Because one group of people that control everything want to erase the white man. It's the same reason every country has to accept immigrants but their country does not.
You know. The same ones VASTLY overrepresented in: Politics on either "side", College admission, "Entertainment" (including but not limited to theme parks, cinema, "music", sportsball team ownership, infrastucture at all levels), Media ownership (holy shit the media ownership, at every level).
The ones telling you that YOU need to import those invaders for "progress", but doing it to their home country is genocide.
Do you know that if Merrick Garland would have been confirmed as Obama's nominee to the Supreme court, that would have made five of the nine justices Jewish?
2% of the population, nearly 60% of the Supreme Court, and a majority
Obama did not move on the Garland nomination because he could not, because Patriots were in control. Now Garland is at the center of the shitstorm and he's going down.
You ask what group so here are some things to look into. Did you know that WW2 is one of the biggest lies in the world? What great leader wrote home that we were fighting on the wrong side? What happened to this leader? What is the truth behind the Holocaust? Have you seen the Leuchter Report? What are some of the greatest historians saying? Why were they (historians) praised before speaking truth and how are they treated now? David Cole and David Irving are great places to start.
Why has this group been kicked out of over a hundred nations throughout history?What group of people are fighting so hard to make it illegal to speak badly about them? Have you heard of the Holodomor and did you know more people were killed in it than the Holocaust? 99% of what you learned about WW2 is a lie. Once you realize this group owns everything we are fighting against and that this group pushes all of the filth, then you will have begun your true awakening.
I love the hypocrites on this site. Specifically belittle blacks then claim blacks are the problem. Some real racist bigots on here. Reality is there is plenty of proof of keeping a population weak so you can use them for what you please. Don't bitch about blacks being terrorizing while also abusing them yourselves
And who is abusing who? Anglos are 7% of global population so who are the real victims? What’s the real agenda? All races were victimized, at one point in history. The toll was paid long ago.
Just proved my point. Thanks.
The irony 😅
No point telling you to reread what you posted because of you post such b.s to begin with you can tell you can't understand you're a hypocrite
You are the one that came in swinging saying people here are claiming blacks are the problem.
The color of skin is not the problem - culture is. Plenty of POS white people to go around, but this idea that pointing out legitimate criticism for the “black community” automatically makes one a bigot is why you have never left the plantation and are the real racist.
Found the African, LOL. How is the village voodoo hysteria going? Any foreskins to offer to the village fertility effigy? Did you guys ever convince all those Asians to come back after kicking them out and stealing their property and businesses only to watch all that accumulated wealth evaporate at your own hands after realizing you simply couldn’t manage a working economy because it took work?
Because one group of people that control everything want to erase the white man. It's the same reason every country has to accept immigrants but their country does not.
Come on now, you know...
Better start studying, fast.
Naming them directly is not necessary and only serves as more ammo for MSM.
You know. The same ones VASTLY overrepresented in: Politics on either "side", College admission, "Entertainment" (including but not limited to theme parks, cinema, "music", sportsball team ownership, infrastucture at all levels), Media ownership (holy shit the media ownership, at every level).
The ones telling you that YOU need to import those invaders for "progress", but doing it to their home country is genocide.
Come on, know.
Do you know that if Merrick Garland would have been confirmed as Obama's nominee to the Supreme court, that would have made five of the nine justices Jewish?
2% of the population, nearly 60% of the Supreme Court, and a majority
Obama did not move on the Garland nomination because he could not, because Patriots were in control. Now Garland is at the center of the shitstorm and he's going down.
Why that's....interesting. In the least.
You ask what group so here are some things to look into. Did you know that WW2 is one of the biggest lies in the world? What great leader wrote home that we were fighting on the wrong side? What happened to this leader? What is the truth behind the Holocaust? Have you seen the Leuchter Report? What are some of the greatest historians saying? Why were they (historians) praised before speaking truth and how are they treated now? David Cole and David Irving are great places to start. Why has this group been kicked out of over a hundred nations throughout history?What group of people are fighting so hard to make it illegal to speak badly about them? Have you heard of the Holodomor and did you know more people were killed in it than the Holocaust? 99% of what you learned about WW2 is a lie. Once you realize this group owns everything we are fighting against and that this group pushes all of the filth, then you will have begun your true awakening.
Because they need the European people to survive? Look how South Africa has gone down the drain, after they "kicked" out the Europeans ...
Trains never came on time anymore after the Europeans left.. funny but true
Africa is not a country
There are 54 countries in Africa.
That point still remains the same. Why do they need to live in Ireland. Because it’s all part of the homogenization of white people.
To taint the genetics. Duh. They want white women.
Shop at Asian and Mexican grocery stores.
It's easier to take what other people have built than to build it yourself.
And also easier to blame another race rather than take responsibility for stoneage behavior.
CAUSE THEY GET FREE MONEY!!!!!! This ain't rocket science.
You are significantly missing the big picture.
Ireland for Africans. We truly are living in bizarro world
Because they had food. Had.
Irish know how to grow potatoes ?
Country deliberately decimated by westerners for cheap experiments.
I’m proud of my ancestry - specifically not having another race to blame my shortcomings on.
Keep believing that lie.
I love the hypocrites on this site. Specifically belittle blacks then claim blacks are the problem. Some real racist bigots on here. Reality is there is plenty of proof of keeping a population weak so you can use them for what you please. Don't bitch about blacks being terrorizing while also abusing them yourselves
And who is abusing who? Anglos are 7% of global population so who are the real victims? What’s the real agenda? All races were victimized, at one point in history. The toll was paid long ago.
Time to grow up and move on.
Just proved my point. Thanks. The irony 😅 No point telling you to reread what you posted because of you post such b.s to begin with you can tell you can't understand you're a hypocrite
You are the one that came in swinging saying people here are claiming blacks are the problem.
The color of skin is not the problem - culture is. Plenty of POS white people to go around, but this idea that pointing out legitimate criticism for the “black community” automatically makes one a bigot is why you have never left the plantation and are the real racist.
Belittling a culture is not racism. Belittling an entire race for their race, is racism.
It is all so tiring.
Imagine an African with an Irish accent 🤣
Bedrock = Manipulation.
Because Paddy would rather sip pints than get his wife preggers. So they have to import a nice man to do it for him.
You might get angry about it but you know it's true.
This isn’t the place for slime. Take a hike.
Found the African, LOL. How is the village voodoo hysteria going? Any foreskins to offer to the village fertility effigy? Did you guys ever convince all those Asians to come back after kicking them out and stealing their property and businesses only to watch all that accumulated wealth evaporate at your own hands after realizing you simply couldn’t manage a working economy because it took work?