Alaska is the #1 underdeveloped state in the union. At the same time, it is #1 in undeveloped resources. We should put $ toward changing those statistics. It can be done. Many Alaskans are already contributing through small farms and mining operations.
Yeah I don't like this idea much either. Sounds too much like their desire to build smart cities.. Just left out the smart part which they can conveniently inject later. If anything, he should encourage rural living. By teaching the next generation how to live off the land. But then again maybe he's trying to entice the people who think new cities are the answer.
What are the criteria? if lower risk of natural issues, take out west coast and tornado alley. If lower strain on infrastructure, take out desert southwest. If centrally located, take out coasts and New England. So what do you want to achieve with these...ability to readily achieve a purpose will be the first thing to consider.
Out of all the other things President Trump mentioned... this one is the most interesting and confusing.
Why? Why build 10 new "freedom cities" on federal land? He said it would be to encourage home ownership... so does that mean some sort of subsidized housing?
With the decline in population due to the injections (which will probably get worse in the coming years) we may already have plenty of houses. The increased supply and decreased demand would bring the prices down.
I don't get it. All the other parts of Agenda 47 make a LOT of sense... but I don't get the freedom city thing. Are existing cities going to be uninhabitable for some reason?
This might also tie in with the incentives for people to start families... similar to programs in some eastern European countries to counteract their declining populations... it also goes along with the increase in standard of living President Trump mentioned - which would allow single income households (and full time housewives) like we had in the 50's.
So, we are going to need the same type of program here in the US as well? Considering the population decrease that will be caused by the injections, the answer appears to be yes.
Maybe all the MK-Ultra victims, sex trafficked victims, and who knows how many other victims of various government crimes will be granted reparations in the form of a free house.
Alaska is the #1 underdeveloped state in the union. At the same time, it is #1 in undeveloped resources. We should put $ toward changing those statistics. It can be done. Many Alaskans are already contributing through small farms and mining operations.
Texan, shaking my head at Alaska. Biggest STATE? Yeah, no.
Two times bigger than Texas at high tide; three times bigger at low tide. You need to quit looking at Alaska in the weather map.
And the vast majority owned by the Federal Government; very unlike Texas.
If you cut Alaska in half, it is still bigger than TX.
Alaska is 2.5 times the size of Texas
I do live - and farm - in Alaska. Sounds like you had a bad experience, but many of us love it here. I wouldn't live anywhere else.
I've been here nearly 35 years and I can attest that it's not. But I'm glad you're not here if you think that.
“Refurbish urban areas”
Yeah, not gonna happen, it’s probably easier to built anew than deal with Democrat bullshit in current urban centers
Yeah I don't like this idea much either. Sounds too much like their desire to build smart cities.. Just left out the smart part which they can conveniently inject later. If anything, he should encourage rural living. By teaching the next generation how to live off the land. But then again maybe he's trying to entice the people who think new cities are the answer.
I think all the “Federal land” should be given back to the rightful States to manage. BLM, USFS, NPS, all of it.
Not sure we need more cities, they all become shitholes...
What are the criteria? if lower risk of natural issues, take out west coast and tornado alley. If lower strain on infrastructure, take out desert southwest. If centrally located, take out coasts and New England. So what do you want to achieve with these...ability to readily achieve a purpose will be the first thing to consider.
What is Agenda 47?
It is a little unnerving considering the New World Order with Agenda 21, 30 and 50.
I think it's Trump #47. Could be trying to co-opt their own language.
Yes Trump’s second term campaign thing. As he would be 47th President so he is taking their language and co-opting it.
Out of all the other things President Trump mentioned... this one is the most interesting and confusing.
Why? Why build 10 new "freedom cities" on federal land? He said it would be to encourage home ownership... so does that mean some sort of subsidized housing?
With the decline in population due to the injections (which will probably get worse in the coming years) we may already have plenty of houses. The increased supply and decreased demand would bring the prices down.
I don't get it. All the other parts of Agenda 47 make a LOT of sense... but I don't get the freedom city thing. Are existing cities going to be uninhabitable for some reason?
Trump mentioned one-half of one percent of Federal land.
Maybe it's an attempt to get freedom-loving Repubs to move to the blue states to turn them purple/red.
This might also tie in with the incentives for people to start families... similar to programs in some eastern European countries to counteract their declining populations... it also goes along with the increase in standard of living President Trump mentioned - which would allow single income households (and full time housewives) like we had in the 50's.
So, we are going to need the same type of program here in the US as well? Considering the population decrease that will be caused by the injections, the answer appears to be yes.
Interesting times ahead, by all indications.
Research "Free State" , might give some clues?
Maybe all the MK-Ultra victims, sex trafficked victims, and who knows how many other victims of various government crimes will be granted reparations in the form of a free house.
Surprisingly few in Texas...
Wait. This map is fifteen years old.
What is it NOW?
Not exactly straight forward to pick. Consider access to water, resources, transportation networks.
and gotta ask..would you be able to get to anything in that city in say...fifteen minutes?.....ima country-boy so naw for me either way