Let the anon speak. That Overton window was smashed a long ways back and there is no closing it now.
"...find out who you aren't allowed to criticize..."