Ohh awesome, love the picture. This is who we focus on…not men, not women of politics, no we need a true leader, a King of kings! Jesus is my man! My one true love. Thank you Lord for everything you have done, and continue to do in my life. Forever grateful. ❤️🙏
I have this as the lock screen image on my phone. I love it. Being on this site inherently means I'm focused on the storm, but at least I know Jesus wins in the end.
the expression on his face! calm, intense and majestic.
this image has had me choked me up in the past.
whoever did this is a master.
i have it in my fb banner too.
Thanks Jesus, but id rather not be compared to you more.
I dont quite feel right about it happening in the first place, the return of Christ isnt good news for those still upon this plane of existence.
Very honest though, what am I supposed to say when compared to the most pure of incarnations? I dont wanna belittle the beliefs or the compliment, I just dont want to commit the sin of Pride either.
This shows a humble heart and isnt a bad thing. As long as u give Jesus the glory it is perfectly ok. I really struggled with this as well. People would come up to me and say...something about u is different, people in my church have even said...I can feel something big and special in you. I hated it because your correct.. we can't even compare to him. Just know Jesus is way way more then that. Even our best moments are corrupted compared to his glory and might and love. Just give it all back to him. Let them know it's not me rather him that is with me. Don't focus on how things won't be good for those in the future. Rather spend your time now fighting to help save souls. Listen out for Jesus voice and he will guide u to those u can help. The here and now is our focus. Keep praying on these thoughts and ask him how u can balance it.
I hope I'm understanding your comment right. If not please expand so I can better understand
If I had to sum it up in few words. Just always give it all back to him. Don't hold it yourself. Then what ever u receive back is from Jesus and is something we can love and value and seek to fill more of.
Love u fren. This was an awesome question btw. Most people don't truly think like this. Praying for u. I'm here if u ever need prayer or a friend to vent to. We are In this together. Together through Christ we have endless potential
I hope this doesn't come across as disrespectful but I totally fail to understand this. Surely Americans having managed to defeat the British King understand the major problem with them? Can't you find some other metaphor to express your love? KINGS ARE NOT GOOD PEOPLE.
No worries friend. What makes a King not a good person?
Also who is Christ to you? Please feel free to share your heart. We can discuss this without the worry that I will feel disrespected. It's an honest question. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to explain it to u.
Assuming you are American you should already know why kings are basically despots and tyrants. The Americans were the first to revolt against the tyranny and selfish policies of imperial Britain under the rule of King George III. This roused hopes and aspirations among all nations seeking liberty and freedom. Monarchal rule under a king is the antithesis of democracy.
Haha you are cute. Obviously u have no idea about Jesus or the peace and perfection he brings. I will gladly step before his throne and worship him as King and Lord
King of king Lord of Lord's. I encourage you to see him out. He loves u.
Good for you but if you were to visit Westminster you would soon change your mind. Not about your religion I mean but about the words that you use in it. Fun fact - George Soros' right-hand-man is a Lord.
U keep comparing imperfect things to perfect things. Satan loves to do that. He loves to impersonation Jesus because that's the best he can do. u just don't know Jesus so u can't fully understand. Your lost and in need of a Sheppard. A savior. A king. A Lord.
This 007wannabe person is a shill. They are here to create division. I just realized it after responding in different threads. Don’t throw pearls to swine!
Scripture is not iconoclastic, there are extensive passages in the Old Testament regarding the liturgical worship and the use of icons.
In 1 Kings 6:23-35 Solomon makes carvings of Cherubim in the Temple, in Exodus 25:18-20 once again Cherubim are placed on the Ark of the Covenant, in Exodus 26:1, 31-33 images of Cherubim are placed all around the Tabernacle, and in Exodus 41 there's a long detailed description of a new temple with images of Cherubim carved all over the walls.
Iconography was present in Jewish synagogue worship prior to Christ as well, have you seen the Dura-Europos Synagogue? With walls covered in iconography? What about examining pre-Nicene Churches and caves? Once again walls covered in iconography.
To deny icons is to deny the incarnation, we can depict Christ because He came down in an incarnate state, as a man. If there is no issue depicting humans who lived in the past, why would we not be able to depict Christ's likeness as a man?
Oh haha that a very silly view. I'm confident that Jesus didnt mind me posting this. Some of the things people say crack me up. Thanks for clearing that up for me 😁🙏❤️ God bless u. Much love
It is silly, if his reading of the 10 commandments of making likenesses were true, it would make images, videos, and art of anything on earth sinful. So he would already be breaking this command by having a pepe next to his name as its in the image of a frog.
Oh wow that's a really good point. Yes people tend to use all sorts of things to condem others yet u can almost always find many ways they do that same thing in there own lives. in my opinion it almost always comes down to the heart.
Accusing me of being a satanist makes your belief in god showing your hypocrisy. I was an evangelical Christian for many years, but have been doing a lot of research and my eyes have now been opened. Because or your beliefs, you have decided to pass judgement on my beliefs without any evidence.
I said you were a fool. I didn’t pass judgment on your beliefs. Fail on the victim card. Also to suggest there wasn’t any evidence to lead to a conclusion about you is simply ridiculous. You are a fool. The arguments you presented were utterly basic and so rebuttable you didn’t take issue with it. You attacked perceived ad hominem rather than upping your game on muh sumerian cuneiform.
The satanist part is merely, if you aren’t for us you are against us. You stated the camp you’re in.
It is you who is the fool, relying on your belief is a blind faith, with absolutely no factual evidence of your faith. I have always said, what if your faith is wrong and one of the other world faiths is right. For all you know, maybe Islam is right, or even Hinduism. You are the fool, who has the stance that, “I am right, and whoever doesn’t share my beliefs is the fool.” Does your belief include a Bible with all 80 books, or just the 66 books included during the Council of Nicea in 325 AD? If so, then why not have all the books included.
The belief that is correct is the one the world hates. Followers of Jesus Christ are the one ones who are criticized. What do the books matter if they are just old Sumerian cuneiform? I don’t need 80 books or 66 books. I only need 3. With your evangelical background maybe you’ve just never seen the Truth. Which is why your truth switches teams. Again your attempt at being the victim by suggesting that I think your a fool because you don’t share my beliefs fails again. Bees spend no time teaching flies that flowers are nicer than shit. You are a fool because you are illogical and resort to lies. You can’t even stick to one topic. The topic was the plethora of historical texts that authenticate the veracity of the Bible as a true historical account. I never throw the word shill around. But that is what you are. Your foundation is sand. I am a bee and buzzing off from your loser debate.
I am the fool? I am not the one with the blinders on thinking that the Bible is the absolute truth. I listen to scientific fact and research more when told of a fact. It is sad that you keep your blinders on and mind closed.
How does the cuneiform prove the Bible isn't real? This is both appeal to antiquity fallacy and a non-sequitor. The cuneiform being older doesn't disprove the Bible, and it doesn't follow that the texts having historical agreements makes the Bible false.
If anything, the cuneiform is historical attestation to the accuracy of the Bible in its history.
Yes, clay tablets were still around in the days of the Assyria (different language, though) and are a cross-reference. Also Egyptian documents and carvings--the oldest mention of YHWH is a phonetic pictograph in a ruined temple in upper Egypt.
Nearly every single religion on Earth has a flood story.
It's because there was a flood, not because of some tablets that they didn't even read.
The reason they all have the same stories is that the stories are true. The Bible is simply God setting the record straight as all the other stories, older or newer, get some details wrong.
And the Cuneiform tablets say there wasn’t just one boat, but several throughout the world. This made it easier to repopulate the earth with people and animals.
Yes, you do have a point. Enki is the one one saving his creations with multiple boats. He was not a god in your sense, but was an Annunaki from the planet Nibiru. Many people use their reasoning God wrote this/that thru his chosen men.
The only agreement of Sumerian and Hebrew religion is that creation happened through divine action and there was a great flood. Sumerian was a dead language by 2000 BC, having been replaced by Akkadian, starting from Sargon the Great, 2334 BC. Meanwhile the people who became the Israelites had a different language, culture, and religion entirely from the Sumerians and rejected the later versions of the Sumerian gods. Moses is credited with writing the earliest books of the Bible, about 1600 BC, when Sumer was long gone. The earliest written Hebrew religious scroll we have now is the "silver scrolls" from about 700 BC and bears no relation to anything Sumerian.
For the moment, as I haven't seen him before, I'll take the most charitable view, that he is misinformed and parroting ignorant opinions. But I agree that antagonizing is not the key to persuasion. He isn't the only one in this thread.
Christ is King.
Love this! Thank you.
Ohh awesome, love the picture. This is who we focus on…not men, not women of politics, no we need a true leader, a King of kings! Jesus is my man! My one true love. Thank you Lord for everything you have done, and continue to do in my life. Forever grateful. ❤️🙏
thank you Chaplain.
Amen! Thanks for the reminder. Directed Peter to just have faith and not look at the waves or the storm around him.
Yes He is.🙏🏻🔥
AMEN my fren...
I have this as the lock screen image on my phone. I love it. Being on this site inherently means I'm focused on the storm, but at least I know Jesus wins in the end.
Christ is the TRUTH. The only Truth.
Pro Tip: If you want to be invisible to the press at a Trump Rally, just bring a big cross with you.
Haha love this. Great tip my fren. Yes the only thing they hate more then us and this movement....is Jesus 🙏😁
my advice (it didn't work).. b.t.w.
Can u expand a little on the story. R u saying u tried it and it didn't work. Would love to hear more of the story
Oh wow that happened to u. I was more thinking along the lines of if your gonna make the paper, having Jesus with u is good 😁🙏♥️
Amen! 🙏
the expression on his face! calm, intense and majestic. this image has had me choked me up in the past. whoever did this is a master. i have it in my fb banner too.
Amen!! Trust in the Lord we do!
Our hope should be in Christ, and Christ alone. That is where I place all of faith, hope, and joy. I pray the same for single one of you.
Thanks Jesus, but id rather not be compared to you more.
I dont quite feel right about it happening in the first place, the return of Christ isnt good news for those still upon this plane of existence.
Very honest though, what am I supposed to say when compared to the most pure of incarnations? I dont wanna belittle the beliefs or the compliment, I just dont want to commit the sin of Pride either.
So what is the right thing to say/do?
This shows a humble heart and isnt a bad thing. As long as u give Jesus the glory it is perfectly ok. I really struggled with this as well. People would come up to me and say...something about u is different, people in my church have even said...I can feel something big and special in you. I hated it because your correct.. we can't even compare to him. Just know Jesus is way way more then that. Even our best moments are corrupted compared to his glory and might and love. Just give it all back to him. Let them know it's not me rather him that is with me. Don't focus on how things won't be good for those in the future. Rather spend your time now fighting to help save souls. Listen out for Jesus voice and he will guide u to those u can help. The here and now is our focus. Keep praying on these thoughts and ask him how u can balance it.
I hope I'm understanding your comment right. If not please expand so I can better understand
I think you understand.
And i think I understand what you mean.
Thank you, for the oddly straight answer.
If I had to sum it up in few words. Just always give it all back to him. Don't hold it yourself. Then what ever u receive back is from Jesus and is something we can love and value and seek to fill more of.
Love u fren. This was an awesome question btw. Most people don't truly think like this. Praying for u. I'm here if u ever need prayer or a friend to vent to. We are In this together. Together through Christ we have endless potential
I hope this doesn't come across as disrespectful but I totally fail to understand this. Surely Americans having managed to defeat the British King understand the major problem with them? Can't you find some other metaphor to express your love? KINGS ARE NOT GOOD PEOPLE.
No worries friend. What makes a King not a good person?
Also who is Christ to you? Please feel free to share your heart. We can discuss this without the worry that I will feel disrespected. It's an honest question. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to explain it to u.
Assuming you are American you should already know why kings are basically despots and tyrants. The Americans were the first to revolt against the tyranny and selfish policies of imperial Britain under the rule of King George III. This roused hopes and aspirations among all nations seeking liberty and freedom. Monarchal rule under a king is the antithesis of democracy.
The same argument applies to "lords" by the way.
Haha you are cute. Obviously u have no idea about Jesus or the peace and perfection he brings. I will gladly step before his throne and worship him as King and Lord
King of king Lord of Lord's. I encourage you to see him out. He loves u.
Good for you but if you were to visit Westminster you would soon change your mind. Not about your religion I mean but about the words that you use in it. Fun fact - George Soros' right-hand-man is a Lord.
U keep comparing imperfect things to perfect things. Satan loves to do that. He loves to impersonation Jesus because that's the best he can do. u just don't know Jesus so u can't fully understand. Your lost and in need of a Sheppard. A savior. A king. A Lord.
This 007wannabe person is a shill. They are here to create division. I just realized it after responding in different threads. Don’t throw pearls to swine!
Likenesses are not allowed.
Scripture is not iconoclastic, there are extensive passages in the Old Testament regarding the liturgical worship and the use of icons.
In 1 Kings 6:23-35 Solomon makes carvings of Cherubim in the Temple, in Exodus 25:18-20 once again Cherubim are placed on the Ark of the Covenant, in Exodus 26:1, 31-33 images of Cherubim are placed all around the Tabernacle, and in Exodus 41 there's a long detailed description of a new temple with images of Cherubim carved all over the walls.
Iconography was present in Jewish synagogue worship prior to Christ as well, have you seen the Dura-Europos Synagogue? With walls covered in iconography? What about examining pre-Nicene Churches and caves? Once again walls covered in iconography.
To deny icons is to deny the incarnation, we can depict Christ because He came down in an incarnate state, as a man. If there is no issue depicting humans who lived in the past, why would we not be able to depict Christ's likeness as a man?
I'm confused what u mean fren.
He thinks the Bible is iconoclastic, meaning he thinks depictions of Jesus are somehow sinful.
Oh haha that a very silly view. I'm confident that Jesus didnt mind me posting this. Some of the things people say crack me up. Thanks for clearing that up for me 😁🙏❤️ God bless u. Much love
It is silly, if his reading of the 10 commandments of making likenesses were true, it would make images, videos, and art of anything on earth sinful. So he would already be breaking this command by having a pepe next to his name as its in the image of a frog.
Oh wow that's a really good point. Yes people tend to use all sorts of things to condem others yet u can almost always find many ways they do that same thing in there own lives. in my opinion it almost always comes down to the heart.
This post may work if the Bible was real and not copied from the Summerian cuneiform tablets.
Lol your silly. Well I'm not interested in debating this topic right now. Have a blessed day. Jesus Christ is King. Praying for u fren. Love u
Accusing me of being a satanist makes your belief in god showing your hypocrisy. I was an evangelical Christian for many years, but have been doing a lot of research and my eyes have now been opened. Because or your beliefs, you have decided to pass judgement on my beliefs without any evidence.
Convert to Orthodoxy.
I said you were a fool. I didn’t pass judgment on your beliefs. Fail on the victim card. Also to suggest there wasn’t any evidence to lead to a conclusion about you is simply ridiculous. You are a fool. The arguments you presented were utterly basic and so rebuttable you didn’t take issue with it. You attacked perceived ad hominem rather than upping your game on muh sumerian cuneiform. The satanist part is merely, if you aren’t for us you are against us. You stated the camp you’re in.
It is you who is the fool, relying on your belief is a blind faith, with absolutely no factual evidence of your faith. I have always said, what if your faith is wrong and one of the other world faiths is right. For all you know, maybe Islam is right, or even Hinduism. You are the fool, who has the stance that, “I am right, and whoever doesn’t share my beliefs is the fool.” Does your belief include a Bible with all 80 books, or just the 66 books included during the Council of Nicea in 325 AD? If so, then why not have all the books included.
The belief that is correct is the one the world hates. Followers of Jesus Christ are the one ones who are criticized. What do the books matter if they are just old Sumerian cuneiform? I don’t need 80 books or 66 books. I only need 3. With your evangelical background maybe you’ve just never seen the Truth. Which is why your truth switches teams. Again your attempt at being the victim by suggesting that I think your a fool because you don’t share my beliefs fails again. Bees spend no time teaching flies that flowers are nicer than shit. You are a fool because you are illogical and resort to lies. You can’t even stick to one topic. The topic was the plethora of historical texts that authenticate the veracity of the Bible as a true historical account. I never throw the word shill around. But that is what you are. Your foundation is sand. I am a bee and buzzing off from your loser debate. .
I am the fool? I am not the one with the blinders on thinking that the Bible is the absolute truth. I listen to scientific fact and research more when told of a fact. It is sad that you keep your blinders on and mind closed.
How does the cuneiform prove the Bible isn't real? This is both appeal to antiquity fallacy and a non-sequitor. The cuneiform being older doesn't disprove the Bible, and it doesn't follow that the texts having historical agreements makes the Bible false.
If anything, the cuneiform is historical attestation to the accuracy of the Bible in its history.
Yes, clay tablets were still around in the days of the Assyria (different language, though) and are a cross-reference. Also Egyptian documents and carvings--the oldest mention of YHWH is a phonetic pictograph in a ruined temple in upper Egypt.
Not saying the Bible is false, merely saying many of the stories have come from the tablets.
Nearly every single religion on Earth has a flood story.
It's because there was a flood, not because of some tablets that they didn't even read.
The reason they all have the same stories is that the stories are true. The Bible is simply God setting the record straight as all the other stories, older or newer, get some details wrong.
And the Cuneiform tablets say there wasn’t just one boat, but several throughout the world. This made it easier to repopulate the earth with people and animals.
Yes, all the flood stories are a little different. Only one is true. Why do you think it's your chosen one? And not the one written from God Himself?
Older does not mean better.
Yes, you do have a point. Enki is the one one saving his creations with multiple boats. He was not a god in your sense, but was an Annunaki from the planet Nibiru. Many people use their reasoning God wrote this/that thru his chosen men.
The only agreement of Sumerian and Hebrew religion is that creation happened through divine action and there was a great flood. Sumerian was a dead language by 2000 BC, having been replaced by Akkadian, starting from Sargon the Great, 2334 BC. Meanwhile the people who became the Israelites had a different language, culture, and religion entirely from the Sumerians and rejected the later versions of the Sumerian gods. Moses is credited with writing the earliest books of the Bible, about 1600 BC, when Sumer was long gone. The earliest written Hebrew religious scroll we have now is the "silver scrolls" from about 700 BC and bears no relation to anything Sumerian.
For the moment, as I haven't seen him before, I'll take the most charitable view, that he is misinformed and parroting ignorant opinions. But I agree that antagonizing is not the key to persuasion. He isn't the only one in this thread.