They have been indoctrinated by their teachers and professors who were indoctrinated by their teachers and professors. Drip by drip, drob by drop, we have allowed, accepted and normalized these behaviors.
"All by design" doesn't answer my question. I am looking for solutions. What is read here is shared to inside sources. We are the news. Let's use our heads. This is what GAW is designed for.
Most likely it is a result of school districts afraid of law suits when hiring such individuals and refuse to do an extensive background check.
I have seen complaints that the teaching profession in the public school system is not coveted by graduates which is why most leave the profession or move over to private school teaching.
So as a result to fill the vacuum the public school systems are lowering the standards they have for teachers. Similar to the systematic destruction of lowering standards for law enforcement and the medical field.
The standards for teachers need to rise once more and become a coveted professional field by reforming the public school system. Increasing salaries isn't going to solve the multiple issues that plague the public school system.
The public school curriculum across many States in the America need to be reformed to return to solid basics. Fundamentals like understanding basic math, ratios, percentages, rates and basic trig/geometry. Civics needs to make a big come back along with home education on controlling spending, saving, preparing cost effective meals, etc.
School resource officers should always be on every school in the nation that are well trained as well as school staff that are well trained and armed.
It was not long ago where you couldn't just walk into a public school freely from the street. You had to walk through the administration office and gate to access the school and there was two school resource officers assigned to the school.
But all these basics that the public school system had were stripped away on purpose.
For too long schools have taught students what to think when they should be teaching them how to think. Logic must be required in the rethinking of education.
What are you talking about? It’s by design because the cabal ensured it. Like DUH! “By design” is a known term that refers to Soros / Rothschilds / Lucifer paying for and creating this mess to destroy the United States from within.
UPDATE: The teacher in question was removed on Thursday, April 13. --- Winning!
Extremely happy to hear basic common sense won.
Jesus I live in hernando county and just heard about this now. This school is 2 minutes away from my house.
That bitch may realiate need armed security at that school
Immediately, take your kids out of school. Then gather signatures of fellow children mom's and dads to file a lawsuit.
Who are these freaky teachers?!?
They have been indoctrinated by their teachers and professors who were indoctrinated by their teachers and professors. Drip by drip, drob by drop, we have allowed, accepted and normalized these behaviors.
And how did they get there. Let's hold the hiring people responsible.
All by design.
"All by design" doesn't answer my question. I am looking for solutions. What is read here is shared to inside sources. We are the news. Let's use our heads. This is what GAW is designed for.
Most likely it is a result of school districts afraid of law suits when hiring such individuals and refuse to do an extensive background check.
I have seen complaints that the teaching profession in the public school system is not coveted by graduates which is why most leave the profession or move over to private school teaching.
So as a result to fill the vacuum the public school systems are lowering the standards they have for teachers. Similar to the systematic destruction of lowering standards for law enforcement and the medical field.
The standards for teachers need to rise once more and become a coveted professional field by reforming the public school system. Increasing salaries isn't going to solve the multiple issues that plague the public school system.
The public school curriculum across many States in the America need to be reformed to return to solid basics. Fundamentals like understanding basic math, ratios, percentages, rates and basic trig/geometry. Civics needs to make a big come back along with home education on controlling spending, saving, preparing cost effective meals, etc.
School resource officers should always be on every school in the nation that are well trained as well as school staff that are well trained and armed.
It was not long ago where you couldn't just walk into a public school freely from the street. You had to walk through the administration office and gate to access the school and there was two school resource officers assigned to the school.
But all these basics that the public school system had were stripped away on purpose.
For too long schools have taught students what to think when they should be teaching them how to think. Logic must be required in the rethinking of education.
What are you talking about? It’s by design because the cabal ensured it. Like DUH! “By design” is a known term that refers to Soros / Rothschilds / Lucifer paying for and creating this mess to destroy the United States from within.
As for solutions, pray!
The Truth coming to Haunt us is That those that can't do teach. Liberal C- student in Collage, you can Teach...
Even when I was in School in the 60s-70's most teachers were bad. Now they just added in Psycho Perverts to the mix.
The wife is a teacher at the same school, and identifies as a mermaid. The brother is the school cop.
Is it just me...or do all these people seem TOO happy (overjoyed even) about the attention they are getting?
They don’t even know how sick they appear in most people’s eyes. They can never normalize their perversion
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