Even though Michael the Archangel is amazing, we must never forget that a servant cannot be greater than it’s master. We should pray for Michael to do nothing, pray to the Father for His divine intervention. Pray to Jesus for His comfort. Angles do His bidding, and only God commands can move them. For any battle physically and spiritually, only the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob can help us. And for His glory we hope to do His bidding.
Praying to and praying for is different. This whole thread is based on praying to the Archangel Michael. My post. I’m saying it is wrong to pray to angles, according to scripture I’m correct. You either agree with Paul’s words in Colossians, and Jesus himself about prayer, or you don’t.
I myself am thankful for any angle who helps me, but I know who to thank. And I know who to pray for/to. I agree angles can think for themselves, they find is extremely interesting, from information I’ve read about the. They were created to serve, and follow God’s commands, not free Will. We on the other hand, in God’s words, are His most prized possessions. Our love for each other is on another level. Much different than angles. So when we pray, it would be a insult to pray to the servant of the one true God. Understand this. It’s what Paul os referring to in the scripture I posted.
Right, but my point is we pray "to" Angels differently than how we pray to God. We speak to the Angels as if they're right infront of us, because Paul's words in Hebrews tells us they are. He says that we're surrounded by a "great cloud of witnesses", and that the Angels and Saints are part of the same Body of Christ. We ask them for their intercessions, for help through their prayers, for their protection and presence.
Praying “to” is still praying for their assistance, right? I don’t want to get into the whole Catholic thing with you, as with the Virgin Mary. These things are not God. They are OF God. Therefore when you pray for help or healing or anything to do with miracles….Jesus, God the Father is who you pray to. You can pray FOR things differently, I suppose. You can pray WITH people differently. But the end is the same. When you pray “to”, there is only one. As I said I don’t want to hurt your feelings or anything but you sound Catholic. And, I hate to say it to you, but they’ve got a few things wrong with “their” teachings. They’ve literally placed a man (pope) in between the person and Jesus. I e for a few Catholic family members. After talking with me on just basics of relationships, salvation with Jesus. They start to question their whole upbringing. I’m not a smart or wise person. But I know how the order goes. It’s you, and Jesus. There is no other way. That is who you pray to. That is who you thank. That is who you owe everything to and He is the only way.
Praying “to” is still praying for their assistance, right
We ask for their prayers, we don't pray to them as if they can answer our prayers. Only God can.
I don’t want to get into the whole Catholic thing with you, as with the Virgin Mary
I'm Orthodox Christian, not Roman Catholic.We do not worship the Theotokos.
Therefore when you pray for help or healing or anything to do with miracles….Jesus, God the Father is who you pray to.
Correct, if I asked an Unmercenary Saint to heal my sickness, I'm not asking the Saint themself to heal me, I'm asking them to offer prayers to God on my behalf. We ask for the prayers of Saints and Angels because they're powerful, James 5:16.
They’ve literally placed a man (pope) in between the person and Jesus.
Catholics get a lot of the basics wrong. One of the easy examples is something Jesus taught about not giving people titles.
here is a quote from the catholic bible so they cant argue about bible versions.
Matthew 23 reads
8 You, however, must not allow yourselves to be called Rabbi, since you have only one Master, and you are all brothers.
9 You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven.
10 Nor must you allow yourselves to be called teachers, for you have only one Teacher, the Christ.
As far asking angles for protection i think that even Jesus said he could call down a legion of angles for protection if he wanted to.
I agree that calling on help from angles isn't worshiping them.
I think the issue is that we need to go through Jesus Christ who is the Mediator. Jesus explicitly tells us to go through him.
Its completely ok to ask Jesus to send archangel Michael to protect Trump
First off about calling no man father, Jesus isn't saying we can't call people "teacher" or "father", that's silly. If Jesus were speaking strictly literal, we couldn't call our own biological fathers, "father", or people who are teachers, "teacher."
Paul would also be guilty of this if Jesus were speaking strictly literal, as he called Timothy and others his son, and called himself a teacher. Jesus is addressing the pride and boastfulness of the Pharisees who seek to be called great titles.
Secondly, we don't deny that Jesus is the mediator. We pray to the Angels differently than we pray to God, they pray for us or offer our prayers to God. So we're not denying Christ as the one mediator by asking for the prayers and help of Angels.
I’m going off scripture that I’ve already posted. And where is my judgement? I haven’t and it wouldn’t be right. You like to play word games. Play with scripture of you want. Your call.
I posted the scripture link, it’s not my words. If you have a problem with it’s meaning, as I’ve said it’s your problem. Truth hurts sometimes. If the Bible rubs you the wrong way, you wouldn’t be the first. And nothing is against me, esp “thousands of years!”, lol please. This isn’t a I win you lose situation. There is what Paul wrote in the Bible, and your thoughts. Done.
Of course those links are to Catholic false teachings. Michael DOES NOT HEAR THOSE PRAYERS as they are EMPTY. Only God answers our prayers, and the only reason for that is Christ meditating for us. Michael can only be in one place at a time, he's just a servant!
1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus".
Does the Bible say we should approach the saints with our prayers? Yes, in two places. In Revelation 5:8 John saw the Lamb, Christ Jesus, on a throne in the midst of four beasts and 24 elders. When the Lamb took the book with the seven seals, the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb in worship, “each one having a harp and golden bowls of incenses, which are the prayers of the saints.”
Similarly, in Revelation 8:3-4 we are told that something similar happened when the Lamb opened the seventh seal of the book: “Another angel came and stood on the altar, having a golden censer, and many incenses were given to him, in order that he will give it with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne. And the smoke of the incenses went up with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God.”
Does God use you to help people? Can that happen because someone asked for your help? (Yes, and yes.). So can God use an angel when we ask the angel for help? Hmmm. Unless you really don’t believe God used anyone, but then explain all of Christian history.
Your changing the subject. As I’ve said already, angles do God’s bidding. We are talking about who you PRAY to. Praying to an angle for help instead of the one who commands the angles. There’s a difference.
No you’re correct. And when an angel did present itself, as in the case of Samson’s parents…they begged to know the angels name. Eventually the angel got a bit defensive and told them that it’s name it’s never important and that God’s message to them be all they should be concerned with. True servants of God His angels are.
a group of us went to chuch at noon today At the end of mass Michael the Archangel prayer was read aloud. At the time I thought it seemed odd but now i know it was Gods message to us that we are all under attack and need to pray for protection not just for Trump but for us all!
Amen! 🙏
Even though Michael the Archangel is amazing, we must never forget that a servant cannot be greater than it’s master. We should pray for Michael to do nothing, pray to the Father for His divine intervention. Pray to Jesus for His comfort. Angles do His bidding, and only God commands can move them. For any battle physically and spiritually, only the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob can help us. And for His glory we hope to do His bidding.
It is perfectly fine to ask St Michael for protection
Timothy 2:5, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.
Beautiful said. Thank you.
Colossians 2:18 If you need help understanding.
Jesus himself said to ONLY to worship God. Matthew 4-10. And if your praying to angles….words matter.
Praying to Angels is not worship, we don't pray to Angels and Saints the same way we pray to God.
Praying to and praying for is different. This whole thread is based on praying to the Archangel Michael. My post. I’m saying it is wrong to pray to angles, according to scripture I’m correct. You either agree with Paul’s words in Colossians, and Jesus himself about prayer, or you don’t.
I myself am thankful for any angle who helps me, but I know who to thank. And I know who to pray for/to. I agree angles can think for themselves, they find is extremely interesting, from information I’ve read about the. They were created to serve, and follow God’s commands, not free Will. We on the other hand, in God’s words, are His most prized possessions. Our love for each other is on another level. Much different than angles. So when we pray, it would be a insult to pray to the servant of the one true God. Understand this. It’s what Paul os referring to in the scripture I posted.
Right, but my point is we pray "to" Angels differently than how we pray to God. We speak to the Angels as if they're right infront of us, because Paul's words in Hebrews tells us they are. He says that we're surrounded by a "great cloud of witnesses", and that the Angels and Saints are part of the same Body of Christ. We ask them for their intercessions, for help through their prayers, for their protection and presence.
Can you give an example where someone in the Bible prays to an Angel?
Lol look at all the down votes. Yeah, who wants to bring the Bible into this? Pffft
Praying “to” is still praying for their assistance, right? I don’t want to get into the whole Catholic thing with you, as with the Virgin Mary. These things are not God. They are OF God. Therefore when you pray for help or healing or anything to do with miracles….Jesus, God the Father is who you pray to. You can pray FOR things differently, I suppose. You can pray WITH people differently. But the end is the same. When you pray “to”, there is only one. As I said I don’t want to hurt your feelings or anything but you sound Catholic. And, I hate to say it to you, but they’ve got a few things wrong with “their” teachings. They’ve literally placed a man (pope) in between the person and Jesus. I e for a few Catholic family members. After talking with me on just basics of relationships, salvation with Jesus. They start to question their whole upbringing. I’m not a smart or wise person. But I know how the order goes. It’s you, and Jesus. There is no other way. That is who you pray to. That is who you thank. That is who you owe everything to and He is the only way.
We ask for their prayers, we don't pray to them as if they can answer our prayers. Only God can.
I'm Orthodox Christian, not Roman Catholic.We do not worship the Theotokos.
Correct, if I asked an Unmercenary Saint to heal my sickness, I'm not asking the Saint themself to heal me, I'm asking them to offer prayers to God on my behalf. We ask for the prayers of Saints and Angels because they're powerful, James 5:16.
I agree fully, Orthodoxy is the way! ☦️
Catholics get a lot of the basics wrong. One of the easy examples is something Jesus taught about not giving people titles.
here is a quote from the catholic bible so they cant argue about bible versions.
Matthew 23 reads
8 You, however, must not allow yourselves to be called Rabbi, since you have only one Master, and you are all brothers. 9 You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor must you allow yourselves to be called teachers, for you have only one Teacher, the Christ.
As far asking angles for protection i think that even Jesus said he could call down a legion of angles for protection if he wanted to.
I agree that calling on help from angles isn't worshiping them.
I think the issue is that we need to go through Jesus Christ who is the Mediator. Jesus explicitly tells us to go through him.
Its completely ok to ask Jesus to send archangel Michael to protect Trump
Catholics get basics wrong? Boy Catholics put your Bible together. You are so ignorant.
Well, I'm not a Roman Catholic, I'm Orthodox.
First off about calling no man father, Jesus isn't saying we can't call people "teacher" or "father", that's silly. If Jesus were speaking strictly literal, we couldn't call our own biological fathers, "father", or people who are teachers, "teacher."
Paul would also be guilty of this if Jesus were speaking strictly literal, as he called Timothy and others his son, and called himself a teacher. Jesus is addressing the pride and boastfulness of the Pharisees who seek to be called great titles.
Secondly, we don't deny that Jesus is the mediator. We pray to the Angels differently than we pray to God, they pray for us or offer our prayers to God. So we're not denying Christ as the one mediator by asking for the prayers and help of Angels.
Prayers are not worship. You are conflating prayers with worship and that is your mistake.
The early Church fathers disagree with you greatly and I trust them way more than I trust your judgement.
I’m going off scripture that I’ve already posted. And where is my judgement? I haven’t and it wouldn’t be right. You like to play word games. Play with scripture of you want. Your call.
You are the one pulling scripture out of context and playing with it.
You are making the wrong call, end of story. Thousands of years of history are against you on this one.
And we all know history has been handed down and taught in a totally accurate and unedited fashion. Ask no questions.
lol then how do you trust anything to be true? Good job.
I posted the scripture link, it’s not my words. If you have a problem with it’s meaning, as I’ve said it’s your problem. Truth hurts sometimes. If the Bible rubs you the wrong way, you wouldn’t be the first. And nothing is against me, esp “thousands of years!”, lol please. This isn’t a I win you lose situation. There is what Paul wrote in the Bible, and your thoughts. Done.
These are YOUR THOUGHTS on what Paul wrote, don't get confused.
Of course those links are to Catholic false teachings. Michael DOES NOT HEAR THOSE PRAYERS as they are EMPTY. Only God answers our prayers, and the only reason for that is Christ meditating for us. Michael can only be in one place at a time, he's just a servant!
1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus".
Says who, you?
No, says scripture, which I cited immediately after in my comment
I guess they were all just wrong huh? lol
You are ignoring other verses.
Does the Bible say we should approach the saints with our prayers? Yes, in two places. In Revelation 5:8 John saw the Lamb, Christ Jesus, on a throne in the midst of four beasts and 24 elders. When the Lamb took the book with the seven seals, the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb in worship, “each one having a harp and golden bowls of incenses, which are the prayers of the saints.”
Similarly, in Revelation 8:3-4 we are told that something similar happened when the Lamb opened the seventh seal of the book: “Another angel came and stood on the altar, having a golden censer, and many incenses were given to him, in order that he will give it with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne. And the smoke of the incenses went up with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God.”
Does God use you to help people? Can that happen because someone asked for your help? (Yes, and yes.). So can God use an angel when we ask the angel for help? Hmmm. Unless you really don’t believe God used anyone, but then explain all of Christian history.
Your changing the subject. As I’ve said already, angles do God’s bidding. We are talking about who you PRAY to. Praying to an angle for help instead of the one who commands the angles. There’s a difference.
Just ask them to provide an example of someone in the Bible praying to an Angel.
No you’re correct. And when an angel did present itself, as in the case of Samson’s parents…they begged to know the angels name. Eventually the angel got a bit defensive and told them that it’s name it’s never important and that God’s message to them be all they should be concerned with. True servants of God His angels are.
Interesting timing. u/MAGAhhh_igetit posted this earlier today:
There are no coincidences!
Gateway Pundit say 1:15 not 1:09
I suspect both are right. 1:09 was when he emerged from Trump Tower, then 1:15 seems right for when the motorcade departed.
Beautiful !
109 expulsions of jews and they still won't behave
USA will become Number 110!
a group of us went to chuch at noon today At the end of mass Michael the Archangel prayer was read aloud. At the time I thought it seemed odd but now i know it was Gods message to us that we are all under attack and need to pray for protection not just for Trump but for us all!
Wheels Up!
Gateway Pundit says it was 1:15 - what is your source for 1:09?
That’s the time the anchor said on the RSBN livestream
It might have been:15 when he departed but that’s when he exited the building
So as far as I know this is the actual source of this picture: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Redemption_cardback.jpg
(Sorry for wikipedia)