Trust Kansas at the 2023 Superbowl: The Commander-in-Chiefs; Note that the author mentions the first arrest "that confirms future direction" is Ghislaine Maxwell
Can someone give a TLDR lol
The Super Bowl is scripted comms, not surprisingly the winner is predetermined. The KC Chiefs winning plus Rihanna performing at halftime is a comm that more info will soon drop from the Ghislaine Maxwell cases.
Rihanna has symbolized Ghislaine Maxwell for a long time, most of her career. The announcement she’s pregnant means something is about to be birthed or revealed. Her singing Kanye’s song All of the Lights was comms things from court cases will come to light.
Obviously there’s much more, but that’s the TLDR from the first part. . . I think 🤔
Thank you, I really do appreciate it. Not that it was just too long for me but sometimes I just don't have the mental fortitude for something like that, my eyes just start glazing over.
You’re welcome.
I’m trying to imagine how the author’s mind works. The writing style is obviously a huge clue. My guess is he is connecting dots so fast that the writing part is actually painful because it forces it him to slow down.
You have to read the entire blog to get many of the references. I've read every article at least twice and I see the news in a completely different light.
u/Mr_A gave a decent summary of the author's history.
Funny thing is I naturally saw news articles that I now know were comms and instinctively wrote them off as a waste of time, and they were a waste of time for me because I had no idea about comms in the first place.
Now my BS filter has transformed into possible comm filter, and when I see 15-20 articles with the same premise, I know there's something there.
Author was a target of mk-ultra programming when young, but avoided being controlled. Comms aware from early age but without understanding it, like hearing people speak a foreign language but never enough to learn. Used Q as an inspiration to publish some comms learning and learn more in that process. Author has made interpretive mistakes, but generally finds enough consistent messaging to be very confident before publishing. With enough reading, makes an excellent case for comms demonstrations and interpretations. Has admitted that the blog is more like research notes from their learning experience, as opposed to well-written exposition. They have a telegram channel where they open up about methods.
Their will be a video version in next week I’m sure! Can catch up on others here, frens https://m.youtube.com/@Symbols_TV
The author also links the Super Bowl "champs" to Top Gun 2. The relationship between the two is because they are the two most popular things to happen within the last year, and KC QB Matt Moore choreographed the football scene in Top Gun 2. This article also included discussion of the comms related to the Top Gun franchise as well as the Iron Eagle franchise.
There is also a link between Top Gun 2 and the 2017 movie, Thank You for Your Service. Actor Miles Teller appears in both, and what is more, Thank You for Your Service is his last movie before Top Gun 2.
Do you know what the top movie was just before the Superbowl this year?
Knock at the Cabin.
Coincidence? I don't think so because they pushed that factoid in an "article" about the 19-"84 Brady" movie, which by the way suggests Big Brother is watching the Brady Materials.
Its exactly like the Patriots winning after 9-11.
The Patriots dynasty is Tom Brady Comms
Brady = Brady Material
Brady Material, is a big deal and has been discussed via Comms since the Brady Bunch.
She sang a ton of songs. One happening to be Kanye’s all of the lights. Which was one of her most popular songs she’s been in.
Deciding symbols guy is serial brain 2.0