The paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s (JAMA) Network Open looked at “post–COVID-19 condition (PCC) in young people after mild acute infection” to find how common it was and to find risk factors. Participants were aged between 12 and 25.
The authors offer this straightforward conclusion: “PCC was not associated with biological markers specific to viral infection.” That is, participants were equally likely to suffer from ‘Long Covid’, whether or not they had suffered from acute COVID-19. 🤡🤡
The researchers concluded that Long Covid is predicted by “initial symptom severity” and, intriguingly, “psychosocial factors”. 🤡🤡
If you skim through that study, you will quickly discover that this "study" actually means nothing at all.
This cohort study included 382 SARS-CoV-2–positive individuals and a control group of 85 SARS-CoV-2–negative individuals
So ... HOW did they determine if an individual was (a) positive or (b) negative for SARS-CoV-2?
Of course, it was done via the fraudulent PCR, which is meaningless:
This cohort study included nonhospitalized individuals ... who underwent reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing.
Once you understand that PCR is NOT a valid dignostic tool, then you understand that you have nothing more than 382 false-positive individuals in one group, and 85 false-negative individuals in the other group.
In other words, there is no difference at all, other than a fake test.
Which is why ...
When applying the World Health Organization case definition of PCC, prevalence at 6 months was 49%, but was also comparably high (47%) in the control group.
Right, because there was NO DIFFERENCE in the two groups, other than a fake PCR test, and a fake World Health Organization "case definition."
Absolutely, 100% meaningless.
Which is why:
PCC was not associated with biological markers specific to viral infection, but with initial symptom severity and psychosocial factors.
What they are saying is that they have no clue why these people were sick, if they exhibited signs of sickness at all.
Notice that the so-called positive patients did not show any signs of sickness that the negative patients did not?
They ONLY use fake definitions based on fake tests to CLAIM there were two different groups to study.
They seem to have a HINT that something is wrong with the whole thing, when they say:
These findings suggest that persistent symptoms in this age group are related to factors other than SARS-CoV-2 infection, and therefore question the usefulness of the WHO case definition of PCC.
But ... they can't figure it out because they are still working within the false Germ Theory paradigm. Therefore, they will not be able to arrive at any meaningful conclusions -- which is exactly what happens here.
They just shrug their shoulders and say it's a BIG MYSTERY ... but we need MOAR MONEY TO STUDY IT!!!
Moar gibs, please!
They conclude:
This finding raises questions about the utility of the World Health Organization case definition
Gee, ya think?
The WHO case definition is nothing more than a made-up fantasy.
Their conclusion is on the right track, even though they have no idea why.
Quite pathetic, really, for so-called "scientists."
Well, when you tell kids that they can get out of school/work by claiming to be endlessly sick with vague symptoms, is it any shock that kids abuse it by faking sick? "No, mom, I can't go to school today. I feel terrible. It's muh long COVID."
Year and a half ago my husband and I had symptoms that would be touted as covid. Today my sense of smell still sucks. I've never had a test. But he did, along with about 50 other tests. What they found was he did not have "covid", but he did have west Nile. Look it up...same symptoms. Gonna argue west Nile is lab bullshit too. No sauce, not a scientist. More of a commonsensitist. So what did I have?
Precisely. And even if we had a full whistleblow or document dump proving 100% that the shots are the cause of "long COVID," the majority of them will STILL refuse to admit it. Pride is an even more powerful/deadly drug than even the vax.
The fact that you ignored my second question and pretended I didn't even ask it is all the proof I need that you did answer both questions.
You have no idea how virologists claim to prove anything about viruses, and you believe in viruses because you have been told to and have not been willing to research the subject yourself.
At this point, my only questions is this: Why do you not give a damn about knowing the truth?
They are not artist's drawings. I think you know this. Prove that they are? You can't. All you have is your dismissive know-nothing-ism. You also don't know anything about the concept of contagion, which is how the idea was established in the first place, but I won't bother you with it.
He had several strokes and when they were trying to track the reason down, they did a zillion tests...west Nile antibodies came back. Oddly tho, that wasn't the cause of the strokes, they say. Though I'm sure it didn't do any favors. Combo of prescriptions( common ones) did the deed.
Which means he had decades of eating a poor diet. He also had decades of living with EMF's, chemicals all around, flouride in the water, etc.
A lifetime of toxicity eventually causes illness of one sort or another.
west Nile antibodies came back
If you look into "antibodies," you will discover that this is yet another lie.
Yes, our bodies produce something which can be called "antibodies," but they are simply the body's reaction to foreign substances, and the body is trying to get rid of them. They are NOT specific to any particular thing, such as a "West Nile virus," which does not even exist.
Short answer: We don't know because nobody is looking into alternative causes -- everyone is ASSUMING a virus (that does not in fact exist) must have caused it.
But ...
A possible reason why so many people are sicker than usual could be the new 5G rollout.
Each Winter, people go through "cold and flu season," which is when the Sun is low in the sky and we get less Vitamin D production. Perhaps this is the body's trigger to detox from all the junk food and external bombardment of radiation and electromagnetic frequencies that we all deal with in the modern world.
In October 2019, just before the 2019-2020 cold and flu season (Nothern Hemisphere), thousands of satellites were launched into low orbit of the Earth for the new 5G tech, and these satellites emit microwave radiation at ... YOU ... and me and all the rest of us.
20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth
As bad as these small cell towers might seem from the standpoint of constant exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation in close proximity to the source, perhaps an even more alarming prospect will be the beaming of millimeter length microwaves at the earth from thousands of new communication satellites.
The FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth.
The total number of satellites that is expected to be put into low and high orbit by several companies will be 20,000 satellites.
Is it possible that people with poor health to begin with (malnutrition, obesity, older people with a lifetime of poor health choices, etc.) might be more suseptible to this new radiation beamed down at all of us?
Go to the dentist, and they put a lead vest on you and leave the room when they shoot radiation microwaves at your mouth to get the X-ray pictures. Do they do that just for fun, or are they trying to avoid physical harm to you and themselves?
What does all this radiation do to us?
Why were Wuhan, China and Northern Italy the first areas of the globe that (a) became fully 5G compliant, and (b) also had the first "cases" of "Covid 19?"
True all that. My husband specifically was only 54 at the time of strokes. Atherosclerosis and onset of type 2. He is/ was of the group of gear head guys who wanted to stay 19 years old forever. Couldn't wrap his head around fixing his diet and exercise. Add to that stress and blood pressure issues. Add to that Dr's prescribing "as much as you want" viagra, lorazepam, clonidine. All promote clotting.
A 5g tower went up (thx viaero!) Right behind his shop and was turned on not long before it all started going downhill. Reality bites. Here we sit.
Couldn't wrap his head around fixing his diet and exercise. Add to that stress and blood pressure issues. Add to that Dr's prescribing "as much as you want" viagra, lorazepam, clonidine
These are the types of things that people often omit when they say, "But why did I get sick????"
Well, how would I or anyone else know what kind of junk someone eats or drugs they have taken for a decade or more, which might have contributed to the problem?
A 5g tower went up (thx viaero!) Right behind his shop and was turned on not long before it all started going downhill.
That, too. These are the things people "forget" when they complain about health problems.
But they might be the true cause, so they should be openly discussed.
Just like kids with SIDS or autism seem to become unhealthy (or die) shortly after receiving a bombardment of vaccines.
These are things we need to start openly discussing, and pushing for verified, INDEPENDENT research.
To be totally fair, my wife suffered from long Covid and she is not vaxxed (very based wife). She eventually handled it after getting treated by a holistic doctor, with intravenous ozone therapy, various supplements to detox from the spike protein etc.
I can't imagine how worse it must be for vaxxed people.
One of the (many) evils of COVID-19 and the lock downs is the mass hypochondria induced in the world's population.
People lovingly and enthusiastically embrace being sick like it's a badge of honor. And, of course, the powers that be encourage it because it supports their narrative.
It's so much easier to take over and control a population if they are willing participants in their own enslavement.
The biggest ailment - which will definitely need addressing - is the mental manipulation of the weak/woke hive mind. When and how we approach that will determine how rocky our path to freedom becomes.
The paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s (JAMA) Network Open looked at “post–COVID-19 condition (PCC) in young people after mild acute infection” to find how common it was and to find risk factors. Participants were aged between 12 and 25.
The authors offer this straightforward conclusion: “PCC was not associated with biological markers specific to viral infection.” That is, participants were equally likely to suffer from ‘Long Covid’, whether or not they had suffered from acute COVID-19. 🤡🤡
The researchers concluded that Long Covid is predicted by “initial symptom severity” and, intriguingly, “psychosocial factors”. 🤡🤡
The study 👉🏻
The clown emojis should be in the paper itself. OMG I am still laughing at this one.
If you skim through that study, you will quickly discover that this "study" actually means nothing at all.
So ... HOW did they determine if an individual was (a) positive or (b) negative for SARS-CoV-2?
Of course, it was done via the fraudulent PCR, which is meaningless:
Once you understand that PCR is NOT a valid dignostic tool, then you understand that you have nothing more than 382 false-positive individuals in one group, and 85 false-negative individuals in the other group.
In other words, there is no difference at all, other than a fake test.
Which is why ...
Right, because there was NO DIFFERENCE in the two groups, other than a fake PCR test, and a fake World Health Organization "case definition."
Absolutely, 100% meaningless.
Which is why:
What they are saying is that they have no clue why these people were sick, if they exhibited signs of sickness at all.
Notice that the so-called positive patients did not show any signs of sickness that the negative patients did not?
They ONLY use fake definitions based on fake tests to CLAIM there were two different groups to study.
They seem to have a HINT that something is wrong with the whole thing, when they say:
But ... they can't figure it out because they are still working within the false Germ Theory paradigm. Therefore, they will not be able to arrive at any meaningful conclusions -- which is exactly what happens here.
They just shrug their shoulders and say it's a BIG MYSTERY ... but we need MOAR MONEY TO STUDY IT!!!
Moar gibs, please!
They conclude:
Gee, ya think?
The WHO case definition is nothing more than a made-up fantasy.
Their conclusion is on the right track, even though they have no idea why.
Quite pathetic, really, for so-called "scientists."
Well, when you tell kids that they can get out of school/work by claiming to be endlessly sick with vague symptoms, is it any shock that kids abuse it by faking sick? "No, mom, I can't go to school today. I feel terrible. It's muh long COVID."
Who didn't see that one coming? Bueller? Bueller?
Year and a half ago my husband and I had symptoms that would be touted as covid. Today my sense of smell still sucks. I've never had a test. But he did, along with about 50 other tests. What they found was he did not have "covid", but he did have west Nile. Look it up...same symptoms. Gonna argue west Nile is lab bullshit too. No sauce, not a scientist. More of a commonsensitist. So what did I have?
Precisely. And even if we had a full whistleblow or document dump proving 100% that the shots are the cause of "long COVID," the majority of them will STILL refuse to admit it. Pride is an even more powerful/deadly drug than even the vax.
My bad. Very lonely person. I like to pretend I'm talking to ppl who care sometimes. God bless.
Cool! I say there are no viruses at all.
Let's debate.
(1) Why do you think viruses exist?
(2) Can you describe the specific steps that a virologist uses to research a "virus" or to claim that such a thing exists?
Because seeing is believing?
Artists' drawings is your reason to believe that viruses exist?
By that reasoning, I guess this is "proof" to you that unicorns exist:
Seeing is believing, after all.
The fact that you ignored my second question and pretended I didn't even ask it is all the proof I need that you did answer both questions.
You have no idea how virologists claim to prove anything about viruses, and you believe in viruses because you have been told to and have not been willing to research the subject yourself.
At this point, my only questions is this: Why do you not give a damn about knowing the truth?
They are not artist's drawings. I think you know this. Prove that they are? You can't. All you have is your dismissive know-nothing-ism. You also don't know anything about the concept of contagion, which is how the idea was established in the first place, but I won't bother you with it.
Did y'all have Covid test or something else? How did your husband had West Nile?
He had several strokes and when they were trying to track the reason down, they did a zillion tests...west Nile antibodies came back. Oddly tho, that wasn't the cause of the strokes, they say. Though I'm sure it didn't do any favors. Combo of prescriptions( common ones) did the deed.
Which means he had decades of eating a poor diet. He also had decades of living with EMF's, chemicals all around, flouride in the water, etc.
A lifetime of toxicity eventually causes illness of one sort or another.
If you look into "antibodies," you will discover that this is yet another lie.
Yes, our bodies produce something which can be called "antibodies," but they are simply the body's reaction to foreign substances, and the body is trying to get rid of them. They are NOT specific to any particular thing, such as a "West Nile virus," which does not even exist.
Short answer: We don't know because nobody is looking into alternative causes -- everyone is ASSUMING a virus (that does not in fact exist) must have caused it.
But ...
A possible reason why so many people are sicker than usual could be the new 5G rollout.
Each Winter, people go through "cold and flu season," which is when the Sun is low in the sky and we get less Vitamin D production. Perhaps this is the body's trigger to detox from all the junk food and external bombardment of radiation and electromagnetic frequencies that we all deal with in the modern world.
In October 2019, just before the 2019-2020 cold and flu season (Nothern Hemisphere), thousands of satellites were launched into low orbit of the Earth for the new 5G tech, and these satellites emit microwave radiation at ... YOU ... and me and all the rest of us.
Is it possible that people with poor health to begin with (malnutrition, obesity, older people with a lifetime of poor health choices, etc.) might be more suseptible to this new radiation beamed down at all of us?
Go to the dentist, and they put a lead vest on you and leave the room when they shoot radiation microwaves at your mouth to get the X-ray pictures. Do they do that just for fun, or are they trying to avoid physical harm to you and themselves?
What does all this radiation do to us?
Why were Wuhan, China and Northern Italy the first areas of the globe that (a) became fully 5G compliant, and (b) also had the first "cases" of "Covid 19?"
Just a thought.
True all that. My husband specifically was only 54 at the time of strokes. Atherosclerosis and onset of type 2. He is/ was of the group of gear head guys who wanted to stay 19 years old forever. Couldn't wrap his head around fixing his diet and exercise. Add to that stress and blood pressure issues. Add to that Dr's prescribing "as much as you want" viagra, lorazepam, clonidine. All promote clotting.
A 5g tower went up (thx viaero!) Right behind his shop and was turned on not long before it all started going downhill. Reality bites. Here we sit.
We need more people to wake up to the possibility that maybe something we are doing to ourselves is causing harm.
There are no studies on what the 5G radiation does to humans. We should start there.
The Scientific Method is ignored in favor of political and financial pressure.
That needs to change.
These are the types of things that people often omit when they say, "But why did I get sick????"
Well, how would I or anyone else know what kind of junk someone eats or drugs they have taken for a decade or more, which might have contributed to the problem?
That, too. These are the things people "forget" when they complain about health problems.
But they might be the true cause, so they should be openly discussed.
Just like kids with SIDS or autism seem to become unhealthy (or die) shortly after receiving a bombardment of vaccines.
These are things we need to start openly discussing, and pushing for verified, INDEPENDENT research.
In response to the drugs part....that had not been more than a year. His internal med guy verified those made a significant impact
Send this to Dave Navarro, that big cuck.
To be totally fair, my wife suffered from long Covid and she is not vaxxed (very based wife). She eventually handled it after getting treated by a holistic doctor, with intravenous ozone therapy, various supplements to detox from the spike protein etc. I can't imagine how worse it must be for vaxxed people.
One of the (many) evils of COVID-19 and the lock downs is the mass hypochondria induced in the world's population.
People lovingly and enthusiastically embrace being sick like it's a badge of honor. And, of course, the powers that be encourage it because it supports their narrative.
It's so much easier to take over and control a population if they are willing participants in their own enslavement.
The biggest ailment - which will definitely need addressing - is the mental manipulation of the weak/woke hive mind. When and how we approach that will determine how rocky our path to freedom becomes.