posted ago by kekistani_prince ago by kekistani_prince +40 / -2

So I stopped working on the wimshurst because I was running into some manufacturing and pulley relate roadblocks to do with the strength of plastic and 3d printng and I completely scrapped what I was making and put together a Cylindrical Verison of this Lebiez Machine

It functions the same from an end user perspective and it's quite powerful.

My last parts finished printing this morning so I spent the morning putting things together and getting ready to test. Everything was perfect and everything worked the way a I was hoping without capacitors attached.

I was able to create a sustained 30 KV Arc that was powerful enough to be visible in sunlight.

I was spinning the machine with a drill at around 1,600 RPM and I basically felt no resistance from the drill to my hand, like a bit, but feather resistance kind of thing.

Now there's math to prove the output. Pretty soon I'm going to check if I can spin it with an old low tourque 48 watt AC motor with burnt out bearing XD.

If that works, I have the mathematical theory and the physical unit that proves that unlimited free energy is real. It's easy and you can do it at home, almost for free.

Then I'm going to reprint my cylinder to use sheet metal instead of foil tape. The foil tape actually screwed me over and ruined my 18 hour print 250 gram barrel.

I only got 5 minutes of fun! The stupid foil tape started tearing up and the glue and tin mixed together and shorted out the entire f-ing barrel!

It's trashed, all of the crevices are full of glue and foil.

That being said, the machine worked and it was easy to spin, that's the important part.

EDIT: Just finished the design for the barrel that'll fit the sheet metal strip......it's going to take over 600 grams of PLA and it's going to take 2.5 days on my MK3S+ lol

As a bonus, because of the way that I'm making grooves that'll fit and hold the metal strips, the sruface area for each strip is close to double the tinfoil strips area. So double the current and there's a little more space between plates, so also going to get a little more peek voltage.

Based on these numbers and my dimenstions, thanks to the upgrade in the design, I'll be making over 4 milliamps at 1800 rpm. The design also has room for more electrodes to be placed on there, so once those are in place it'll be 8 milliamps at a max of ~216 KV with the current design. That'll be 1728 Watts at 1800 RPM on a 3d printed electrostatic generator that you can pick up and carry and transport inside of anything that fits a 10 inch by 24 inch package.

Photos, videos and 3D print files are coming after I make sure the new barrel doesn't explode at speed and I have it hooked up a motor and some experiments