US and Russian deep states likely to be taken down in June black swan event
๐ Fall Cabal! Fall! ๐
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With all due respect, this article is Benjamin Fulford. ...How long have yall anons known about Benjamin Fulford? Because I had my short lived ride with him back in 2015.
In my experience, Fulford is well-researched in the field of Deep State/Cabal/New World Order history and current-event-chicanery... BUT Ben Fulford is also always claiming some secret insider knowledge, and he's chock-full of anonymous sources who are constantly making predictions and promises that never pan out.
To guage how accurate Benjamin Fulford's predictions are, simply scroll back to some of his older posts on his site.
As a basic example, here's a 2010 article titled "Illuminati Rule to end this year maybe even this Week"
I am by no means here to bash OP, I just already had my bad experiences hitching wagons with this particular grifter and I don't want to see my fellow anons on GAW have to go down that road and find out for themselves the hard way. Go ahead and read him for info, just ingest major grams of salt while doing so.
Now, all that being said...I too am expecting plenty of major events this summer, I just don't think we'll be able to say things like "Yeah, we took out the Deep State last June, glad that's done with" I think we are watching an operation that is going to last years...
When I post these links I usually refer to him as "Ben Full-of-it".
Ben Fulford complete report 17-4-23:
In German with videos:
thanks for the heads up fren
I think anyone who says the DS will be dismantled anytime soon is at best, ill informed. The DS was built and maintained over centuries. They have many backups, black sites, offshore accounts, etc. It will take decades to root them out. I may not live to see it, but I hope that my grandchildren will one day live in a world free of the deep states and the cabal. I will gladly lay down my life as a meme warrior to make this happen.
Thatโs why Q plan is 8 years.
I don't think Q ever said it would all be finished in 8 years, I think that's just their general window of time. If it was less than 80 years, I would be surprised.
I hear you in that Rome wasn't built in a day but, you know, it did fall in a day: August 27, 410, BC. Actually it was a 3 day sack but still, things can fall quick. (If all fiat is rendered useless all those backups won't help)
IDK of course, I just know anything is always possible. Thank you for your honor. I also feel this is all for the future of humanity
Their backups aren't just in fiat currency. Lots of Spanish silver, Nazi gold, etc. They've positioned themselves so that if there is a societal collapse, while not ideal, they would still end up on top. But chaos increases risk, so they prefer the slow and steady method, which makes sense if you're able to live beyond 150 years. They think in terms of the long game and so should we.
I imagine in the future, our grandchildren will study out posts in school and trade NFTs about us, like Baseball cards or Pokemon.
It already has lasted years.
I did a quick count and Fulford has more than 50 "ENDING SOON" style articles from the last decade.
50, so far.
It is ended already, now just replay of what happened so public can see. Otherwise what is the point of double. Unless u believe Biden is the real Biden.
I agree. We are in an operation that is ongoing. What has changed is the speed at which things are happening and the Tucker Carlson out at FOX and Don Lemmon out at CNN marks a switching of gears of the deep state. They are removing the far left/right from MSM and bringing everything to the middle. Why would they do this one might ask? I think we are entering a new stage where the left and right "agree" on TV so it appears everything is fine, meanwhile they will stage violence and attacks and blame the right. They will say Tucker (or whomever) is calling for violence and blaming the right so they can shut places like this down and even move to detain or arrest people on the right.
This is the beginning of the purge.
As for Fulford, he has good info but is no insider. He knows what we know and regurgitates it for followers.
What? How can anyone be skeptical of a guy with connections to dragon families and M15 choosing to make bitchute videos in a kimono?