Lol I think you are right. I just didn't see Jamie mentioned. But that is a Chinese business man laundering money through celebrities to Obamy. Chances are, it's the same guy.
After that rap concert where all the kids were vaxxed and they entered through the giant mouth, they reported that the crowd got worked into a crushing frenzy. No doubt that was a trial run.
Considering some of the replies, I have mixed feelings.
If he or his team is faking this by using a pic from a movie, then it's a pity to get ratted out. Or is it to send a message?
And why not use a new hospital scene?
Maybe the pic is unrelated.
At any rate, seems the walls MAY be closing in on the 2008-2016 criminal cartel that used the White House as its base of operations; then cheated and overthrew our elected government in 2020 to avoid getting caught.
Upon further review the only connection with Pras Michele trial (Low) and Jamie Foxx was his pay for an event coming from china/malay monies.
"DiCaprio testified in the case for his ties to Low, the alleged perpetrator of the scandal, who was also charged in the United States, but became an international fugitive when Michel went to trial. The Malaysian financier, who helped oversee 1MDB, used the fund to pay for an extravagant, celebrity-centered lifestyle. He is alleged to have directed billions to properties in Beverly Hills and Manhattan, a superyacht, a private jet, and many other ostentatious purchases. The fund paid for a birthday party for Low where guest artists included Jamie Foxx, Chris Brown, Ludacris, Busta Ryhmes, and Pharrell Williams. Britney Spears came out of a cake."
Can't find anything on that case, but here is a similar one:
I think it may be the same case.
Lol I think you are right. I just didn't see Jamie mentioned. But that is a Chinese business man laundering money through celebrities to Obamy. Chances are, it's the same guy.
Hospitalized before he gave testimony? How convenient!
Coincidences can be fatal - Joan rivers ghost
If all the dead could talk, Hilary would be hung!
it's a shame because he did save that person from a burning car that time. not many "celebrities" do that sort of thing anymore.
I wonder if he was helped along. If someone is vaxxed, maybe a little shove will push them into a clotting event.
I had the same thought.
Who doesn’t have a unique 5G receiver in their pocket
Ha! Did you read my post from last year?
After that rap concert where all the kids were vaxxed and they entered through the giant mouth, they reported that the crowd got worked into a crushing frenzy. No doubt that was a trial run.
🙋♀️Flip phone in 4G here.
I think he's testifying and the hospital stroke story is cover for his absence.
Like how Lori Laughlin went to "jail" for her daughter's college entrance shenanigans before Bob Sager and Gilbert Gottfried died.
That would be fantastic. People seem to like him quite a bit.
Deep State hit job?
Or the whole thing is being faked to avoid a Deep State hit job.
Well, well. Is this the same jamie Fox who declared that shooting as many white people as possible was a lot of fun?
As an aside, love the twitter community notes on this! Tineye all the things!
Considering some of the replies, I have mixed feelings.
If he or his team is faking this by using a pic from a movie, then it's a pity to get ratted out. Or is it to send a message?
And why not use a new hospital scene?
Maybe the pic is unrelated.
At any rate, seems the walls MAY be closing in on the 2008-2016 criminal cartel that used the White House as its base of operations; then cheated and overthrew our elected government in 2020 to avoid getting caught.
What a coincidence! <eyeroll>
Is he even still alive?
He has been dead for a long time. Hollyweird is full of vampires.
JustHuman has covered the Pras Michele trial in several videos here is one of them.
Upon further review the only connection with Pras Michele trial (Low) and Jamie Foxx was his pay for an event coming from china/malay monies.
"DiCaprio testified in the case for his ties to Low, the alleged perpetrator of the scandal, who was also charged in the United States, but became an international fugitive when Michel went to trial. The Malaysian financier, who helped oversee 1MDB, used the fund to pay for an extravagant, celebrity-centered lifestyle. He is alleged to have directed billions to properties in Beverly Hills and Manhattan, a superyacht, a private jet, and many other ostentatious purchases. The fund paid for a birthday party for Low where guest artists included Jamie Foxx, Chris Brown, Ludacris, Busta Ryhmes, and Pharrell Williams. Britney Spears came out of a cake."
Read a few weeks ago that Foxx od'd but it could be an almost "died suddenly" except he's in with the Big Guy so I don't know if he got a real vaxx.
I wonder if Killary or one of her deep state pals paid him a visit recently?