Justice Department Announces Arrests in National Security Matter - LIVE Coverage (Press Conference)
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Now do US Government’s illegal policing/disinformation/stifling of free speech against US “dissidents”
Hmmm… so they used this secret “police station” to help track ONE person. They are a threat to National sovereigny, spreading misinformation, sharing conspiracies that the US had something to do with covid origin, looks like beginnings of the Restrict Act.
And they mentioned covid:) also thought it was funny how he said chyna...similar to DJT, who 'warned' us about Chyna.
I assume they've done alot more. This one was probably the one they have the most evidence for to provide the basis for charges.
Now do the Muslims that have sharia police in their neighborhoods
Brian Cates on TS:
Very interesting that the briefer keeps saying to the PRC 'we are onto you.'
PRC, not CCP.
That is weird
They have a plethora of cases to roll out when needed. Optics.
Stickied for interesting positive DOJ arrests. Hmmm, where is Garland?
Seems like the intent is going to be the Restrict Act
Agreed. I can see this event used for that policy angle.
👉Just Human ️️️👈 Over the past year or so, the EDNY has really been putting in the work to combat CCP espionage, policing, and other criminal activity.
For example,
From October 20th, 2022
'Six Individuals Charged with Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People's Republic of China' https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/six-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-illegal-agents-peoples-republic-china-0
From October 24, 2022
'Two Chinese Intelligence Officers Charged with Obstruction of Justice in Scheme to Bribe U.S. Government Employee and Steal Documents Related to the Federal Prosecution of a PRC-Based Company' https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/two-chinese-intelligence-officers-charged-obstruction-justice-scheme-bribe-us
Also from October 24, 2022
'Two Arrested and 13 Charged in Three Separate Cases for Alleged Participation in Malign Schemes in the United States on Behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China' https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-arrested-and-13-charged-three-separate-cases-alleged-participation-malign-schemes-united
And from today
'Two Arrested for Operating Illegal Overseas Police Station of the Chinese Government' https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-arrested-operating-illegal-overseas-police-station-chinese-government
'40 Officers of China’s National Police Charged in Transnational Repression Schemes Targeting U.S. Residents' https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/40-officers-china-s-national-police-charged-transnational-repression-schemes-targeting-us
The Fake News Media, particularly on the Right, barely gives mention to this work, but it continues regardless.
Sounds like they're going after the PRC's secret police in New York.
big if true... hope they arrest Bragg.
Didn't see that coming.
interesting, is this the beginning of deepstate arrests? i mean, this is quite the rabit hole is it not?
Surprised no one has mentioned this is just some FBI damage control. Trying to rebrand the image of the FBI as actually investigating things that aren't parents and patriots. We all know this has been out since last year I think. Totally trying to save face.
Why did it take so long?
Right!! Well duuuhhhh this has been reported on for several years now. And ya know it’s not the only “China” operated police station in the US.
Looks to me as a response to the Chinese releasing bank records of slow Joe. They would shut them all down if they were serious3.
I imagine that made the left mad... could that be part of what Putin and Xi agreed to???
PRC and CCP, where/who are the possible white hat Chinese?
So it's China, China, China and not Russia Russia Russia? Who knew?
interesting this drops, on the same day https://open.ink/konnech gets posted
I thought for sure this would have been broadcast on the major networks. Is this not a story the lefties want to advertise ... Until it's been properly spun?