This is the money. I guess the blue checks have greater significance than is apparent. Breaking people out of the elitist mindset perhaps. No more masters and slaves.
I’m thinking just now... maybe all/most of the blue checks have finances locked or they are locked up... or something. So even if they were willing to pay the $8, they still can’t be verified.
Was it a rigorous process to get "twitter verified" in the past? I never really understood it. Like I get if you saw Robert Downey Jr (or any celeb) w a blue checkmark it means Twitter verified this is their real account, but did they physically send someone to meet and verify? Require a snapshot of photo ID to be emailed?
It's probably to make a fresh start of people on Twitter so all the criminals/elite can't say..oh, that person wasn't me who said such and such. ..or my account has had a blue check mark for years (and maybe the person posting wasn't really them).
I think it's basically like almost RE-registering.
Kinda like what we need to with the voter rolls. REMOVE EVERYONE AND HAVE EVERYONE REGISTER AGAIN. This should clean up all the duplicates, etc from ERIC and such.
Does anyone know what the terms that go along with paying $8 to get your verification? Are you verifying that whoever is posting is actually the account holder? Do these people not want to verify because the twitter accounts are run by think tanks?
Get ready boys if you think shit was dark before, wait until they try to starve us to death for climate change. Elon is smart, but he doesn't know the control they have.
Blue Check ---- Check Mate?
Blue Checks are all in Gitmo or Hell and cannot verify?
Check Mate in the sense that now the liars can be not-so-shadowy banned?
Probably this, my fren. The blue check chronicles have been fascinating
Not sure, it's a great question!
This is the money. I guess the blue checks have greater significance than is apparent. Breaking people out of the elitist mindset perhaps. No more masters and slaves.
I’m thinking just now... maybe all/most of the blue checks have finances locked or they are locked up... or something. So even if they were willing to pay the $8, they still can’t be verified.
Hmm, wasn't there something about "symbolism will be their downfall"?
Hmmm... Could be!! I know there is way more than just the$8.... Can't quite put my finger on it....
Totally possible! There's something for sure... It's not just the $8
My theory too. They can't verify. .
Was it a rigorous process to get "twitter verified" in the past? I never really understood it. Like I get if you saw Robert Downey Jr (or any celeb) w a blue checkmark it means Twitter verified this is their real account, but did they physically send someone to meet and verify? Require a snapshot of photo ID to be emailed?
No, old twatter just verified their puppets and others who were politically aligned and those who paid the big bucks.
Ahhhh, yes!
Elon is paying for 4 blue checkmarks, lol. Himself, Shatner, LeBron, and Stephen King 🤣
It's the legacy blue checks that are all gone as of 4/20 - just look at bette midler, she is blowing a gasket over this
Damn. Must have been a heinous wreck
Been a long time since I've read anything that made my butt cringe, I'm praying for you retroactively (time doesn't matter to God).
Dont want to see it butt I believe you would be under estimating the looks of you wrecked ass....
LeBron and King are evil. Why has he singled them out??
I was wondering the same thing. And Shatner is William Shatner? I see him every day on local TV hawking an ambulance-chasing law firm.
I think he's conservative but I could be wrong. But the other two. Comms??
My guess is he is Trølling them. My guess is as good as anyones
Negro and mentally ill communist he has met his quota....
Remember Shatner went on that blue origin ride w Bezos and then did an interview talking about mass genocide?
The coming catastrophic event. Direct yt link
I think most of those mentioned should be skid marks....
Cool beans.
It's probably to make a fresh start of people on Twitter so all the criminals/elite can't say..oh, that person wasn't me who said such and such. ..or my account has had a blue check mark for years (and maybe the person posting wasn't really them).
I think it's basically like almost RE-registering.
Kinda like what we need to with the voter rolls. REMOVE EVERYONE AND HAVE EVERYONE REGISTER AGAIN. This should clean up all the duplicates, etc from ERIC and such.
Checkmate is one word. Surely this was not accidental.
Agreed, Q always spelled it as one word
Interesting. Any significant deltas?
OK... so I checked 3:18 PM deltas and take a look at this:
Good find. Beware of false flags this week.
And EM just changed his "location" to Trøllheim moments ago 🤣
No deltas that I found. Q always spelled checkmate
Does anyone know what the terms that go along with paying $8 to get your verification? Are you verifying that whoever is posting is actually the account holder? Do these people not want to verify because the twitter accounts are run by think tanks?
Musk describes it in detail in the Tucker interview from a week ago. Worth checking out
Basically guarantees that every account has a credit card and phone # attached, increases cost of mass bot farms
So Tom Hanks who hasn't been active since 2020 somehow still has a checkmark?
Corporate advertisers can no longer use their advertising money to strong-arm the platform into silencing dissent.
Level playing field
Blue checks may be in the wind, and fear paying because it might leave a trail to their location.
Notice how much has happened since this check mate? Banks collapsing, Tucker freed from FOX, AG's going after big pharma...
So true! So much habbenings!
Trump got a blue check, mate!
Good play on words
Get ready boys if you think shit was dark before, wait until they try to starve us to death for climate change. Elon is smart, but he doesn't know the control they have.
Elon or whomever is playing him is one of us. He’s posted enough hints and frogs.
Only people of culture can see it --- EM lol
Standalone post. Might have double meanings
Could be the world chess championship with Nepo and Ding going on right now. But it's more likely comms.
Like check the mate?