California panel approves reparations proposal for black residents
California's reparations task force has approved recommendations which could give black residents $1.2million each for slavery and discrimination but activists have demanded $200million.
What makes me mad about this then they expect the red states to bail them out with money for other bullshit projects, then they funnel the money for this shit.
I wonder if black people are aware that the people who pulling all the strings on this propaganda are actually the ones who have been plotting to keep them down all these years? The overwhelming majority of white people have no animosity for [decent] black people, but the elitists at the top don't like anyone but themselves. The pendulum will swing back the other way, and when it does, it will swing hard.
They still vote Democrat so I'm going to assume, no.
Odious Debt.
Just vote for us democrats you black people. You will be rich beyond your wildest dreams. Trust us......
Thanks for the link. Definitely based.
Bankrupt a bankrupt state for them just to come back to the teat of the US gov’t and beg for more and just wait for them to export this chaos. Illinois, NY, Pennsylvania
It's going to be hilarious to see them fight over how much and when they get paid, the dollar will crash. Their million dollars will buy 3 loaves of bread.😂
This means dollar is going to zero. No way are they going to let black people be rich. They'll probably enjoy their wealth for a week, creating division between those that got reparations and those that didn't. Internal fighting good for the elite, then dollar goes to zero.
They were saying as slave descendent they were awarded 40 acres which is supposedly value at $200million. But they got $1.2million instead.
But it won’t be much as there are requirements unless deep states fake identities… otherwise I won’t be that man still alive, especially after pandemic.
In total, from these and other payments included in the plan, a Black Californian who is 71 years old and has lived in California his entire life could receive up to $1.2 million.
For instance, Black residents affected by redlining by banks would receive $3,366 for each year they lived in California from the early 1930s to the late 1970s, amounting to up to $148,099.
Similarly, Black residents could receive roughly $2,352 in compensation for over-policing and mass incarceration for each year they lived in California between 1970 and 2020. Those payments could amount to $115,260.
Thought I read that the Governor said the state was in debt and broke, so good luck getting a penny.
Monday 8 May:
California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense
Where are they going to get the money to pay for this none sense.
You, me.