Trump Will Be Arrested One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Four Days After the 1st Q Drop
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Forgive me for my ignorance but I know little about it. I know the year was significant and there was a book written. Orwell I think? Something like that. But please point me to where I can find mor about this number. I’m intrigued. Thanks fren
I'm sure others can fill this out more than I can.
Whether or not there is an existing particular symbolic significance of the number 1984 is uncertain to me, there could be.
Other than that, 1984 is the year that the book was set, although is was written in the mid forties and modelled on the Soviet and maybe the Nazis totalitarian regimes. In this year of the novel the protagonist Winston Smith finds himself becoming aware that he lives in an extremely dystopian world which is full of gaslighting and brainwashing techniques which maintain inversion and relative truths in everyone's mind which they are not allowed to question. This world is backed up by secret police and psychological torture to bring people who start to question, back to the program.
The thing is, everyone, both "left" and "right" thinks that 1984 would be a bad environment to live in. so it's a good rallying point. What the left don't realise is that their political structure leads to 1984 and that in many ways, it's here already.
The wikipedia entry is not a bad start (ironically)
For full disclosure, I haven't read the novel, I've never been able to face it.
Read it.
Yup. This. Until you read it. You will never understand
I feel like we're a strange combination of 1984 mixed with Brave New World
It's actually a romance novel
Orwell and Huxley were the prophets.
Thanks. I didn’t know if there were more significance to the number than that book or if we were talking about the book itself. You know, I need to one day read it as well. I’ve studied documentaries on it but as you, I find it very creepy and just like anything from Crowley, I fear what it might do to my spirit.
I am not an avid book reader but I did read it and I couldn't put it down until I finished. Go get a HARD copy.
We're a pair of scaredy cats huh!
The way I feel about it is that I have to deal with dystopia every day in the news and analysis, and there's never a time when I have enough coping resources to add to the load with dystopian fiction, especially prescient fiction which was probably predictive programming. I might be able to watch the film if it turns up in front of me.
I read Crowley it doesn't kill your soul he just describes hermetic principle in a condescending asshole way. And basic spell craft.
It will need explosions and t and a for the majority, you are right about that. Sad! Before being an expert researcher on everything under the sun, its maybe a good idea to work your way up to being able to sit through a big boy movie first. Lol. I'm kidding obviously. We need shorter attention spans not longer. Too much span for evil to sneak past. Best to keep the mind shut!
it also adds to 22, which is an important number; George Washington's birthday/February 22
I wonder if Joseph Heller's Catch-22 is also a reference to this. I've read that masterpiece several times. it gave me a great deal of perspective on coping with futility.
thanks for reminder/haven't thought about that book in a long time. And interesting that it's a also used in 'logic' And the characters name behind 'catch 22' is Daneeka...lots of Dans & Dons connected to Q's movie.
"You mean there's a catch?"
"Sure there's a catch," Doc Daneeka replied. "Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy."
Both sides harbour extremist ideologies and lead to 1984 type conclusions. If you read the book and came out not knowing that one of the MAIN messages was that it is not party dependent. I'm guessing you haven't read it, or are purposely misleading someone.
The book, 1984, outlines much of what is happening currently in our country. Worth reading, it was meant as a warning of what could happen if people did not stop it. It was written in 1949. I read it in the early 70’s, I remember thinking it couldn’t happen to our country, but it has.