Antisemitism laws are a suppression of free speech. Good people are still turning a blind eye to the group forcing all this filth. Time to wake the f_<k up and see who the true oppressors are.
The point is that all those groups have the same people sitting on the boards that are a part of this group. They run everything and are everywhere....
It started a loooong time ago... Milenia ago... The 13 ancient bloodlines now 12 that have been trying to take control of this world since the creation... Cheers fren...
'hate speech' can and is being defined as anything the people in power don't like. It includes the truth such as 'The death shot the government is mandating is going to kill off a sizeable portion of the population'. Nothing hateful about that, but it got supressed during the scamdemic.
You can't hold the necessary pressure for effective employment of gas with porous wooden doors. Germans are masters of efficiency, they would have done it right and not wasted valuable war material.
You mean kind of like ours is??? The problem is that like them, we allowed it to happen hoping it would all go away... Our complacency is what got us where we are today... Cheers fren...
This meme was being used as an example of how we got to where we are today... The key takeaway is that our own complacency got us here... I personally have always had my misgivings about the whole holocaust thing... Cheers fren...
No apology needed fren... We all need to rant some times... I took no offense and was only explaining my motives for the meme... Have a blessed and awesome rest of your day... Cheers... 😊😊😊
I saw a documentary that said several studies turned up no zyklon b traces in the shower rooms. Apparently the wooden doors on these shower rooms would've been a problem for gas chambers anyway. I'm no expert on chemicals and all that though so idk.
I do completely doubt the stories about masturbation devices being used to torture Jewish men and boys to death though. And the roller coaster-like apparatus that victims would supposedly ride on their way to being dumped unceremoniously into ovens. And live babies being thrown into the air for target practice.
This whole victors writing the history books is a helluva thing. Especially when the victors are controlled by the people that Hitler was against and who still control things today. He wasn't the first btw, they've been expelled from countries over 100 times.
He once described them as a "small international clique that sets the peoples of the world against each other and does not want them to have peace." That sounds a lot like the Cabal/Rothschild Illuminati, right? Who was the only person to ever have a Rothschild arrested btw?
The guy's a straight shooter and even gets the Auschwitz museum director to admit the gas chambers were built after the camp was liberated by the allies.
Any pow camps in modern warfare get really bad for the losers. It usually reaches a crescendo with starvation because the host population is starving too. No food for pows. All sorts of diseases pop up, it snowballs
Interesting... There are a couple schools of thought about the holocaust... Both sides have arguments that sound very convincing... I'm still up in the air about it... This particular meme was to illustrate how our country ended up where it is today... Cheers fren...
People who turn a blind eye and let evil things happen can hardly be considered good. Nazi Germany actually purged a lot of the good people internally before going forward. They brought the guillotine back as a punishment just for them. The "Good People" this sign is referring to are just the sheep. They went with the flow and kept their heads down in order to survive. They survived at the price of their souls (metaphorically, I'm not implying they all went to hell just for being cowards).
We're here to exchange ideas and discuss. Not to get butt-hurt over someone questioning the veracity of what you've posted. Being able to discuss and discern the truth is why we are here. Your attitude is counterproductive to this community.
Yesterday, you posted a list of patents which was incredibly misleading...I looked up all the patents you listed in what you copy/pasted as a post, and most of them did not support the claim.
I suggest you step back, listen, ask questions seeking to understand others' opinions, and engage respectfully- rather than looking for verbal combat. A statement of disagreement is not a personal attack on you- but it is how how are perceiving and responding to it.
Spare me the lectures... I've been on this board a long time and can take constructive criticism just fine... Don't come at me with insults and we'll get along but if you come at me by insulting me you can rest assured I'm going to come back at you... I too looked up all the patents and the only mistake was the first one... peace out...
It all ties back into the Ukraine war of today as well, where the Khazar mafia wants to reclaim ancient Khazar and create a Greater Israel.
My point was to suggest this is a new conflict is a lie. Unless you wrote the meme, I would not internalize this as me calling you a liar personally. The statement begins with a false premise.
Antisemitism laws are a suppression of free speech. Good people are still turning a blind eye to the group forcing all this filth. Time to wake the f_<k up and see who the true oppressors are.
I agree butbwhere to start??? It isn't just the Jews... There's the ADL, SPLC, The NWO, The WEF, The Jews as well as the woke mob... Cheers fren...
The point is that all those groups have the same people sitting on the boards that are a part of this group. They run everything and are everywhere....
You're absolutely right... The puppet masters are the ones we need to remove...
Start with the Rothschilds.
It started a loooong time ago... Milenia ago... The 13 ancient bloodlines now 12 that have been trying to take control of this world since the creation... Cheers fren...
This is why we need free speech with no exception for 'hate speech'. No censorship must be permitted.
This must happen or the problem will never be solved.
'hate speech' can and is being defined as anything the people in power don't like. It includes the truth such as 'The death shot the government is mandating is going to kill off a sizeable portion of the population'. Nothing hateful about that, but it got supressed during the scamdemic.
Completely agree fren... Cheers...
Interdasting take on that... Care to elaborate a little bit more??? Cheers fren...
You can't hold the necessary pressure for effective employment of gas with porous wooden doors. Germans are masters of efficiency, they would have done it right and not wasted valuable war material.
Thank you... That makes perfect sense... Cheers fren...
It started when Germans realized their government was corrupt and the upper echelons if their society was infiltrated.
You mean kind of like ours is??? The problem is that like them, we allowed it to happen hoping it would all go away... Our complacency is what got us where we are today... Cheers fren...
This meme was being used as an example of how we got to where we are today... The key takeaway is that our own complacency got us here... I personally have always had my misgivings about the whole holocaust thing... Cheers fren...
No apology needed fren... We all need to rant some times... I took no offense and was only explaining my motives for the meme... Have a blessed and awesome rest of your day... Cheers... 😊😊😊
In B4 "There were no gas chambers"
I saw a documentary that said several studies turned up no zyklon b traces in the shower rooms. Apparently the wooden doors on these shower rooms would've been a problem for gas chambers anyway. I'm no expert on chemicals and all that though so idk.
I do completely doubt the stories about masturbation devices being used to torture Jewish men and boys to death though. And the roller coaster-like apparatus that victims would supposedly ride on their way to being dumped unceremoniously into ovens. And live babies being thrown into the air for target practice.
This whole victors writing the history books is a helluva thing. Especially when the victors are controlled by the people that Hitler was against and who still control things today. He wasn't the first btw, they've been expelled from countries over 100 times.
He once described them as a "small international clique that sets the peoples of the world against each other and does not want them to have peace." That sounds a lot like the Cabal/Rothschild Illuminati, right? Who was the only person to ever have a Rothschild arrested btw?
Who knows the extent of it though. Its prob been exaggerated for political and economic reasons. History is written by the victors, not the losers
Check out the first 3 minutes of this video...
The guy's a straight shooter and even gets the Auschwitz museum director to admit the gas chambers were built after the camp was liberated by the allies.
Worth a listen to the whole hour.
I've read that... Not sure if it was here or twatter... Cheers fren...
Any pow camps in modern warfare get really bad for the losers. It usually reaches a crescendo with starvation because the host population is starving too. No food for pows. All sorts of diseases pop up, it snowballs
Interesting... There are a couple schools of thought about the holocaust... Both sides have arguments that sound very convincing... I'm still up in the air about it... This particular meme was to illustrate how our country ended up where it is today... Cheers fren...
People who turn a blind eye and let evil things happen can hardly be considered good. Nazi Germany actually purged a lot of the good people internally before going forward. They brought the guillotine back as a punishment just for them. The "Good People" this sign is referring to are just the sheep. They went with the flow and kept their heads down in order to survive. They survived at the price of their souls (metaphorically, I'm not implying they all went to hell just for being cowards).
I get your point but as I said above, our complacency is what got us here... Cheers fren...
Dont start a profound statement with a lie.
What lie is that pray tell???
What's the matter, cat got your crotch???
Maybe exhibit a modicum of patience... Not everyone is sitting at their computer waiting for a response,
He insulted me and I won't show patience... I treat everyone respectfully until I'm disrespect... Have a good day and Cheers anon...
You are looking for insult where there is none. Grow up.
Kekekekek... I get called a liar and there's no insult??? Spare me the diatribe... Good day to you...
We're here to exchange ideas and discuss. Not to get butt-hurt over someone questioning the veracity of what you've posted. Being able to discuss and discern the truth is why we are here. Your attitude is counterproductive to this community.
Yesterday, you posted a list of patents which was incredibly misleading...I looked up all the patents you listed in what you copy/pasted as a post, and most of them did not support the claim.
I suggest you step back, listen, ask questions seeking to understand others' opinions, and engage respectfully- rather than looking for verbal combat. A statement of disagreement is not a personal attack on you- but it is how how are perceiving and responding to it.
Spare me the lectures... I've been on this board a long time and can take constructive criticism just fine... Don't come at me with insults and we'll get along but if you come at me by insulting me you can rest assured I'm going to come back at you... I too looked up all the patents and the only mistake was the first one... peace out...
This started in ernest when the Russians wiped the Khazar empire of the face of the planet.
It all ties back into the Ukraine war of today as well, where the Khazar mafia wants to reclaim ancient Khazar and create a Greater Israel.
My point was to suggest this is a new conflict is a lie. Unless you wrote the meme, I would not internalize this as me calling you a liar personally. The statement begins with a false premise.
Good day sir.
Because how do you have gas chambers with wooden doors that open to the inside?
If gas chambers are so effective how come the alleged Holocaust was the only time in history they were used?
Why were the only death camps discovered where found by the Soviets, but only work camps were found by the US and UK?
No it didn't... Cheers fren...