Wow! Barbarian At The Gates from American Thinker is a fantastic article! Thank you Anon u/beemerchik1807. So is it time we become “barbarians” ourselves is mine and maybe other’s question to this. Here are a few pointed pieces that really summarized the main pieces of the article, linked from GAW here:
“With dissent silenced, the unchallenged Uniparty message has infested every crevice of society, including, most ominously, the very soul of the nation.”
“The new ideology’s revisionism is a direct assault on American exceptionalism. After millennia of human slavery affecting all races, the men who built a country on the principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” who did more to advance freedom than any who had come before, and who sacrificed their sons and treasure to end slavery forever, are now poisoned by the original sin of having been born into a world that doesn’t meet the approval of its ungrateful 21st-century descendants, who have no conception that their own freedom was purchased with the blood of those they condemn.”
“Today, barbarians are not just at the gate, they have breached the barricades. They are coming for your children, your religion, your guns, and especially your soul. It is no longer enough merely to comply; you must repent, you must believe, and you must swear your allegiance.”
Who is to save us? Who is our LeMay, our Patton? A man so coarse and vulgar no civilized man would dare associate with him—if not for desperation—but who knows how to “rip the goddamn living guts out” of the woke ideologues and dismantle the Deep State? Forget whatever you may have thought before, because today, Trump is our Patton and our last chance. If it is still possible to save the country from the fate of Constantinople or Rome, it’s not going to be by some upstanding gentleman from Queensbury but from an insolent pugilist from Queens.
So is it time we become “barbarians” ourselves is my question to this. The Article names Trump as our Patton. But we’ve also been told to remain lawful and peaceful. Must we? The answer is yes unless we have no further choice.
Many rush to enact our 2A and Bill of Rights and overthrow the government. But those options Anons are thee final options. And I mean final! We aren’t there yet.
Because we are Awake and here on 4/8chan, GAW, Telegram, Truth, or some other Anon/Patriot forum, and many for years, we are impatient and seemingly at our wits end. But Trump wants us to awaken the way our founding fathers expected us to do first. By using the rule of law, “the pen is mightier than the sword”, first before actually drawing the sword, or gun.
What we as Americans haven’t done well so far is really get organized, much like BLM and ANTIFA have done for several years. Yes they are Soros/WEF backed or paid, and online organized. But the whole true point of Patriots.Win, Telegram, Truth, and more public forums was to create those strings of organization. From city through county, through State, through country, and let’s not forget after, the world, we MUST organize NOW!
And you may study how ANTIFA and BLM organize for the long run linked below this, being outside their quick Facebook, Twitter, or other hidden message protest/riot organization systems.
But of course it is too late for long term prepping and organization. Again, we Anons and Patriots world wide Must coherently short-term organize ASAP. And is this happening, yes on a very small scale. Q, X22Report, Trump, “Truthers”, Telegram, and Truth Social have Awakened some to organize locally and in certain States. Again needing to be every city, every County, every State, and as many Americans that agree America is on the wrong path. But what hasn’t happened since Jan 6th of 2021 due to fear, is those thousands or millions of Patriots just suddenly showing up to protest and bring their County, or State Capital to a grinding halt for peaceful protests. We have yet to do that much at all, while ANTIFA, or BLM can snap their fingers in nearly any “roll-over friendly” State or Country for that matter, protest, riot, and well organized on a massive scale.
Here on GAW we are the world-wide Digital Soldier civilian Intel/Info/logistics deciphering unit. We do what we do to inform/educate those Anons that should then move the knowledge outside our forum to others who WILL then spread that knowledge. And if we can, we need to increase our outreach fast. We don’t need to become violent Barbarians. We can simply become more voracious with our info digs State by State and Country by Country to help unite people. And somehow further encourage them to unite.
My first idea right now is to maybe start making an info thread/list of State by State, Country by Country of the Patriot Organizations for people to contact. Just a listing. Sure the Glowies and Shills are going to see it too, but it’s already public knowledge on a small scale. And I’m sure these groups are already used to BS harassment. So we can just GAW compartmentalize/list the info here. I can cut and paste a call list together, keep record of it, and update and put it back up every few days or by the week. This way we can use all our Social Media abilities to tie the Anons and Patriots together. A GAW assisted push if you will.
So let me know what you think Anons, and we can maybe go from here. Thank you and God bless you all, for Where We Go One We Go All, together.
I'm seeking to find Christian leaders here(that belong to a solid church) that can help with Prayer Garden. Don't wanna say to much just yet. God has put something's on my heart. Just gonna leave this here. If u feel led please reach out. Please pray on it. Love u all
I would also add to not sell yourself short if u don't believe u are a leader. It's not all about biblical knowledge. A willingness to serve with boldness goes a long way.. Jesus came to fisherman as well. Love u all
Christian here part of a solid church in which I’m pretty involved in. Never miss a opportunity to serve. Not sure what I can do but I can try. I’m curious what the Holy Spirit is giving you.
Hmmm. Maybe if there’s a discord set up where we can talk a little more with a bit more direct communication for ideas back and forth. I’ll join that other board. My Church has only had its own building for a year. Just crossed that mark. While being a young church the revival is strong with it being just even the community it has access to. God put me there and I was pulled right in for the mission. Trying to save and make soldiers for the battle that’s happening right now. And listening to God for this has us ministering to a recent new high of over 1000 people in a single Sunday. There is more thought about what you have with your plan. I like it. It’s funny, it’s hard to open people’s eyes to what the world is but God can do that instead because the ultimate battle is past just the deep state/ruling heads. The people in power have their beliefs and they most definitely aren’t what ours is. I backed out of deep anon work, I’ll leave that to the professionals there. I just decided to throw my sword for the spiritual side of the battle and get warriors from that side. We will need both. I’d like to talk more but don’t want to congest a post being off topic.
I absolutely love where your church is at. Truly there are many churches that feel the desire for revival. We just need to connect anons with the churches because in the end God needs to get the glory. His churches need to play a part. Right now they don't. I'm just being the voice to get people to see this
Haven't completely shared this idea with my team over there yet. Mainly just building a close group. I know they will take part once the idea takes off. Feel free to Join us over there would love to talk more in near future. Feel free to join and say hello. It's a good group over there so far. We have been chatting for almost 2 years. Kinda playing around with the whole digital community idea.
With all the events of the last 3 years, and even the way that the Cabal behaved from the time Trump took that escalator ride to announce his candidacy, people should have recognized these happenings and start making preparations.
They are far too distracted by Netflix, sportsball, drinking, glutton, and purposely hiding from reality.
Many of my close friends & coworkers have distanced themselves from me because you and I "recognized these happenings" long ago.
Ugg I feel you. But I have nothing much to lose. So if you have organization info, burden me with it. I’m prepped to take the brunt. But people world wide need to know they have a network and can “link up” if needed.
Brent, if you want us to start organizing locally, why don’t you just let us organize ourselves anonymously by state?
Giving me a Patriots organizations info by State doesn’t breach any anon. Especially if you PM me. But you can withhold the info if you so choose. I’ll find it at some point as I surf the interwebs State by State digging for Patriot organizations. No worries Anon and God bless.
Honestly I’m just kind of having trouble following what you’re trying to accomplish. Feel like I need to read your main post again.
Put both my main post, and my response at the lead of all responses. Maybe click on the Slingshot links in my lead response to get an idea. But I just want info on organizations that already have a public website and/or contact email. Not physical addresses, direct people, or phone numbers… unless the organization itself provides one (and are used to filtering out the riff-raff DemoLibs).
I feel ya. Same here
"It's too much for me to deal with right now, tomorrow I have another unfulfilling day of wage-slave misery. I'd rather just feed my dopamine addictions and stare into the black mirror until I pass out."
A steep precipice is the only thing that will shake these people. And boy, will they be shook.
Okay so here is how this works so no one has to break their Anonymous or feel they’ll be “pointed out”. Below your name tag you should have a little “left arrow”. If you have a Patriot organization website, email, or contact, you click that arrow and direct message me. Or go to the Mod list, click my name and message me the info. That way no one knows anything but myself and fellow Mods. And then I will compile thee entire list. With no one’s tag attached of course. Then I will periodically put it out here, or if asked, and connect it on Truth.
No one, no one has done this yet, and darn it I have the damn time. And I’m not scared of Glowies or lefty’s at all.
Donald J Trump said during his inauguration, “What imprint will you leave in the sands of history? What will future Americans say we did in our brief time, right here on Earth?”
Well Anons, I’ve decided someone somewhere in the future will say, “Hey that GAW Mod Brent75 simply made a list, allowing for thee entire world of Patriots to organize with each other outside of just texting on Truth or Telegram, or GAW”. And ya know what? I think that’ll be a good historical imprint to leave life with.
So send me info that you come across. World Wide information Anons! If I can compile a nice list like BLM and ANTIFA have on, then I’m going to F-ing do it! #WWG1WGA.
Here is what BLM’s looks like:
Main Country Menu:
Multi-States Menu:
California Listings:
Great stuff friend. I'm not really sure what info to add for prayer Garden. Will u just add my name and username name
Ryan Slechta username: Slechta5614 Prayer Garden
I'm all in on this idea friend and willing to put myself out there however needed
Here is my podcast if anyone wants to come on
This is first episode of my testimony
I will add it into the list using your Podcast. That way you can delete idiots messaging you on there. And you’ll just be a link. You don’t need to broadcast this part yourself. I’m going to take the brunt of what ever they decide to bring.
Luckily I didn’t attend Jan 6th or any such event. So the Cabal attempting at throwing me in some random Gulag isn’t going to work for them with me haha.
Ok well I'm gonna be standing behind u as a Prayer warrior. Let me know if u need ANYTHING at all. I am here to serve. Thanks for stepping up and leading the way fren. Love u
Thank you and God bless you too.
Brent75 is moving in the right direction.
I know I'm slow, where is my name tag? I see the name I am signed in as but is that is not a name tag right? And I see no Left Arrow anywhere.
P.S. I ain't afraid of glowies either. That will be the day when I am afraid to take up my inheritance that was bought by the blood of my countrymen.
All the way over to the right you should have a little arrow pointing left. If not, you can go to the 2nd page of the Moderators and direct message me by clicking on my nametag.
I've had an idea for a long time. I have yet to sit down and think it through. The idea is based on the following:
What if we could organize these small papers and the editors to speak with one voice. What if we revived the concept of the "Committees of Correspondence."
"Adams seized the opportunity to found committees of correspondence throughout the colony, so set as to link all of Massachusetts into a "phalanx" against Britain."
Phalanx!! That is a good word.
Back when the revolutionists started resting British tyranny, the colonies, indeed not even the whole of individual colonies were united in purpose. So what if the British are burning your towns, and blockading your ports, that does not affect the security of the people here was the dominate thinking at the time.
Samuel Adams letters and the Committees of Correspondence formed the unified message that an attack on one, was a attack on all. I unified message formed a unified resistance. I think that by uniting all small town community/county papers the same might be accomplished.
Update: I just did some searching, and was very surprised to discover that I am not the only one thinking like this. I have no idea if this effort is using the power of small town papers/journals to magnify a message, but perhaps I will join and see.
Please do join and reach out to me when u figure out what's up. Love this idea btw great thinking
I will and will update.
Well, nothing wrong with you coordinating that. Just like my task that’s a massive one in itself, but worthy to try.
Did you join?
Not yet. I am like a bottle rocket, and only burn strong for a very shot while. One time I picked up the Evelyn Wood book on Speed Reading and by the time I got through the Table of Contents I was reading about as fast as I could stand.
What came to mind when reading this thread is the group that overwhelmed a disgusting tranny story hour at the local library. Patriots took all the seats in the room, and successfully kept out the little children drug there by their woke, idiotic mothers.
This is how it's done.
On that topic of dissent and protest... exercising our 1st Amendment rights....
Now see even though I have an idea, I agree with a lot of this except: a list. Now, here in California, thee worst blue State, our Patriot people have .org web sites, and filter BS and shills through their email. All I would be doing is have a contact email list. Heck ANTIFA openly lists their businesses, and direct phone numbers! Guess what NO Patriots have done with that info……. Anything. Not a thing. So it’s not like we are compiling phone numbers and addresses. We are compiling a Patriot contact email that these people already filter BS through. We are just putting it all together, world wide. We don’t even have to make a thread. Each Anon can direct message me with info. I guess I’m just wanting to take the personal step and do this. But I felt us Anons would be the best of the best to compile it quickly.
I love your idea sign me up. My name is Ryan and I'm here to serve however I can. God WINS
It is apparent to me that patriots do not illegally target the enemy and it's footsoldiers... however, it is also apparent to me that the enemy and it's footsoldiers do exactly that. I do not see the benefit of said lists.
If Trump didn’t want us to follow the rule of law, most of those businesses listed in any red State would burn or be put out of business. For our compiled list, we aren’t listing businesses. We are listing area Patriot organizations contact email. It’s kinda hard to just go burn or attack an e-mail or website. It’s not like it’s a physical building or something.
That first sentence is the reason the average normal person finds him so worrisome. Reflect on that and a lot more makes sense.
Me or the article writer?
I'm saying that I agree with your first sentence.
"If Trump didn’t want us to follow the rule of law, most of those businesses listed in any red State would burn or be put out of business".
And, that you've identified with what many of his detractors believe. The difference being that they aren't awake. And that fact alone is something keeping them from engaging with his plan. I think about it and find it fascinating as a sociological phenomenon I guess is why I said to think on it. Wasn't some condescending dismissal, if it sounded that way.
No no Anon you’re all good. Just wanted to clarify. Sometimes I’m not sure who’s talking to whom. So I just wanted to clarify so if I need to respond.
Janet here. No group, but willing to...whatever is needed. List in NC Piedmont, would be helpful. TY and God Bless us ALL!
Okay cool. Thank you. Have you done a search in your State for any local Patriot organizations? You don’t have to be affiliated with them I’m just gathering the info to add into a Sharable Office word sheet.
That part about engagement in civic life is a huge problem for a ton of people. That's why they are on the internet day and night loading up on grievances and resentment. If there was a lot of civic engagement, there wouldn't be so many grievances and there wouldn't be a gaw.
I agree there should be civic engagement btw.
I agree that we must not be sucked into competing with Damntifa on there battlefield which is exact what they want.
(This space intentionally left blank) - That means my ego typed up a paragraph that is best left unsaid, and deleted it.
hahahahahah. Do that ALL the time, between ego and mouth, I don't stand a chance !!
I bought a legit battleaxe last week with two large axe heads. Does that count? It's almost too dangerous to swing with the blade covers off.
Hahaha! Nice!
Sticky up 1 more time today to see if any want to contribute any Patriot group, coalition, or website Nation or World Wide. Thank you.
I have some friends and we still use an oldskool irc chat. You can encrypt it too. Just a thought towards organization. Excellent post.